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Philosophy and Metaphysics in a socially-engineered world

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posted on May, 12 2019 @ 03:59 PM
Social engineering is a massive ongoing project of the powers that be. It comes under many guises and is resorted to in pursuing the objectives of the NWO and globalist agenda. I will neither go into a rant about it in this post and nor will I quote names.

What prompts me to write is to discuss whether the exchange of views and ideas on deep philosophical levels will exist in the future. Although philosophies of centuries ago are still relevant at the moment , I wonder how long it will remain so.

A revolution, that seeks to reward weakness and punish valor, is now sweeping the world . Attention is being drawn to carefully selected "causes" and topics and the masses are being brainwashed through the media into demonising the brave and courageous whilst giving support to the hopeless. We currently have all these hot national topics such as Climate Change, LBGT, Mental Illness, Metoo, etc and rather than seeing diverse view and arguments all I can see is total collusion. Those who have differing view are banished. For example any scientist or broadcaster who argues that humans are not the cause of climate change will almost certainly lose their job. Similarly , any view on LGBT , Metoo or Mental Illness which differs from that of the herd will be severely rejected. What can we do when all media channels, schools, universities and global businesses are controlled by globalists.

It is sad to watch the world population sleep-walking into slavery as technology takes a hold on their lives. People are getting addicted to their gadgets and spend their lives gaming, inter-acting on social media , watching on-demand movies and reality TV . Meanwhile, TPTB is taking away all that remains of our freedom. Soon will come a time when we will only be allowed to walk in clearly marked lanes on the city pavements , painted with footsteps.

We have already lost our right for privacy as it is considered fair game to spread around our personal information .This is called GDPR which says that our private information can be passed to anyone if we give consent but the way consent is being obtained is very dubious.

Sinister laws are creeping up without us even being properly warned. Even your body is no longer yours. Here, new laws are coming in which creates a presumption that you have consented to donate body parts in the event of death unless you opt out. It is not very clear how you opt out but ,in any case, I would not trust them to honour my wishes. Then there is the university con where young people are put into heavy debt by the time they graduate with useless degrees. I could go on.

Now that the church and religion are no longer able to provide hope, young people are turning to something else . Technology is the new god and aliens becomes the new saviours. "We re not alone" and salvation will come from the skies apparently. However, that is only a temporary stage. In the end they will worship what the NWO tells them to worship.

How then do we resist that movement which ultimately will bring slavery and misery ? How do we circulate all the works of the great philosophers and scholars when schools and universities have emptied their shelves ? Even if old teachings are revived , will anybody be interested ?

My concern is where do you send your children to study if there are going to make climate change and LGBT central to their lives. Do you let you child remain in a school where the head master allows boys to wear skirts and behave like girls. Obviously , private education comes to mind but at what cost.

If NWO is leading us to a miserable world of hopelessness only countered by the copious amount of on-demand entertainment and sports to appease the populace, how do you maintain your independence and control over your environment ?

The answer is perhaps the realisation that we have more control over the forces of the universe than we think and we need to learn to use it. Also , we need to remind ourselves that what we have around us are just the end products of our imaginations . It all starts in the mind and finally materialises on the physical plane and we control the whole process .Take back your power and become a space traveller and an architect of your own destiny. There is no limit to what you can achieve ; barriers are only created by your mind . Stepping into the unknown and taking the plunge will always yield enormous rewards, so long as you have faith in yourself. Nothing from the outside can penetrate the sacred castle that is your mind if you refuse to let it in.

The meek will not inherit the earth. That word "meek" is a mistranslation in the bible. It is the strong , brave and bold who will inherit the earth. Real Strength comes with Mercy . Be a merciful warrior and spread the word.

edit on 12-5-2019 by crowdedskies because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 12 2019 @ 04:48 PM
I think I am flunking the social engineering course. I hope they do not come and get me and attempt to reprogram me to believe all the lies they want us to believe or to fear all the fear mongering they are spreading. It may backfire if they try that, I may open the eyes of the teachers. I may show them they are also pawns set for destruction..

posted on May, 12 2019 @ 05:14 PM
I wonder if the almighty beast will be able to withstand the flurry of jabs that will be done by the ultimate question!?!

edit on 12-5-2019 by Specimen because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 12 2019 @ 06:58 PM
The hardest thing is to keep focused on the big personal picture and not get sucked into the world of apathy, distraction and convenient delusion. It's no life imo but the play of acting out a part.

THIS place helped me learn the value of never losing touch with the soul and deny ignorance. A great motto but a better ethos to live by that goes way beyond a website.

