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who is a VAMPIRE

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posted on Mar, 10 2005 @ 09:52 PM
Well as proof of absense cannot be given except by exhausting every single possibility, please share any proof you may have as to the existence of vampires. Otherwise, my statement stands and your statement should read "I believe in vampires."

posted on Mar, 10 2005 @ 11:54 PM
i have heard that thing about satanic vampires before, they are supposed to be like those who are possed the body is just dead.
a thought for all to think on and answer why were vampire like creatures reported all over the world when there was no way of comunication? soea anyonw know why?

posted on Mar, 11 2005 @ 02:10 AM
YOU! the one who started the thread to get points on our posts

posted on Mar, 11 2005 @ 04:57 AM

TextVampires are real. Just very rare and one type is given as a satanic reward. I never seen one but I gathered a little information. There was this one guy on this site that stated that he is a vampire. He said he think it was a curse. He said he beat his wife and bites her neck so forth and so on. Vampires mostly don't dwell in this realm to live as we do but they do cross over. Don't expect your everday Joe to be a vampire. rare that no ones ever caught one or at least proved they have......some blokes violent to his wife and bites her neck?....ok,ok,ok.....vampire or total lunatic wierdo.....its the second one......he thinks its a curse?......well...thats if you look on mental illness as a curse?....

posted on Mar, 11 2005 @ 01:02 PM

Originally posted by moonbeam13
i have heard that thing about satanic vampires before, they are supposed to be like those who are possed the body is just dead.
a thought for all to think on and answer why were vampire like creatures reported all over the world when there was no way of comunication? soea anyonw know why?

I am not reponding to you other twerps that don't kinow what the hell your talking about. The man asked a simple question and since I happen to be the only one that know please stay away from comments. I'm sure he wants positive and constructive responses instead of pseudo-scientific babble. I rather if you not respond to me. It's interesting that you have heard of satanic vampires before Moonbeam because most people lack the knowledge of this type. I respond to inquiring minds instead of sarcastic questions. To get the simple things out of the way, there is the well known psychic-vampire. This is a person that has been punished in this lifetime because of his deeds in his previous life. Or he has did something along his present life to cause the changes. He is a metaphysical-blackhole, in that he/she is a detrimental force that drains/feeds off of other's energy. They are deadlike people that like high-energy people to sustain them with spiritual energy. Then there is the Satanic type. You was in the ballpark, prompting me to respond. When a person dies and go to hell Devils that find favor in you can grant contracts. A Vampire has been given a 2nd chance at life by a devil but he must feed off of the man that "god" created. I know that it isn't the blood at ALL but the spritual energy and energy of fear released from the person. I am sure of THAT. I used to know more but the information is very very rare. Then their are the other vampires. They live in a parallel dimension. They are a race of "people" unconverted like the ones sent to hell. They cross dimensions into this world and celestial bodies play in their crossing over from time to time. With identity theft(mostly by Mexicans) these beings can certainly easily use identities and it isn't that cryptic. They don't look that monstrous. I'm glad you asked because this issue stays on my mind atleast every week.

posted on Mar, 11 2005 @ 01:32 PM

there is the well known psychic-vampire.... They are deadlike people that like high-energy people to sustain them with spiritual energy.

Sounds like alot of people I know, especially in my line of work. Nothing out of the ordinary there.

Then there is the Satanic type....he must feed off of the man that "god" created. I know that it isn't the blood at ALL but the spritual energy and energy of fear released from the person.

Again, this is nothing abnormal...just sounds like a pretty awful person to be around. Known a few in my life.

Then their are the other vampires. They live in a parallel dimension. They are a race of "people" unconverted like the ones sent to hell. They cross dimensions into this world and celestial bodies play in their crossing over from time to time. With identity theft(mostly by Mexicans) these beings can certainly easily use identities and it isn't that cryptic. They don't look that monstrous.

Well, I can't say I have met any Mexicans with a case of identity theft (credit card theft maybe), but I have played against a very aggressive Mexican soccer team. Didn't look like monsters, but they would kick you in the ribs at will

posted on Mar, 11 2005 @ 01:42 PM
I have heard of vampires for ages, they arent like fairy tale ones though... lol

There are two kinds:
the first is Blood vampires and,
the second is physic Vampires.

They both have something in common which is that they both drain energy from people exept the blood vampire obviously get its from blood. The blood ones normally drink pigs blood and stuff!! havent heard a human bite in hundreds of years.

Some people also, un knowingly, have the abilities of physic vampires. have you ever had someone stare at you for a while and felt really drained? no energy left in you?

You will have to take my word for it, they are real.

Oh and also one more thing they have abilities like their energy runs out slower and their reaction are superb and they also ahve quite abit of trengh as well as being able to see better in the dark than normal humans. Vampires are ALL humans.

posted on Mar, 11 2005 @ 01:52 PM
I know a person on (for little "gawfick" kiddies) who goes by moonbeam13, and is into all this "Oh vampires exist and I'm one" crap. Could be the same person.

posted on Mar, 11 2005 @ 02:13 PM
Does anyone really need blood to sustain thier life? I highly doubt it, so nope no real vampires, just goths who like the taste of blood.

posted on Mar, 11 2005 @ 02:22 PM
i am!!! I am a true creature of the night!! I vant to suck your blood!!!! mu ha ha ha

posted on Mar, 11 2005 @ 02:56 PM
I wanna be a vampire.

