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posted on May, 4 2019 @ 07:01 AM
That's what you're going to be hearing soon enough if my suspicions are correct. You'll be walking in a public place and people will be randomly blurting out the word "NO!"....."NO!"......."NO!"

What is this, you ask?

Well, advertisers have continually figured out how to invade your life with advertisements on every conceivable surface, every air wave and every medium. You can't use your phone, or your computer, or watch a video without being bombarded with advertisements. Heck, you can't even go to the beach without seeing advertisements. They're talking about putting advertisements in space now, and advertisements on the's endless.

But us users, us consumers, out there have figured out how to turn them off quickly. The market for avoiding advertisements is a booming industry. Ad blockers on web browsers, clicking the "skip" button, DVR's for recording programs...anything to get away from all the frigging ADVERTISMENTS!!

But now advertisers are bent on ruining everything. Take U-toob as an example; have you noticed most U-toob videos lately have become much longer? There's a reason. U-toob has changed their policies forcing content makers to make longer videos so more advertisements can be played. This, or you're not allowed to monetize your videos. So now the average video length is like 15+ minutes whereas it used to be 5 minutes. Who wants to watch 13 minutes of crap to get to 2 minutes of content??? And it gets worse...

Now advertising and marketing companies are making it harder for you to avoid advertisements. The streaming service Spotify is going to roll out audio advertisements where you have to audibly say "No" in order to stop an advertisement. Now initially, this will be a voluntary thing which can be disabled altogether by shutting off voice controls. But how long will it be before these types of things are no longer voluntary???

NO! I don't want to listen to / watch that.

How long before your phone will force you to listen to / watch an advertisement before you can make a call? That, or say "NO!".

Millions of people will be wandering around screaming "NO!" at their electronic devices...all to avoid advertisements! Just watch and see.

My prediction is, it won't be long before interactive devices will force you into interacting with them. They will force you to turn on voice and video interaction to stop them from nagging you with something there is no other way to turn off.

edit on 5/4/2019 by Flyingclaydisk because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 4 2019 @ 07:21 AM
If I had to scream no at my phone it wouldn’t be long before I broke it. Who really needs a phone anyway?

posted on May, 4 2019 @ 07:21 AM
I hate ads. Let's hope it doesn't come to this before too long.

posted on May, 4 2019 @ 07:26 AM

originally posted by: Skid Mark
I hate ads. Let's hope it doesn't come to this before too long.

If so I will get my stuff from Amazon and Food Delivery businesses.

posted on May, 4 2019 @ 07:27 AM
It's not just ads on the Internet and phones that are annoying. The stupid gas pumps are spitting ads out while I am stuck filling up. Sitting at the doctors office, ads are rolling off their screens in the waiting rooms. At least the store monitor ads along the aisles, I can turn my cart and run away. Ads are already everywhere.

posted on May, 4 2019 @ 07:50 AM
I use Ubuntu as an OS and Duck Duck Go as a search engine - I almost never see ads on my computer.

For TV, I usually record what I want to watch, and still get a kick out of using the remote to blast through ads. He he.

posted on May, 4 2019 @ 07:52 AM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

Capitalism man, get used to it.

posted on May, 4 2019 @ 07:56 AM
Soon, you will plug the net into youur brain, yeah comercial thoughts, in your BRAIN, DIRECTLY!!

no skipping that. (and maybe it can "scan" your brain, to know your deepest desires, or hidden secrets?)

posted on May, 4 2019 @ 08:00 AM
They can bombard me all they want, I'm still not going to buy their product or service.

It is annoying as hell!

posted on May, 4 2019 @ 08:02 AM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

Adblocker was created to deal with browser ads. Something else will be created to deal with these new types of ads.

No need to panic and sensationalize, imo.
edit on 4-5-2019 by hombero because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 4 2019 @ 08:04 AM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

One could say that advertisements are the key to a free society. Or are they the price of a free society?? I still watch TV on the antenna, commercials can be great sometimes. Especially funny ones.

posted on May, 4 2019 @ 08:30 AM
a reply to: worldstarcountry

I agree.

I hate ads and go to great lengths to remove them from my technology.

Netflix will be ad supported shortly.

That's cut

Any apps downloaded and the first thing I see is an ad, it's gone immediately.

I use ad blockers, VPN, and private browser tabs.

