That's what you're going to be hearing soon enough if my suspicions are correct. You'll be walking in a public place and people will be randomly
blurting out the word
What is this, you ask?
Well, advertisers have continually figured out how to invade your life with advertisements on every conceivable surface, every air wave and every
medium. You can't use your phone, or your computer, or watch a video without being bombarded with advertisements. Heck, you can't even go to the
beach without seeing advertisements. They're talking about putting advertisements in space now, and advertisements on the's endless.
But us users, us consumers, out there have figured out how to turn them off quickly. The market for avoiding advertisements is a booming industry.
Ad blockers on web browsers, clicking the "skip" button, DVR's for recording programs...anything to get away from all the frigging ADVERTISMENTS!!
But now advertisers are bent on ruining everything. Take U-toob as an example; have you noticed most U-toob videos lately have become much longer?
There's a reason. U-toob has changed their policies forcing content makers to make longer videos so more advertisements can be played. This, or
you're not allowed to monetize your videos. So now the average video length is like 15+ minutes whereas it used to be 5 minutes. Who wants to watch
13 minutes of crap to get to 2 minutes of content??? And it gets worse...
Now advertising and marketing companies are making it harder for you to avoid advertisements. The streaming service Spotify is going to roll out
audio advertisements where you have to audibly say
"No" in order to stop an advertisement. Now initially, this will be a voluntary thing which
can be disabled altogether by shutting off voice controls. But how long will it be before these types of things are no longer voluntary???
don't want to listen to / watch that.
How long before your phone will force you to listen to / watch an advertisement before you can make a call? That, or say
Millions of people will be wandering around screaming "NO!" at their electronic devices...all to avoid advertisements! Just watch and see.
My prediction is, it won't be long before interactive devices will force you into interacting with them. They will force you to turn on voice and
video interaction to stop them from nagging you with something there is no other way to turn off.
edit on 5/4/2019 by Flyingclaydisk because: (no reason given)