Yep, as long as we have this mentality that only white, heterosexual, males can be racist, bigoted and have no ill done against them we'll never have
Equality is wanting to be equal, not pointing out differences.
Hating on someone for simply being white, male or straight is equally wrong as hating on someone for simply being black, asian, hispanic or
Calling me CIS Scum, a breeder or a redneck is no better than calling a gay person a f**got or a black person a n**ger (sigh censorship when we know
what the words are...) But it proves a point, even slurs for white people are not censored on websites or any where.
I could go on....
But yes, no ATS replacing those with a # despite them being equally offensive to the people they're aimed at.
Seriously I don't give a # about race, religion or politics. I think most civilised people are the same, what we care about is how you present as a
human being and that should be the focus.
If people scream they want equality. Then how about they start acting like everyone else's equals? Instead of segregating themselves or expecting
special treatment because of how they were born and no other reason?
I never harmed anyone 200 years ago. I didn't even exist back then. Heck I never harmed anyone based on their race etc. 1 year ago. Or my entire
I've never abused someone due to their genetics, but oh my I have copped abuse just walking down the street minding my own business because my skins
not dark enough. My eyes too round.
If I've disliked anyone and expressed it, it was simply because they are a #ty human and nothing else.
Although I found it was they who made it about race, or religion or whatever.
"You hate me because I am black"
"No I hate you because you're arsehole, just like I hate that white arsehole over there."
Seriously where is the privilege in being white? Where is the supremacy?
I've never been handed anything simply for being Caucasian. What I have I have worked for. My genetics had no baring on it. (I appear Caucasian but I
am mixed race BTW.)
I got no Whitey McWhiteWhite scholarship for being white. I had to pay for college out of my own pocket.
Surely getting such a scholarship based on nothing but your genetics IS privilege yeah?
problem honestly is one of education and perception.
You raise someone from birth believing they're a dolphin, they'll grow up thinking they're a dolphin. No different with raising someone from birth
believing they're a victim, that they are owed simply from being born.
It's not just race, it's sexuality, politics, religion, sports, you name it. Indoctrination is indoctrination.
Should not be gay rights, black rights, female rights, this right that rights, there should only be HUMAN rights.
It's stupid. It's all self serving. We need to break the cycle. Call spades spades.
It's insane this mentality still exists in a so called enlightened and civilised world.
You want to be my equal? Fine. I'm not a cave man. So to be my equal you better not be a cave man either.
Don't expect to be my equal just because you have two arms and legs like I do.
Let your actions be the judge of your worth. not your biology.
At least here in the Western world I fail to see where anyone has any less rights and opportunities than the next guy. if anything many of these
people crying about rights have more these days than any Caucasian males do.
I often ask feminists, black and gay activists etc. what rights do I have that you don't in this same country we share?
Been asking it for years. Still waiting for a legit answer because all I get is excuses and non sequiturs.
Mind you I can list the many ways they have it better than I will ever have it.
They cannot answer because they know they have no fewer rights than I.
Yeah we 'whites' are so bad we've allowed the world to become this way. We're so supreme we still keep women from voting and black people as
Nobody can go to school, get a job or receive medical care unless they are white......
We are so supreme and privileged we're kicking out other races, genders and whatever out of our countries. Genocide on a daily basis.....
Yeah us sitting back and letting people run us into the ground while bleeding us dry is exactly what a supreme bigoted race would do......
Can anyone say what I wrote with a straight face? Only the delusional because a sane person know's it's BS.
If we're as evil as many try to make us out to be we'd be Storm Trooping across the world. Instead of giving people rights we'd be taking them.
But what to do about it globally? That's the big question. How do we make everyone equal?
What shall we do except impotently cry online about it?
Some days I shake my head and cannot believe it's 2019 and that while we have computers, satellites, space stations, nuclear reactors and more, some
willingly cling to dark ages living and thinking.
It's #ing madness I tell you.
edit on 27-5-2019 by AtomicKangaroo because: corrected word structure of a sentence to make sense.