posted on May, 19 2019 @ 02:33 AM
a reply to:
But aren't they saying about the same thing...
Maybe, if one looks at it logically and objectively. There is nothing logical or objective about a bunch of horny teens in a sex ed class. Again, you
are trying to look at this from your own perspective. Try looking at it from the perspective of a kid sitting in the class.
You don't need to tell them the rules a million times. They know what the rules are but we have a natural tendency to challenge and break the
No one uses that approach in any other class. Repetition is the key to learning. Repetition takes short term memory and helps to transition it to
log-term memory. It's called 'reinforcement.'
According to what you just said, one should be able to show 2nd graders how to add two-digit numbers one time and then forget any homework. They know
how to do it... move on, right? Wrong. You show them how, watch them fail, show them how again, and again, and again, then practice, practice,
practice some more, and finally, after a couple of weeks of that they know how to add two-digit numbers. Then, unless you want them to forget how, you
keep hitting it again intermixed with the rest of the lessons. After a few years of that, they have it down pat (hopefully).
The same process works with any learning. You teach the material, you review the material, you re-review the material, you practice the material, you
practice practicing the material, you practice practicing the practicing of the material, then you refer back to the material over and over and over
while teaching the next lessons.
Here, again, for some unknown reason, you seem to think that in the matter of sex everything changes. No, it doesn't. Learning is still learning,
killing is still killing.