posted on May, 14 2019 @ 08:29 AM
The only way to truth is Jesus, all these cult's and sect's all lead to the same demise, they lead you into the swamp of lies and false truth's the
words of false messiah's count saint germain's, father rosencrantz's and weishaupf's.
Jesus not some cult that hides supposed secrets and both half truth's and utter lies to snare it's members - oh fine some of them offer a great
method to get on in your career and act as a social venue, fine so long as that is all it really is but sometime's they become a nest of vipers, men
whom abuse them for there own aim's, power hungry men wanting to use them to manipulate and to control.
The devil offers many secrets but he is called the father of lies for a reason.
edit on 14-5-2019 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)