posted on Mar, 2 2005 @ 09:57 PM
Tonight, i was sitting out on the patio built around the back of my apartment enjoying a smoke and gazing up at a crystal clear view of the southern
sky, when an idea hit me.
Many of us on this board read and post with an essential amount of skepticism, while others either completely close their minds to thoughts outside of
the box, or abandon reason in a maniacal attempt to stroke their own unrelenting ego's.
So, in an attempt to unite the reasonable of the board in a "homework assignment" dedicated to such a criticized forum, I think that, on a
designated night, those willing to participate should turn our respective digital or video camera's to the night sky. Think about it; most of the
poster's in this forum are avid sky watchers, but when do we spend the largest amount of time gazing at the heavens? During the daytime. Maybe,
through a united effort, one of us around the globe could capture
some type of anomalous activity; if not some some footage of some completely
natural phoenomena
. Thoughts and discussion on this would be appreciated.
Also, if this type of thing has been tried on the board before (which i'm not aware of anything similar in the past) please let me know!