I'm a male over the age of 40 so and have been experiencing the typical problems pertaining to a possibly enlarged Prostate. The biggest issue is not
being able to urinate at all for hours. This causes all manner of issues, but the most pressing is the issue of drug testing at my workplace.
The tests don't happen often, but when they do, I'm not able to urinate "on command" for the nurse. This is a problem. I'm told that if I cannot
urinate during my next test...whenever that may be....that I could face the possibility of termination for "refusing" to take the mandatory test.
In light of this, I scheduled an appointment with my doctor to get some tests and to discuss my options. He ordered the requisite testing and
referred me to a Urologist for further tests.
I had been researching Intermittent Catheters for a couple weeks and asked him if this could be an option for me to empty my bladder during those
times that I just couldn't go. He flat out refused to even speak about the subject.
I asked him what his concerns were about writing the prescription and the only response he could offer was that catheters could cause a UT
When I urged him to provide another logical reason, he could not. I asked him which was the lesser of two evils: Not being able to urinate,
possibly causing bladder/kidney damage, or a UT infection? He just kind of stared at me blankly with bewilderment as if he couldn't believe I would
challenge is "authority".
I calmly told him that millions of people suffering from incontinence use catheters daily for years without any issues and that if he didn't mind,
I'd like to try them myself as I'm confident that they will help my current situation in many ways. He just shook his head and said that he would
Mind you, this kid can barely be 25 and is an aide to the doctor...whom you will never actually see...ever. I'm a pretty cocky ***hole and tell
him that if I were asking for Oxycontin or Morphine, he would probably write a prescription no questions asked. I then ask him why his office gives
clean needles and "works" to Heroin addicts that are useless pieces of garbage, but when a paying customer comes wanting a plastic tube they are
summarily denied. Again, just a blank stare. I hate him.
So, now I have been forced to order them online, with no supervision from a physician as to sizes and whatever else. The only place I could get
them was India without a prescription so...yeah.
I cannot believe that catheters are such a protected medical device! I'm so disgusted with the way every system appears to be against people that
do the right thing while that same system caters to druggies and scammers.
edit on 27-5-2019 by MrBuddy because: rw