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She's Almost gone...Theresa May FINALLY to resign and leave on 7th June....

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posted on May, 26 2019 @ 07:50 AM
It's all been a bit of a sickening farce this last couple of years, watching all the shenanigans, posturing and one-upmanship going on, just within the Tory party. Watching Corbyn and Cable then start bigging themselves up at the thought of maybe a little chance of some power just added to the fiasco!

So, who to replace May?

How about none of the posturing, back stabbing power seeking mob currently jostling for the top job!
I see Boris the buffoon being pushed by the media a lot, telling us he's just the chap for the job. Did he ever renounce his dual nationality status? I mean, we don't want to become a dumping ground for US goods (more than we already are) and an even bigger military staging between the Trump estates and golf courses. I also always thought the whole buffoonery persona was as fake as Trumps tan and consider him a dangerous individual, unsuitable for any public office, which is why the establishment will probably want him at the helm anyway.

posted on May, 26 2019 @ 08:58 AM
a reply to: DISRAELI

George Canning, i think sometime in the middle of the 1800s.

Just as long as she does depart through!

posted on May, 26 2019 @ 09:17 AM

originally posted by: andy06shake
George Canning, i think sometime in the middle of the 1800s.

She'll last longer then Gordon Brown, the last Labour Prime Minister, who was the shortest serving PM in modern times.

posted on May, 26 2019 @ 09:22 AM
a reply to: paraphi

Aye, but he loved old people did he not?

Strange attitude as well considering he pretty much is old.

The only one more boring and monotonous than Brown i can remember is possibly Major.

Mind him? That was like death warmed up. LoL

posted on May, 26 2019 @ 09:41 AM
E en though he's not in the running, I'd like to see Tobias Elwood have a go. Seems a genuine sincere fella, and had the balls to help victims during the London Bridge terror attack. A man like that I'd get behind! He's also straight talking and pulls no punches. Just an opinion however. Just hope it's not some leftie pro EU stooge. We can only wait and see.

posted on May, 26 2019 @ 05:01 PM
a reply to: uncommitted

I did not respond as I have to be civil but did accidentally star your post despite it's ME ME ME feel, talk about selfish dribble.

You live in a nation you PAY YOUR FAIR SHARE OF THE TAX especially if that country is ethical something which the Tory's have never - EVER been.

Or you go with traditional TORY belief, Natural wastage of the excess population a polite way of saying let the poor die - excess population because they can no longer be exploited and worked to death.

Before Labour the OLD Liberal party AKA the Wig's were the only human - enlightened self interest - party in parliament.

Do you know how long it took to get the last SLAVE LABOR work house closed in this country - 1974 when the last inmates, sorry resident's were finally moved out of the hell hole.

God forgive you.

IF you have two coat's go and give your brother whom has non the one you are not using.
GO and SELL ALL YOU OWN (so that you may too be poor) and give the proceed's to the poor THEN come and follow me.
IT is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter heaven.
Do not build up treasure on earth but build it up in heaven (do good) were the moth can not ruin it and the thief can not steal it.
As you treat the least of these so too do YOU treat me.

Do you really believe Marx invented socialism, that it is all communism, don't be daft it was practiced by the first century christian's Marx merely rejected God and espoused atheism because he could see what the Rabbi's and Christian Priests had done with there position twisting the truth and dressing themselves in fine silk's - by taxing the believers for money while not helping them in there need so opposed to the first century christian church.
Forgive the American accent and ropey acting in this re-enactment - BUT you do know the story of Ananias and Sapphira don't you.

Enjoy this brief life, the flickering of the candle for only those whom are worthy will enter the true kingdom of our Lord, a King whom tell's his followers to stand and not bow and call's them fellow servant's and even brothers and son's.

edit on 26-5-2019 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 26 2019 @ 06:45 PM

posted on May, 27 2019 @ 04:27 AM
a reply to: LABTECH767

I thought the post I responded to was thoughtful if misguided thinking Corby was centre left, then you just come out with a vomit of nonsense. Hope your head isn't banging too hard.

posted on May, 27 2019 @ 09:49 AM

posted on May, 27 2019 @ 11:22 AM
a reply to: uncommitted

Sorry made me chuckle, we shall not take this any further we disagree and that is enough let's not be needless enemy's on this issue, also I happened to be correct sorry if your right wing indoctrination can not take that but people are made of there ingredient's such as society's and nations are, if your intellect is based on fact's and figures as you have received them and you have not questioned them then of course you are going to build a faulty house build on the sand now are you not.

Does not mean you have to carry on living in it there is always still time to build a better knowledge base than taking right wing (Tory - they are actually far more right then genuine conservatives are by the way and Cameron and may are very much Tory though May is a tiny bit more conservative - if no were near as conservative as Major was in his day - talk about the Labour party being divided the Tory's and there Bullingdon boy's - you do know the Bullingdon club is a direct continuation of the old hellfire club now don't you) propaganda as the basis of your world view.

The thing that makes me laugh - and I am actually hereditary Aristocracy by the way which I left out - is that most of those Tory's are actually the descendant's of the stable hand's, gardeners or butlers, back in the day the aristocracy - and royalty - were so riddled with venereal disease they were mostly unable to have children but the servant's tended to be both healthier and actually more attractive, so the Lord did not father his kid's the stable hand did but it get's better, the stable hand was a descendant of the previous lord and probably either his older son or even his brother while the butler may have been the Lord's father?.

