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Why do you hate President Trump ?

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posted on Apr, 30 2019 @ 10:34 PM
Well I do not hate him (I also did not vote for him) but he does remind me of Biff from "Back to the Future 2.) I did not vote for H either, instead cast my vote for Jill. As it stands he so far has earned my vote in 2020 he has only a few more promises to uphold to lock it in. Speaking of promises I think that since he upholds his that may be why he is so disliked, as in my lifetime not a one has until now. Plus he was friends with JFK JR a man ballsy enough to call out his father's assassin with the cover of his magazine (RIP.)

posted on Apr, 30 2019 @ 10:45 PM
I don't hate him but I can never respect a draft dodger when there is a wall in DC with the names of dead patriots who didn't.

posted on Apr, 30 2019 @ 10:54 PM
a reply to: Fallingdown

This is not the “media” and I understand restructuring debt under Chapter 11...

This is my honest opinion of the POS human being he is (80’s style). I may have been a bit more idealistic back then but think that all these years later that I have a decent judge of character.

Keep “politics” out of it and judge a person’s actions/reactions and look objectively at the harm they cause.


ETA: The “green” money is already spent. You can’t , uh, Savage Love’s favorite saying, the act! Coal is dead. Another “promise” unkept...
edit on 30-4-2019 by TEOTWAWKIAIFF because: Even posting wants me to love him... :lame:

posted on May, 1 2019 @ 12:14 AM
a reply to: olaru12

I can give you that. Same can be said of a lot of the sleaze in politics..but fair point.

posted on May, 1 2019 @ 12:25 AM
Trump has a big Ego, he is trying to get this country fixed, but is running into way too much resistance from the left that is not legitimate. He has to fight hard to get anything accomplished so gets excited when something good happens, I do not condemn him for that.

I have a bitter taste in my mouth from how the Democrats have been acting, their actions are not right at all. I think we should replace the Democratic party with a more moderate party, one that will work for the good of the American people, not try to force everyone to comply with what they are pushing. I do believe the American people would be taxed to death if the Democrats controlled everything, and they would take away many of our rights. I would rather live here in America than in Europe because I have a decent freedom of speech here. We have less censorship here too, but the left is abusing our rights of freedom of speech to spread slander against their opponents.

posted on May, 1 2019 @ 01:24 AM

I personally hated Obama.

I didn’t like anything he stood for . I hated most of his policies and I saw his hypocrisy at every turn .

But he was my/our president so I grudgingly supported him . I was able to get over childish emotions for the sake of my country .

I didn’t scream for impeachment or make false accusations to label him and impeed his presidency .

Take trumps bankruptcies as a example .

If I was going to bring an issue like that up on Obama . I would research it first and know what I’m talking about .

If the accusations had been against Obama instead of Trump. After learning what was going on I would’ve shut up and look for something accurate .

I would never echo an article I read with no true understanding about what actually happened .

That’s how a accusation is weaponized.

People just picked the misrepresentation up from a biased media source or news program .

Then ran with it . Just like the Billy Bush tape, Trump calling all Mexicans animals, the cherry picked quote about calling all Mexicans rapists and murderers and Trump making fun of a disabled reporter . ( every one of them is a lie )

I would’ve never yelled for impeachment for three years when there was absolutely no possibility of it happening .

The media cranks the heat up to keep left angry. Then because they have such contempt for their followers they lie because they know they will believe them .

Angry people believe anything they want to hear .

Personally if I was still a liberal . I would be PO’ed about how gullible they think I am .

Do you remember John podesta‘s email ?

“ we have have been quite content, to demean government, drop civics and conspire to create a unaware and compliance citizenry. The unawareness remains strong but compliance is obviously fading accurately “

That is what they think of you do you want to add a little bit . The emails have been proven authentic through DKIMs. Plus for more authentication the DNC is suing WikiLeaks and Russia “for successfully hacking democratic national committee and John podesta” .

It’s right there for everyone on the left to read. But they won’t or they will just pretend it’s not true .

This isn’t directed at you.

But I’m starting to believe the majority a liberals know their claims are lies and don’t care. Maybe my opinion of humanity is to high. But there’s no way people can’t be that stupid for that long .

I don’t think the left cares about truth whatsoever. The position is the ends justify the means .

As far as trumps demeanor . Let me compare Trump to Obama .

“ I would rather have a successful jerk, than a unsuccessful nice guy “

( somebody on the five said that, I think it was Perino )

edit on 1-5-2019 by Fallingdown because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 1 2019 @ 02:10 AM
a reply to: odzeandennz

we'd rather a president less concerned about what some blogger or columnist or "S&L" think of him.

This here is exactly what it is. The left wants an NPC. They don't care about policies, they care about personality. They care about fitting in and thinking things are good, when real life is the complete opposite. They care about superficial things, and love to play the pretender role.

