posted on May, 30 2019 @ 01:00 PM
a reply to:
Nonsense. I simply compared your idea to one held by a very dangerous man and clearly pointed out the difference between the two at the same time. You
literally want to decide who can or can't have children based on your personal view of them. Not only that, you wan't to medically alter people so
they can't reproduce until they prove themselves. Have you read your own words and considered how people would react to them? You would give
government power over reproduction, which is about as scary of an idea as there is. A group of self proclaimed elite who would have power over who can
or can't have children? Come on, you know how radical that is, don't you?
Is your idea not up for challenge or debate? When I don't agree with you, you attack me instead of debating your idea?
It's simple really. You want to decide who can or can't reproduce based on how you personally view them. If you can't see the inherent danger in that,
as most people can, that's on you. If a politician suggested the same thing, they could not be elected and they would be shunned by society.