Over the years, there have been many videos that have caught bright objects flying around and into Popocatépetl, one of Mexico's most active
volcanoes, which is located near Mexico City. Some speculate that these are alien probes, others think that these objects are a plasma phenomena of
some type. So, what can they be folks? One thing for certain...you can rule out swamp gas.
Latest UFO Sighting At Popocatépetl, Posted On April 4, 2019:
Here are some more video clips from the past, that show anomalies around the Popocatépetl Volcano:
These three radar confirmed 'domed disc' shaped UFOs also harassed a private aircraft over Lake Tequesquitengo on May 3rd, 1975 before 'merging into
one and speeding off towards Mount Popocatepetl'.