The truth is, these people typically miserable in life, scraping the bottom, and putting on a facade to hide their misery. They hide behind online avatars, because online they can be anyone they want. Hell, there's even a Silly member here who pretends to be a rich business owner, when in reality on their old banned account they had stated their occupation was cashier at a local supermarket. These people are truly delusional, and the online fantasy world combined with the MSM falsely leading them down the path has caused what you see nowadays.

It's one of the reasons I rarely post anymore, you rarely are ever talking to the person you would meet in real life, you're talking to their online persona. This used to be a great site where intelligent discussion/debate would happen, but ever since Trump was elected it's become a political site full of political hacks playing an online character.

Very few do actual research anymore, and even less do the simple task of fact-checking. We have the damn insternet nowadays, with enough searching you can find truth behind all the MSM bullshiz, but often too many are just simply to lazy to take the time. This thread has been a perfect example of exactly that, people just posting emotionally and playing a role.

a reply to: Fallingdown

posted on May, 1 2019 @ 02:45 AM
a reply to: Vector99

I agree, psychologist even have a term for it .

Internet personality disorder .

The way I get around it is to just skip over there surface flaws. Their fantasies don’t matter to me it’s none of my business . Just because they’re nuts doesn’t mean they’re stupid .

If you look to the future it’s easy to realize. That it is the status quo and as long as there’s anonymity on the Internet .

As far as research goes every person online has access to more information than at any other point in history .

With very little effort you can find the truth to most things . But like you said most people don’t even bother.

They’ll read or hear a scrap of information and take it to heart .

For those that do research the problem as I see it comes down to how the research is done . People will research their position but wont research a counter argument .

As an example if someone says Obama is Satan . It’s almost as if, instead of researching, is Obama is satan . The proponents of that statement just slap a couple quotation marks around “ Obama is Satan” and get the results they want .

That sticks in my crawl, with the least bit of effort misinformation could die on the vine .

But here we are .

Oh and as a afterthought. Debate is dead .

posted on May, 1 2019 @ 05:18 AM
a reply to: Fallingdown


Simply, because the MSM tells them to. That's why. The MSM tells large segments of this country to hate Trump over and over again. They chant this mantra morning, noon and night at every opportunity.

I think your bigger question should be...'Why does the MSM repeatedly condition the populous to hate Trump?'

The answer to this question is a little more complicated, but there is an answer.

Trump has done something no other president before him has ever done; he's taken away their filter...and they don't like it! Not one bit! The MSM has long existed as a threat to most recent presidencies. 'You will let us control the narrative, or we will turn on you!' But Trump's posture has been the exact opposite of this; the narrative wasn't theirs to control. He didn't let them spin the message before it reached the people, he didn't let them become his mouthpiece. Prior to this the MSM was able to use all their back channels within the slimy underworld of establishment politicians to carefully construct the elaborate web of the official "narrative". This was allowed because the threat of the MSM turning on a president was too great to ignore.

But there's more. ...

You have to remember, Trump was, and always has been, an outsider to the 'Establishment Elites', the Beltway Bandits and the Career Politicians of Washington. And, by association this includes the MSM. But the MSM's motivations were one thing and one thing only...making $$$$$. As long as the web was so incomprehensibly complicated (intentionally), then there was plenty of room for all of the MSM to report pretty much whatever they wanted, right or left. There was still plenty of room for all of them to make money.

Sure, much of the media has leaned left for quite a while now, but not like today. The thing is, it's not really a left bias in the MSM so much as a "Orange Man Bad" bias. Their message isn't anti-right, as much as it is anti-Trump. That's different! But Trump is different, and Trump has exposed them. Trump has exposed the fact that the tangled web that is Washington DC really isn't that complicated after all, and he's forced them to choose a side. He has removed all the obfuscation. Now they have to report the facts, or get relentlessly called out on it.

The MSM underestimated Trump, and now they're licking their chops trying to get revenge and prove they were right all along (i.e. 'See?? Don't F# with us...or you'll pay! We control the message, not you!'). But the MSM made one fatal oversight...they underestimated the power of social media. They thought social media would just fall in line, lockstep with their narrative, but they didn't. And, then the unfiltered message started getting out, the message without all their spin-doctoring. This left them completely exposed and vulnerable to "Fake News" claims. That's when the gloves came off.

The people don't hate Trump, the MSM hates Trump, and like little children on the playground at recess they're trying to get everyone else to hate him too.

This isn't about some ideological difference of opinion; make no mistake about it...this is PERSONAL!
edit on 5/1/2019 by Flyingclaydisk because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 1 2019 @ 06:59 AM
I'm not a US citizen, so this is just the opinion of a man on the outside looking in.

I don't 'hate' Trump, I believe that 'hate' is a very strong term and should be reserved for peados and rapists (et al).

Yet, I don't like him either. I've said this on the boards before, but I think the guy is a buffoon.