That is all. Carry on.

posted on Mar, 11 2005 @ 03:55 PM

a thought for all to think on and answer why were vampire like creatures reported all over the world when there was no way of comunication? soea anyonw know why?

Yes, because misunderstanding the processes of death was universal. Processes such as fingernails, toenails, and hair still growing let to the attribute of claws, drying out of the body led to lips pulling back and revealing more of the teeth, and when the body filled with gases and blood started coming from the corners of the mouth, etc. it was thought that good old grandpappy must be rising from the grave and sucking the blood of the living, so then they'd stake him down to make sure he didn't get back up...

posted on Mar, 12 2005 @ 12:41 AM
fristly thank you Asia Minor for info. but im not a guy im woman boobs and all.

Originally posted by Sinnocent
I know a person on (for little "gawfick" kiddies) who goes by moonbeam13, and is into all this "Oh vampires exist and I'm one" crap. Could be the same person.

yes im the same person, but one thing baffels me when did i say i was a vampire? please point it out to me cuz obviously i was sleep writting since i dont remember such things. the only time i came close to saying anything of the sort was when i was mocking someone on the cult and then i was being sarcastic. let me guess this is vampiric?

posted on Mar, 12 2005 @ 07:44 AM

Does anyone really need blood to sustain thier life?

Well, of course, duhhh...everyone needs blood to sustain their life, else we'd be dead, geeze, what a dumb sentence!!

You must be an illusion, no one can be that stupid!

[edit on 12-3-2005 by Wendellion]

posted on Mar, 12 2005 @ 07:49 AM
i have a friend who thinks she is a vampire. She likes to drink blood too, which is kinda scary. Vampires are just apart of a culture and are not the immortal creatures that stories tell us.

posted on Mar, 12 2005 @ 07:51 AM

Originally posted by Wendellion

Does anyone really need blood to sustain thier life?

Well, of course, duhhh...everyone needs blood to sustain their life, else we'd be dead, geeze, what a dumb sentence!!

You must be an illusion, no one can be that stupid!

I do believe they meant "does any really need to "drink" blood to sustain life....sheeeesh!

posted on Mar, 12 2005 @ 01:39 PM
They dont do it to sustain their life, they do it to get 'more' energy.

posted on Mar, 4 2007 @ 09:13 PM
i do not believe i am a vampire nor do i believe that there are vampires. i like to occasionally drink blood (from animals or if i accidentally cut myself) and have a neck biting fetish, and i think that "vampires" are people like me who are dillousional and carry things 2 far

posted on Mar, 5 2007 @ 02:43 PM
Vampires do exist, but nothing like fiction, at least there is no proof of those.

Like wyatt43 said there are at least two groups (some put more, like astral or emotions, parasites entity usually enter in these definitions), but they mostly get confused since, for example a psychic may use blood as his/her source of energy just as a blood may feed or energy, though usually more energy is required to do same effect as blood. They aren't sure what makes a vampire, some say its a 'chakra' disturbance, some say its a lack of some sort of 'energy control system', but mostly they say you can't be "turned" at least most are not willing to even try to do it or teach how, they are born with this need for energy that makes them look for sources of it, and even though anyone can learn to control energy vampirism, the ones I talk about here are born like this but it usually develops after puberty... Anyone can suck energy but that doesn't make them "real" vampires :p

Blood vampires don't bite, and even if they sometimes use animal blood, lots of them drink human given by donors, they use scalpels and such to cut in places like the back, many sites offers indications, including health warnings

There are tons of vampire communities though the net (and if I'm right there there is some vampire, energy wise I believe, teaching on The Temple of Set), though some are just vampire wannabes and/or goth kids dressing up.

Even though many of these vampires show some psychic/psion abilities, they in no way have super powers (at least not the ones I know of), some doesn't even have psychic abilities, they are not immortals, and not all of them are goths (but the sites usually end up being so).

Having a blood fetish does not make you a vampire, though some communities accept fetishists, but they don't have anything to do with the vampires, except the can share donors, I think :p

On an almost unrelated note, many of the vampires have ties with the Otherkin community.

But I guess it all only makes any sense if you believe in these things (energy working, astral, psion, etc...)

ps:Sorry for not posting any links, but I'm actually in some of those communities and I don't want to be responsible for more fanatical, rpers, fluffy bunnies, etc finding these, if you are really interested search for them, it is not that hard to find. And I'm not a vampire myself, but I do know how to get energy from people

[edit on 5-3-2007 by Raziel89]

[edit on 5-3-2007 by Raziel89]

posted on Mar, 12 2007 @ 10:20 AM
I cannot say that I am a Vampire, but I believe that I may have encountered creatures that may be real vampires.

I would say that they enjoy blood letting but , I cannot say that it is absolutely essential to sustain their"life".'
I would say that they prefer the darkness, but they can exist in sunlight.

I think that they may enjoy extreemly long lifespans, and that their phisicality resists disease.

Vampire exist on the fringes of human society, and hide right in front of you. If tey obsorb anything, it's probably sexual energy.
and. maybe they share some physical oddities, such as retractractable incisors. (They can obsorb blood when they need to) and their skin may
seem almost flawless(almost waxy) to normal people.

And, I think that they can "convert" others into vampires if they wish.

[edit on 12-3-2007 by Andrew Dewitte]

[edit on 12-3-2007 by Andrew Dewitte]

[edit on 12-3-2007 by Andrew Dewitte]

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