Sorry for my english, I saw your post and joined just to share this. I hope it helps. Please give it a chance, there is a big campaign against this
type of information and it can easily fall as nonsense. Don't kill the messenger, just try, there is nothing to lose. TL;DR: Search the work of Dr.
Hamer. Enric Corbera.
“La enfermedad es el esfuerzo que hace la naturaleza para sanar al hombre”
“Illnes is Nature's effort to heal the man”
Dr. Carl Jung
“No hay que luchar contra ella, sino integrarla, comprenderla y trascenderla”
"There is no need to fight against it, but to integrate, comprehend and trascend it"
Dr. Christian Fleche.
What "they" did best, was to strip from the minds of people the trust in themselves. Trust in our bodies, trust in nature, trust between us. Nothing
reaches you if it is not for your learning and betterment.
More often than not, you can decipher the meaning of your illnesses and wounds with some questions. When did it start? What were you thinking about?
How was your emotional environment at that moment?
Life is a journey to express ourselves. Culture can add filters and blockages to that expresion. Homosexuality often comes with rejection. When your
family rejects you it can be tough to accept yourself. Psoriasis appears to show your extreme rejection of you. Your thoughts, actions, feelings.
Those are things you learn, and if you are with people who teaches you to reject yourself, your whole being will shout against that. Truth is what we
all pursue. Everything that denies truth, by whatever reason for, decays, falls ill, corrupts, twists, feels uncomfortable. If you feel that
something is off, that is the greatest guide for you to follow truth.
“We should not try to ‘get rid’ of a neurosis, but rather to experience what it means, what it has to teach, what its purpose is. We should even
learn to be thankful for it, otherwise we pass it by and miss the opportunity of getting to know ourselves as we really are. A neurosis is truly
removed only when it has removed the false attitude of the ego. We do not cure it – it cures us. A person is ill, but the illness is nature’s
attempt to heal the person. From the illness itself we can learn so much for our recovery, and what the neurotic flings away as absolutely worthless
contains the true gold we should never have found elsewhere.”
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edit on 4/30/2019 by semperfortis because: (no reason given)