posted on Mar, 6 2005 @ 08:18 AM
"Right, and women are the only ones to suffer from this. I must have a vagina I don't know about. "
what was also in that post...
"I don't get into the illuminati and the other stuff associated with the line of thinking that the original person posted is expression. But it
seems that they have not only been doing this to women, but to all of us.
dependancy=slavery.....and in the past century or so, this country seems to have created a society of dependants. even our government is so dependent
on corporations that they jump when beckoned. if the resources dry up, the slaves will then begin to realize that they are slaves, only by then, it
will be too late. a pampered slave is still just a slave."
Does it sound like I am just talking about women here???
"So these old rich African men. Why didn't they marry the 'other' partners that they had?
Because the guys have the mentality that they can screw around until they are old and not commit to a woman until then, is that what you are
Because then you are suggesting it is not even the Woman's choice to DATE a man in the 'horrid' third world. "
More than likely they did marry the "other" partners they had, but maybe some didn't maybe some bought them, ect. As far as the women's choice to
date a man.....well, I'm not could just be that some of these young girls were "given" to the old men as gifts....who knows, how many
princesses in old Europe were given to men they didn't like for marriage. Maybe the practice of polygamy is acceptable.
"You talk about making decisions equally. So should a Husband capitulate to his wife? Or do you claim this would never happen, a woman trying to make
a man subordinate in a relationship? "
What I am saying is that what it all comes down to, the man must decide for himself what he should do, as well as the women. IF their marriage is
worth a danged to them, they should be able to work it out, where, ya, one will have to cede their position, but at least both will agree that what
has been done was in the best interest for the entire familiy.
Morality and tradition are the accumulated knowledge of centuries, some of which has been obviously perverted to be biased against women. You say why
can't both be breadwinners, well, why can't only women be the bread-winners in some cases? What, you say no woman would want such a man, yet men who
fully appreciate their wife know their is nothing like that Love in the world. To know you need each other, that you are equally important in
different roles.
One cannot exist without the other in a balanced family.
Extreme feminism has done little more than make many young women resentful about their 'role' in life, which has fed them lies about taking orders
the rest of their lives, and giving up their identity. Please, do you honestly believe all men treat their most loved ones this way?
IF their marriage is worth a danged to them, they should be able to work it out, where, ya, one might have to cede their position, but at least both
will agree that what has been done was in the best interest for the entire familiy.
Originally, all I was saying was that maybe instead of wasting time (not to mention our taxdollars) changing stupid road signs so they are more
"politically correct" if the feminists wanted to do some good, well, here is ripe pickings for them!! The original feminists wouldn't have been
worried about the stupid signs to begin with. The situation they were addressing (weren't like those of africa) but were similar in many's feminists have lost sight of the dream maybe....a world where everyone is equal....
by the way, these original feminists didn't want any more than the same legal standing as men...they didn't want more than men, they didn't want
150 laws written to make life easier for them by alleviating half their responsibilities in life...or as a mother. they want the paychecks they
earned to be written in their name, not their husband's....who while not in ALL cases, but in enough cases, the husband would do with as he wished,
and hey, the women was still responsible for cooking the meal to feed the family, regardless of weather or not the money was there to buy the food!
They wanted some say, if their husband decided to make a deal with the brothal down the street involving their 14 year old daughter.
And, noone there could deny that such things were going on....the proof was there for all to see if they wished to look!
And, niether can anyone today deny that there is enough men (and women) out there willing to discard their responsibilities for a good time! The
side-effects of their behavior is all over the place!!
But, when all is said and done, the truth of the matter is, that when the man decides to ignore their responsibities, or the women does....those
responsiblities will fall on the one left, well, the truth is, essentially, that both are equally responsible for both the care and
nurturing as well as the financial aspects involved in the raising of the kids. So, when dealing with the law, and legal issues, we'd be better off
starting from this point, than the one that says that the women are the caretakers, the men are the breadwinners....especially now, when in so many
households, both need to be bringing home the bacon.
The proof that we were never really considered "equal" are those things that many men are complaining about now... they separate, usually the kids
are given to the mom, and the child-support payments are given to the men. Then, a whole slew of benefit programs kick into effect, thus elimating
the responsibility the women really has to at least be providing half of the finances needed while the men might get off with hey, a few hours with
the kids a week, maybe, but then he can always cancel!! The system is so screwed up, that even in the cases where the men do get custody, they find
that the same programs that are there to help the moms are extended to them...since well, there is still a pretty big gap when it comes to wages in
this usually the men do make more money than the women...and well, their pay is well above the guidelines involved for the programs...
But well, considering the cost of childcare, he'd have to be making a heck of alot to be able to cover it, and still feed, house and cloth his
kids....and how often do you hear about dead-beat moms....not often...because no one actually expects her to make enough to support herself and make a
major difference in the finances of her kids....