More truths mean less wasted brain space usually taken up with more than just the information for the truth but everything the lie involves, who it is told to, when, why etc etc etc. No wonder so many old folk seem "doo-lally" and as mad as a box of frogs.

The most important thing I have learned recently is to help others understand what (or who) makes them. Our past and the events/traumas play a huge part. Parents, or lack of are a huge factor, moreso than the NWO or big brother. Good grounding in early development is key. The issues of the day you point out that seem to be the badness in the world are merely the vultures feeding on the lost souls who have given up.

If you don't like something, change it, don't complain, don't expect others to help, and make sure the lessons you learn are not just for you but enable others to learn. Nobody likes a smart arse.

The NWO or whatever each individual calls it, ain't gonna subliminalise me. I am one of the lucky ones who has always been a boat rocker. I tipped loved ones overboard but have rescued many more in my travels.

Privacy has not been lost, it has been given away beyond personal control but we have more control than most realise. Getting the silent Witches and Wizards to embrace the light isn't easy so lead by example and show the possibilities and perspectives and NURTURE the imaginations of those in the dark.

Bottom line is, we live in a world of energy. A force controlled and uncontrolled that has ultimate power and influence. We choose our sources and decide if we want an easy ride to the simple things for material reward and delusion or a harder more realistic ride to see more than what is presented, more than the obvious...the things that come with spiritual reward and the realisation that we have infinate power.

Mercy....a fine trait that affords others chances where they may not exist. A chance to be so much more if there is bravery, trust, commitment and imagination. Scary stuff!

We can evolve, live and dream without instructions thankyou very much. Many hate being told what to do, others need to be told.

It's a shame nursury rhymes come with emojis now.

I live a personally engineered world. An organic, analogue completely fluid existance. There is nothing to pin a label on and very little to pin a number of the beast on.

Good luck on this ball of dirt all....luv ya!

motto... listen carefully. Wisdom knocks quietly.
edit on 12/5/2019 by nerbot because: stuff

edit on 12/5/2019 by nerbot because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 12 2019 @ 07:34 PM
Evidence-based epistemology is practically a crime these days. The free-thinker has been banished to the penumbra of society's false glow. We are witnessing the rise of the NPC. Just the other day there was a world renowned doctor and researcher banned from Twitter because he dared to report the truth on decades worth of studies on gender dysmorphia. It didn't fit with the new church's narrative, though, so now he has been silenced.

The singularity is inevitable and it might even be the next great migration for humanity to merge with our technology. Just as when we came out of Africa or when European explorers braved the seas to settle the Americas. But it will go wrong. It will go very wrong.

Our society has become so very left-brained that even art is now dying and is nothing more than the representation of the NPC groupthink. Yes, we are probably more analytical now as we've ever been in human history. However, without a balance between the left and right brain that analysis, even when technically correct, will turn out utterly wrong. Simply because we won't have the full picture without a balanced brained approach and the application of any idea, no matter how seemingly right, will end up fatally flawed.

The immigration issue is a perfect example of this. Yes, the people who argue that immigration is healthy for a nation are technically correct. However, application matters. If you don't carefully regulate it then it becomes a case of too much too soon then that breeds resentment that will fuel the rise of dark opposing forces. It's like the old adage of boiling a frog in a pot of water. You have to turn it up slowly or that bastard is going to jump out and set you on a wild frog chase throughout your kitchen.
edit on 12-5-2019 by sooth because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 13 2019 @ 04:38 AM
a reply to: crowdedskies

Any discussion on "Climate Change, LBGT, Mental Illness, Metoo" is a diversion for issues that really matter or will cause change like raising the purchasing power of the median wage. Despite your frivolous concerns, the billionaires are doing quite well. Every year the monopolies and cartels strengthen their stranglehold on the throat of the worker making the median wage:

Purchasing Power of the Consumer Dollar

The facts simply do not support your delusions or fabricated concerns of "which differs from that of the herd will be severely rejected." The people in power love wedge issues because they prevent anything REAL from being done.

What is really sad is how uneducated people are about the nature of the propaganda being used to manipulate people like yourself. The true genius and sophistication of modern day propaganda is getting people to support an idea as if they think they invented the idea or that they think they are "thinking for themselves" when actually they are echoing or regurgitating exactly what the propaganda programmed them to think. This whole thread with your concern of "taking back your power" cannot be further from the truth. There is nothing in the issues you talked about that really matters.