Those little pesky ad blocks never pop up. If they do in the off chance, it's a generic text because they don't have my shared information from whom ever are mining your personal info.

This is what happens when we let loose technology in the shadiest of people,

As long as it's "technically not illegal", anything goes.

I love how we hate china's internet governing style when our own is the worst example.

posted on May, 4 2019 @ 08:45 AM

originally posted by: Lazarus Short
I use Ubuntu as an OS and Duck Duck Go as a search engine - I almost never see ads on my computer.

For TV, I usually record what I want to watch, and still get a kick out of using the remote to blast through ads. He he.

I highly recommend duck duck go on android, as well. It's a much cleaner experience.

posted on May, 4 2019 @ 08:46 AM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

posted on May, 4 2019 @ 08:52 AM
a reply to: Mach2

I use startpage (formerly ixquick).

posted on May, 4 2019 @ 08:56 AM
Maybe it's not all that bad. When was the last time an ad worked for its intended purpose on you?

Me was two weeks ago when I saw one for the lemonade sprite. Before then. Never. We all know about Mcd and coke, so do those weird music videos and people faking that they enjoy it actually work? I buy because I'm hungry or thirst for it. Not because I saw an ad. Mostly I find out about a new burger when I look at their menu seeing if I'm going to do my regular. Which 95% of the time is the case. And the different flavors of coke... vanilla is it and that has been around for a very long time... remember lime?... nor does coke.

Every month five new pills. But what happened to last five pills? If I binge actual TV for a week it's the same pills. But later after a while I'll go back to tv... new pills. Not the old ones over and over.

Insurance... we all start on our parents. When we get older I bet most us just stay with the same company. My whole family has the same phone company as well. We stay with what we know so do those really work as well?... I don't believe so.

So some may think they're going to get worse. I believe this is their dying breath. They are drowning and no one drowns calmly. It gets messy. If someone is around they'll pull them down too. It's only a mater of time before they get water logged.

That's another thing the p!$$3$ me off. How they actually thought a few Russian bots and fake ads could control us to do their bidding. Why do they think ads work so well? Is because of Mcd and coke making all that money so it has to be the ads they make... if one day we don't get an ad for coke.. we are going to forget coke.... I have a bit of faith that this is the last of this. But I'm not a fortune teller.

Either way. If we. Us. All of us don't stand up for ourselves and say it's enough in one giant voice... then I don't have pitty for any of us. We will all burn eventually. Might as well enjoy it and just look the other way to ads or make fun of them when they come on... their depiction of us is so sad and incorrect that it's pain stakingly hilarious.

ps. When I search a product. I get ads for it. I bought a computer off amazon... guess what ads I got. Not about headphones or mice, keyboards or external hdds. But for computers... like really. I just bought one. I look up a couch or something weird and I get ads for that... not going to work. I already did my search for it... I will say though. Getting ads for things you talk about to your friends or family with your phone in your pocket is very disheartening and concerning.

posted on May, 4 2019 @ 09:10 AM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

Ads are not just getting intrusive, they're becoming interactive. They 2invade your phones, your computers, your day-to-day life.

This post was brought to you by the fine makers of Sham-WOW!

Buy you some Sham-WOW TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

posted on May, 4 2019 @ 09:58 AM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

librem 5

posted on May, 4 2019 @ 10:37 AM
Dude is right it will become a Voice NO and yes adds have already found ways to Make it so you cant skip them or even say no .

I have seen apps that creep onto phones ( my sons wife got on ) that you can NOT call out before you click out of a add .
It was just a scam app easly deleted But most people dont know programming like I do .
Ps totally Forget Using Chrome as your browser btw .
It can get infected with a add exe embedded that even I cant find . No virus protection picks it up No antimelware does .
The only fix is deleting Chrome then doing clean up then reinstalling chrome .
And I dont use Browser for much at all the exe is installed from just clicking to see a web site .

posted on May, 4 2019 @ 10:56 AM
a reply to: midnightstar

Yep, pretty soon doors won't unlock until you watch an advertisement, toilets won't flush until you watch an advertisement, your car won't shift into "Drive" until you watch an advertisement and the list is endless.

One thing is for WILL watch the advertisement!

Another U-toob example; notice how advertisements used to have a "skip" button? Now more and more ads don't have this.

Your freedom has been taken hostage by..."Your device will be ready in in 30...29...28...27...seconds"

Until WILL watch this!!!

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