Here's a very brief example of why I feel this way;

‘You know what I wanted to. I wanted to hit a couple of those speakers so hard. I would have hit them. No, no. I was going to hit them, I was all set and then I got a call from a highly respected governor...I was gonna hit one guy in particular, a very little guy.

I was gonna hit this guy so hard his head would spin and he wouldn’t know what the hell happened...I was going to hit a number of those speakers so hard their heads would spin, they’d never recover. And that’s what I did with a lot—that’s why I still don’t have certain people endorsing me: they still haven’t recovered."
— reacting to the Democratic National Convention, July 29, 2016

"I'm also honored to have the greatest temperament that anybody has."
— November 3, 2016

Every time that man opens his mouth (or taps his keypad), I'm unsure whether to laugh at him or cry for the rest of you.

edit on 1/5/2019 by MerkabaTribeEntity because: Fixed text

posted on May, 1 2019 @ 09:24 AM
a reply to: Fallingdown

I don't hate President Trump but I do think he's unsuited to the position he holds , the last two years of his administration have done nothing to change that belief.

posted on May, 1 2019 @ 09:41 AM
a reply to: Fallingdown

It comes back to identity politics.

Because so many on the left "identify" with their political leaders, they take the losses personally.

posted on May, 1 2019 @ 10:19 AM
a reply to: DBCowboy

Because so many on the left "identify" with their political leaders, they take the losses personally.

You don't think that cuts both ways ?

posted on May, 1 2019 @ 11:36 AM

originally posted by: gortex
a reply to: DBCowboy

Because so many on the left "identify" with their political leaders, they take the losses personally.

You don't think that cuts both ways ?


Not really.

I look for a politician who agrees with me. My ideals, my "brand" of ideology. If they don't? Then I don't vote for them.

I see the left looking to politicians that they can agree with. The left adopts the ideological stance of their chosen political leader.

posted on May, 1 2019 @ 12:22 PM
a reply to: Lumenari

And Orange Man Bad... and Hillary lost.

Actually she won the popular vote but let's forget about that. Trump of course couldn't believe this would be true so invented 2 or 3 million people who voted for her.

Kind of sums a lot of things up really, doesn't it?

I am fairly sure though that if H Clinton was being charged with 12 counts of obstructing justice there would be many on ATS frothing at the mouth and screaming that she should be jailed for life if not lynched, but it's not really too surprising that with Trump it's all being muted down.

I notice people on here blaming the 'msm' for people having negative views on Trump, not seeing many mentioning him being such a ######### on Twitter though?

posted on May, 1 2019 @ 12:29 PM
a reply to: MerkabaTribeEntity

I would much rather (by a thousand fold) have a person in charge who clearly says what's on their mind, even if the risk is stepping in it now and then. This, over a person who is so politically correct, and so adept at speaking with forked tongue...that they never wind up saying anything meaningful at all.

I always look at it like this...if you're gonna' talk S#, you better be able to back it up! Most politicians today (the world over) are absolute masters at saying a whole truckload of words, but never actually saying anything they will ever have to back up. Pure doublespeak.

posted on May, 1 2019 @ 12:29 PM

edit on 5/1/2019 by Flyingclaydisk because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 1 2019 @ 12:30 PM
Hi Flyingclaydisk,

"...'Why does the MSM repeatedly condition the populous to hate Trump?"

It's likely that George Soros pays them to.

Anti-American deranged leftists, low information voters, kooks, and Communists blame Trump for getting elected.
How stupid can they get? Trump didn't elect Trump. Voters (aka "The deplorables") did.

Commie leftists will argue that (traitor) Hillary won the popular vote. Well, not when you subtract millions of border jumper votes for Hillary, and other forms of massive voter fraud. (Yes, illegal aliens were registered to vote back during the riots during the Bush administration, as were their families domociled in Mexico).

posted on May, 1 2019 @ 02:00 PM

originally posted by: Flyingclaydisk
a reply to: MerkabaTribeEntity

I would much rather (by a thousand fold) have a person in charge who clearly says what's on their mind, even if the risk is stepping in it now and then. This, over a person who is so politically correct, and so adept at speaking with forked tongue...that they never wind up saying anything meaningful at all.

I always look at it like this...if you're gonna' talk S#, you better be able to back it up! Most politicians today (the world over) are absolute masters at saying a whole truckload of words, but never actually saying anything they will ever have to back up. Pure doublespeak.

I don't disagree with you there boss!

Trump is an odd one for me, in that I don't really like him as a politician, yet I can still get onboard with some of his decisions.

Theresa May? Nope, I really can't stand that woman. I'm just glad she's not my PM, lol

Mind you, my current Chief Minister is a bit of a ditherer himself, although we seem to agree on some policies.

posted on May, 1 2019 @ 02:57 PM
Maybe it's bscause he embodies that dueshy rich guy loud American stereotype. I don't hate him but i would say it's his personality that ticks people the wrong way.

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