Consider the following video to understand the depth of how duped you are without even knowing you are duped:

I understand your fabricated concerns about the "objectives of the NWO". The thing is there are laws that enslave men and there are laws that set them free. The problems with this country are not rocket science. The billionaires pay the lobbyists to bait the politicians to pass laws creating cartels and monopolies in exchange for campaign financing. Money talks, everything in this thread and your post is BS. Contrary to propaganda controlled delusions about what is important, money talks and the laws that are being passed are preserving the power of the billionaires at the expense of the worker making the median wage.

As I said money talks. Issues like LBGT issues are BS distractions. The only laws that really matter or ever get passes are ones that benefit the billionaires. For example, all the recent laws passed to give tax breaks to the billionaires are a great example. And then all the laws passed gutting consumer protections in favor of the billionaires is another great example.

I think we can all agree we have a one-party communist system in this country. The problem is it's NOT the kind of communism that is in the worker's favor. The billionaires pay the lobbyists to get the politicians to pass laws creating cartels and monopolies in exchange for campaign financing. What we have in this country is corporate communism. We have the pricing fixing of wages, products, and services BUT NOT in the worker's favor as clearly shown in the graph I referenced above.

We have NWO but it's really just the same old same old. Contrary to your right wing delusions, money talks, everything else is just BS. Unless you are talking about some issue that will increase worker's wages, purchasing power of the consumer dollar, or health issues related to consumer protections, IT'S JUST MORE MEANINGLESS BS. Money talks:

posted on May, 13 2019 @ 04:45 AM
"Just be happy with what you got because it's NEVER going to change:"

posted on May, 13 2019 @ 04:46 AM

originally posted by: rickymouse
I think I am flunking the social engineering course. I hope they do not come and get me and attempt to reprogram me to believe all the lies they want us to believe or to fear all the fear mongering they are spreading. It may backfire if they try that, I may open the eyes of the teachers. I may show them they are also pawns set for destruction..

I think you are already programmed perfectly to their satisfaction.

posted on May, 13 2019 @ 04:49 AM

originally posted by: crowdedskies
Social engineering is a massive ongoing project of the powers that be.

People who own press get to decide what is important.

Manufacturing what is "important" is never ending obsession of the people in power.

posted on May, 13 2019 @ 04:54 AM

edit on 13-5-2019 by Peeple because: civil

posted on May, 13 2019 @ 03:01 PM
a reply to: nerbot

Good post and , yes, an individual can engineer their own place in the world.

Getting the silent Witches and Wizards to embrace the light isn't easy so lead by example and show the possibilities and perspectives and NURTURE the imaginations of those in the dark.

I hope the OP did not sound too much like a call to arms... as in : "dust off those broomsticks and rods and let's give them hell"

Bottom line is, we live in a world of energy. A force controlled and uncontrolled that has ultimate power and influence. We choose our sources and decide if we want an easy ride to the simple things for material reward and delusion or a harder more realistic ride to see more than what is presented, more than the obvious...the things that come with spiritual reward and the realisation that we have infinate power.

So true

posted on May, 13 2019 @ 04:08 PM

originally posted by: dfnj2015
a reply to: crowdedskies

Any discussion on "Climate Change, LBGT, Mental Illness, Metoo" is a diversion for issues that really matter or will cause change like raising the purchasing power of the median wage. Despite your frivolous concerns, the billionaires are doing quite well. Every year the monopolies and cartels strengthen their stranglehold on the throat of the worker making the median wage:

I do not want to get too political here. I can see where you are coming from . I am neither a victim nor an oppressor and I know enough about monopolies and big business to know what is truly going on. In my OP I talk much about how we are being enslaved by the elite.

What you call my frivolous topics are not so frivolous. It may not have escaped your attention that schoolchildren are now making climate change issues central to their lives and they are going on protests. For you it is just a deliberate distraction engineered by the elite but for me it is the early loss of minds that could change the world. Minds are powerful but poisoned minds can do no good.

My complaint is aimed at those who do nothing for themselves - i.e. the losers and the duped. I am not one of them .

edit on 13-5-2019 by crowdedskies because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 13 2019 @ 10:20 PM
a reply to: crowdedskies

We would think that you'd be the first to up and go, leaving the duped and damned to their fate. It's what elitists do...

Do it for your chauldren. Oops... I meant children.

posted on May, 14 2019 @ 04:39 PM

originally posted by: Pinocchio
a reply to: crowdedskies

We would think that you'd be the first to up and go, leaving the duped and damned to their fate. It's what elitists do...

Do it for your chauldren. Oops... I meant children.

It seems to me the duped and the damned would stand a better being around me; a bright spark full of life and energy.

If your avatar has anything to say about you it is that you dwell on darkness and hopelessness. Honestly, a person hanging by the neck (as depicted in the picture) is not my idea of positivity. You are more likely to pull everyone into your pit.

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