posted on May, 29 2019 @ 02:16 AM
My mom had metal rods in her back too. She lived and died by her oxycontin back in 2011. Found her passed away with blue lips laying in a napping
position facing the TV. The Church Channel was on. I did CPR and called 911. Of course she was already dead. The death certificate said acute
oxycodone overdose. In hindsight, she was hopeless. Nobody could tell her to cut back, "it was her medicine prescribed by the doctor". She was a
career nurse too. But the pain level never went away because she abused the medicine to escape from life because of the pain which I'm sure she had.
Was it bad enough to stay doped up every day?
The problem is that pain level is relative to the tolerance of opioids and it never goes away. I was tolerant to them for a few years and the dosage
to get theraputic effect rises exponentially. After going through withdrawal by choice, I noticed years later that if I were to take an opioid for
pain relief, I'd quite literally need 2 to 3 times as much. The first dose maybe twice as much (4 instead of 2), by the third day it'd be at 6 pills
instead of 2 and stay at that level only to keep increasing on a slower curve.
All this talk of kratom the wonder drug because it's an opioid receptor agonist that can alleviate mild to moderate opioid withdrawal symptoms or
provide a codeine level analgesia if you're opioid naive. That stuff barely works on me either from years ago. People with no opioid history could
take 2 grams and I'd have to take 8 to get noticable relief just to get it started then 8 more. That's 32 capsules. 64 in a day spread into 4 doses
would be no problem. I'd never look intoxicated or fall asleep from it either.
Her family doctor before her pain management doctor had his license taken away and I remember him. He prescribed me vicodin and xanax for irritable
bowel syndrome lol. Xanax first of course because it isn't an opioid yet benzos are worse and cause worse brain damage from "theraputic" use. She was
on both opioids and benzos for years.
If this sounds familiar, it is. It's similar to most middle age+ mothers. God forbid benzos were banned because the fabric of American society would
break with all of the matriarchs going quite literally insane. I watched her have a seizure from running out of her "anxiety" medication too. She was
only on 3 pills per day of it but for several years. I was on the phone with her actually, I was downstairs. She made a weird sound and I ran up to
find her convulsing with eyes rolled up. Had to call the paramedics.
That happens to anyone who abruptly stops taking anxiety medication after years of daily use. Give them an alcoholic beverage and watch the sickness
disappear. Yep, they're 100% cross tolerant except controlled anxiety medications are much more potent on the receptors and stay plugged into them
much longer.
Growing up, almost everyone's mom got pain meds, anxiety meds, or both. They're all naive functioning addicts and not the kind that seek a fix to get
high. This is predominantly a physical dependence that causes the systems in the body to require it to function normally and often times the user
doesn't even know it until they run out one day. It's not the patients faults, they usually are completely ignorant to it until it's too
edit on 5/29/2019 by r0xor because: (no reason given)