a reply to:
I have no argument with any of that, except perhaps the apparent distinction between Jesus and Jehovah..
I'm aware of the armor of God, and thank you, that's a beautiful passage and complimentary to the thread's topic.
I think the point I was trying to make wasn't as much an appeal to flattery, calling the reader a Hero and a kind of King or Queen unto a nation
including extending from himself or herself as a nation unto him/herself, framed within what i call the relativity of human being - but an appeal to
Divine Love's own reason as indomitable relative to unreason, out of which are born every evil, injury, and apparently crafty scheme, since anything
that opposes the Love of God made manifest, is a folly, much of which is as plain as day to see and recognize wherever it may be found. The devil is a
loser in other words, not even worthy of the time of day.
The shield and the sword, they are the love of God imparted unto us from the Lord Himself who, as Spirit, indwelled the human person of Jesus Christ
unto overflowing, while he emptied himself of himself to fulfill his mission with perfection, and then of all things to live also with us in Spirit.
Against this, there is no power nor principality that can separate us from the love of God which/who also protects us, even from the flaming darts or
My point was that WITH God all things become possible, and that we almost need pay the enemy no heed while he struggles in a double bind (that's what
i call it) of his/its own making placed upon their own hands, those who conspire with evil in the context of a Babylonian domination system, that's
fast losing it's grip on an ever-larger swath of humanity as they, as we all, one by one, come to the place of a co-mingling of the Spirit of God and
mankind, when God makes his home with us and calls us His son.
There are those who understand, who "grok" and those who only wield the Bible to be right, relative to another's wrong.
The Christian experience is an authentic love relationship, yes even a consumation so to speak and a wedding reception, and yes, we must have humility
lest we embarrass ourselves in front of all who are gathered by taking a high place at the table that wasn't reserved for us, while another further
down-table is correctly placed in the spot we were just forced to vacate!
Do we HAVE the Lord, not as a King on a faraway throne, but as a true friend, as company in the Spirit?
Do you believe in the Spirit and the ability of the Lord to indwell us, and live with us, within us, and above us, which blows like the wind being
radically free? Do you know what it means and signifies to be reborn from above vs. below.
You're right that it brings humility where humility is also the capacity to know and to express one's self as you truly are ie: not unnecessarily
sheepish or "pious".
I pointed out in another post end of last page that to truly comprehend the unmerited Grace of God in Jesus, to really get it, is enough to bring any
sane and rational person to tears, first of sorrow and regret, and then, eventually the tears of utter hilarity.
It's an experience. God is not a thing or an idol set apart from us, because of the Spirit of God in Christ Jesus who is among other things the
manifest love of God, which never died.. ha HA!
For better or worse, we are the Bride of Christ. I am, as are anyone who allows it or permits it - and what I'm here to say is that in the final
analysis, when push comes to shove, it's the only rational and reasonable position to take, while drawing a clear distinction relative to everything
that's unreasonable and ultimately unworkable and absurd.
If we actually have the armor on, in other words, the battle is won, everywhere we go, provided that we give all glory to God that what's done is done
in God for the world to see, and in seeing, and hearing, understand, turn and be healed.
Are there any readers out there for whom this evokes a kind of creeping smile, even the giggle of a lost and recovered child within - which was why
the other poster blushed - it wasn't flattery, you misinterpreted/misunderstood the spirit of their response,and indeed when we are given to Spirit,
and when our inner child is recovered, there is a blush, and a deep joy, even a giggly mirth and playfulness about it.
That said, I do like what you're representing, but not if it's to be right, while making another, whether me or anyone else wrong, especially not with
the use of the Bible if it's according to the letter and not the Spirit.
Discernment isn't just about a purely rational judgement either, but a much deeper level of intuition and guidance of which only one who has access to
the Spirit would understand perfectly. It's of the heart, not the mind. The fruits whether for good or bad are plainly obvious to the Spirit, and thus
you would or ought to know at least something of my heart, that i wish no ill will nor carry a self-glorifying agenda only (our mutual glorification,
Jesus did all of this, and blazed the whole trail, I can see that clearly now, that it's a model of authentic leadership or good Shepherdship, whereby
to follow is also to lead.
There's a voice that can be heard. Those who have the Lord call and people recognize the voice, and so the sheep go through into new pasture - voila!
I don't know if you're cynical, a staunch JW who doesn't believe in Spirit, you have not really shared your heart with us, only correct scripture,
which can't and needn't and ought not be argued with, but there resides your own point of leverage, does it not?
edit on 30-5-2019 by AnkhMorpork because: (no reason given)