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FBI Raids Extremist Camp In Tuskeegee, Alabama Run By Same Leader From New Mexico Camp

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posted on May, 13 2019 @ 11:43 AM
Local NBC news explores this camp recently raided by the FBI with their drone in a fourt part expose. This is the same guy, Siraj Wahhaj, who was operating a camp in rural New Mexico for which he had been arrested for in late 2018.

It could be your neighbor, it could be your friend, somewhere around the corner, there is a terrorist near you!

posted on May, 13 2019 @ 11:50 AM
a reply to: worldstarcountry

You're right.

Atomwaffen has been running camps out in the Nevada desert for a few years now.

posted on May, 13 2019 @ 12:04 PM
a reply to: Xcalibur254



WASHINGTON (SBG) - At first glance, it looks like an abandoned dump.

But this plot of land in Macon County, Alabama is described in an FBI search warrant as a "makeshift military-style obstacle course" belonging to a small group of terrorists led by Siraj Wahhaj who owned the property up a long dirt road but just a few miles from downtown Tuskegee.

FBI uncovers homegrown terror training camp in Alabama - ABC local affiliate

And yet elsewhere:

The Muslim American Society (MAS) offers its sincerest condolences to the family of Imam Siraj Wahhaj, a prominent leader in the Muslim American community, on the loss of his grandson Abdul-Ghani Wahhaj, and the tragic circumstances surrounding it.

MAS calls on media outlets to refrain from biased coverage of the family’s ordeal and to respect their privacy during this difficult time. MAS also calls on media outlets as well as the public to refrain from speculating on the facts of the case, and to avoid engaging in racist and Islamophobic rhetoric. Earlier this year, Imam Siraj publicly posted about his missing children and grandchildren. Since then, he has been active in trying to locate his four year old grandson, Abdul-Ghani Wahhaj, through local efforts as well as social media, and was instrumental in the location of his children and other grandchildren.

We call on authorities to investigate the facts of this case and bring the perpetrators to justice. Imam Siraj Wahhaj has been a staple in the Muslim American community, supporting humanitarian causes and uplifting his local community and communities across the country. We stand with him and with his family as they navigate this tragedy.

MAS Stands With and Offers Sincerest Condolences to Imam Siraj Wahhaj - Muslim American Society

posted on May, 13 2019 @ 12:14 PM
a reply to: worldstarcountry

Right-wing extremists, aka straight white Trump supporting men, commit more terrorism and we have a better chance at being struck by lightening than being attacked by a terrorist. Remember? They told us so.

posted on May, 13 2019 @ 12:33 PM
a reply to: worldstarcountry

Saw this earlier today.
I remember a lot of outrage here when they were let off so easy the first time in New Mexico.
Makes me wonder if they let him off easy, then kept surveillance on him to see if he would recruit more people, so they could catch more, similar minded people.

posted on May, 13 2019 @ 12:35 PM
a reply to: o0oTOPCATo0o
Well I am fairly confident, at least 98%, that the same results will not happen in Alabama. Siraj is going down for sure this time.

posted on May, 13 2019 @ 01:04 PM

originally posted by: LSU2018
a reply to: worldstarcountry

Right-wing extremists, aka straight white Trump supporting men, commit more terrorism and we have a better chance at being struck by lightening than being attacked by a terrorist. Remember? They told us so.

A much bigger chance of being killed by heart disease, alcohol, prescription drugs, drunk driver, take your pick. But we spend a trillion dollars per year on military because that's what the government wants to spend our money.

posted on May, 13 2019 @ 04:13 PM
a reply to: jadedANDcynical

How am I deflecting? The OP made a post about a potential terrorist camp. I mentioned another.

The OP brought up the fact that terrorists could be anyone. Even your neighbor. Atomwaffen has members in many states, including a cell in Florida that had plans to blow up a nuclear power plant.

Seems like my post was an apt response to the OP.

posted on May, 13 2019 @ 04:26 PM
a reply to: Xcalibur254
Yea, I don't see any problem with it. No exemptions from insanity in this world.

posted on May, 13 2019 @ 04:56 PM
a reply to: Xcalibur254

How am I deflecting? The OP made a post about a potential terrorist camp. I mentioned ANOTHER.

So, basically you tried to deflect. How about a comment on THIS particular incident ?

posted on May, 13 2019 @ 05:22 PM

originally posted by: dfnj2015

originally posted by: LSU2018
a reply to: worldstarcountry

Right-wing extremists, aka straight white Trump supporting men, commit more terrorism and we have a better chance at being struck by lightening than being attacked by a terrorist. Remember? They told us so.

A much bigger chance of being killed by heart disease, alcohol, prescription drugs, drunk driver, take your pick. But we spend a trillion dollars per year on military because that's what the government wants to spend our money.

This is a stupid comparison, people who like a drink don't rely on their providers to execute them. People who drink and drive don't mow down masses of people in the name of religion, people who suffer heart disease are getting all the research possible in order to aid them in their fight, people who use prescription drugs are getting conned, but not murdered in front of their families.

Stop with the bulls***. Just stop, you disgust me.

posted on May, 13 2019 @ 09:23 PM
a reply to: worldstarcountry

When I read New Mexico, I was thinking right wing paramilitary group that went to the border to capture illegal immigrants.


If it's not right wing domestic terrorists or paramilitary patriots doing the job that the liberals won't let their brothers in the armed forces do, it's Islamic terdists making camps in the desert to wage Jihad on us from within.

I'll be damned, wrong on a 50/50 coin toss. You have the ball and I'm on defense.
edit on 5/13/2019 by r0xor because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 14 2019 @ 06:32 AM
a reply to: r0xor
So if I wrote Islamic terrorists in the title, would you have accused me of something??

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