But of course they have to build upon there illusion of lineage now do they not and yes I am talking about Tory's so have not left the subject at all and this is not off post.

The Tory's are the representatives of the Old Boy Network, a bunch of sexually deviant public school boy's I mean look how Clegg always deferred to Cameron and he was his bat boy more or less wasn't he.

Also it's not a sensationalist claim it is a fact but very hard to prove - Cameron and several other high ranking Tory's were members of the Bullingdon Club that is a known fact and it turn's out that there initiation at least at the time of Cameron being a member was to find a down and out and burn a £50 note under his nose while a gang of them surrounded him to give the poor guy a kicking if he tried to grab it.

The purpose of that initiation as to show absolute contempt for the poor by a group of inbred hillbilly's born into money most of whom had never made it themselves and when they finally came to make some it was like old Cameron's father saving there fortune by making dodgy deal's and offshore account's (no offense to the old guy he like Cameron's mother was probably not a bad sort and most likely a far superior human being to there son - also he was disabled - which show's due to Cameron's and May's despicable treatment of the disabled in our country how much he must have hated his own father).

When you choose to elect that Ilk over you, well all I can say is that is a far viler mental vomit than I could ever brew up.

posted on May, 27 2019 @ 11:23 AM
a reply to: ipsedixit

Have you noticed how much like Himmler he look's, not his features but his mannerism's and posture.

posted on May, 27 2019 @ 02:41 PM
a reply to: LABTECH767

Hadn't noticed it, but a quick internet search will yield numerous comparisons between contemporary pols and the Nazis of old. Barbara Tuchman, in Guns of August, remarked that German generals, WW1 era, tended to be bull necked or wasp waisted. Himmler was the latter. I would put Johnson in the former category, at least in body type. I don't really see it.

I haven't really made up my mind about Johnson. I can't think of what purpose he serves. Does he have serious supporters backing his candidacy? He's an old boy smart alec who doesn't seem to have made the transition to adulthood. I think people need to be reminded that there is nobody in that category at the top of government either in Russia or China, or for that matter, currently, in the United States. Being prime minister of the United Kingdom is not being an organ grinder's monkey.
edit on 27-5-2019 by ipsedixit because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 27 2019 @ 03:48 PM
a reply to: ipsedixit

Well do remember Hitler took acting classes and copied Mussolini's powerful oration style which helped him rile up the sheep over there.

I believe due to the nature of the position they are in politician's in general have a very high potential to either be psychopathic or sociopathic individual's, there are some that are decent and sane and well intentioned but the way of the world is that almost all of them come from a you scratch my back and I'll scratch your's class of people, by that I mean they almost always have a vested interest in whatever it is that they are trying to achieve and of course they almost always are open to back room dealing's though the media did try to stop it - but only because it sold newspapers of course.

Sadly the people whom we would be best off running the whole show are usually the one's that would run a mile not to rather than be placed into such a position.
edit on 27-5-2019 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 28 2019 @ 08:07 AM
a reply to: LABTECH767

I'm not really sure what you think your post to me was meant to show, that some people in the Tory party are entitled rich? Hold the front page, that must be news to everyone else. Emily Thornberry is a millionaire, Jeremy Corbyn was funded by a union through university and failed miserably, and hasn't actually worked outside Parliament ever - you don't consider that as entitlement?

posted on May, 28 2019 @ 11:49 AM
a reply to: uncommitted

I take it you think I like Corbyn, I don't actually he seem's a bit shifty to me BUT I still prefer him to a bunch of lout's that sneer and laugh at the people they are literally killing with there SUPPOSED reform's - in fact they are counter reform's as they attempt to roll us back to Edwardian period economic's in there dream of an upstairs downstairs lifestyle.

But as to his university course what the hell has that got to do with anything, I myself dropped off a degree course when I had the dual whammy of head injury's and just before that some prat's doping my meal - I had never taken drug's and had what you may refer to as a bad trip when I unknowingly came back after visiting the loo and eating my meal having stupidly trusted my class mates only to then start hallucinating and be tipped into what you may call a nervous breakdown - I had never taken drug's and it was an absolute nasty shock to my system and to this day if I knew for certain the one that had done that to me I am afraid I would take the law very much into my own hand's even though that was damn near thirty years ago now.

It seem's to me all that matters to you is to character assassinate him, to make him into the bad, bad bogey man on the internet.

Grow up a little will you.

posted on May, 28 2019 @ 02:42 PM

edit on 28-5-2019 by ipsedixit because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 28 2019 @ 02:45 PM
a reply to: ipsedixit

More like "skittish" than British.

posted on May, 28 2019 @ 03:19 PM
a reply to: andy06shake

Actually, I changed it to Tories. It's not fair to judge everyone by the standard of the Tories.

posted on May, 30 2019 @ 10:51 AM
a reply to: LABTECH767

Sorry, I thought the points I made were clear. the reference to Corbyns failed university attempt was around the fact he was sponsored (possibly a better term would be bought) by a union. He has been involved in politics ever since. He's no less a political old boy than any other. Never worked in the real world and never managed.

I'm neither left or right wing, I just think there's a bad smell about a political leader who as openly praised terrorists of all sorts of varieties, and is accused by many in his own party of being lax on anti-semitism and attempting to make jokes about British Jews. He doesn't really need character assassination from me.

posted on May, 31 2019 @ 09:57 AM

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