a reply to:
I disagree since I see the spirit or soul as the real being, the body is a gestation period at most and an interface at least to the soul/spirit.
These spirit's live or exist on different plane's as the psychics of the 1800's called them long before the modern theory's on dimension's, these
different planes in the psychics/mediums (most were charlatans but perhaps not all) operated at different vibrations or as the physicists today term
it different frequency's, so the human spirit has a far higher frequency than an animal's would have for example.
Human's have free will (within the limitations of there society and the constraint's that there social environment may subject them too) and can
choose between physical - bestial or spiritual - good with a swing to good and bad in both of these direction's since not all spiritualism is good and
not all physical is bad.
In spiritual term's pandering to the physical, the material is seen as bad though admittedly this was not always the case and the Egyptians for one
actually thought that they could take there earthy treasure with them., But striving to achieve the spiritual which for some is an expansion of the
consciousness into higher realm's with the outright rejection of earthly values or for others is the sharing of what they have and the helping of
others as well as working toward that higher existence is seen as good.
Of course there are a few among the ultra wealthy whom have done very great good and many among the spiritualists whom have done very great evil in
history so it is rather more complicated than that.
If you like not a simple case of binary one and zero.
As for the ever decreasing oroboros of the snake eating it's own tail that is symbolic not so much of eternity as going down the drain, at least in a
higher context as there is no standing still it is about ascent of the soul which I believe is the true source of consciousness and the true reason
for the mind to exist other than the primal instinct's of the body necessary for it's own function and reproduction.
The snake in that analogy is getting smaller so it is a corruption of the Oroboros in which it is not so much a matter of cyclic as ever decreasing
cycle which some would argue as fractal but I would disagree to a degree with them, oh not completely but enough that I do not see it that way.
I should gently urge you to do some research into the language and phrases used by psychics in the 1800's, there descriptions of vibrations and
planes - other world's in the spirit still used today by new age believers in the use of inert crystal's etc to attenuate there own natural field's,
aura's and energy's and even of spirit body's being as solid and real as the physical one's but existing on higher planes at different frequency's.
It may not be my cup of tea or your's but if you then subtly compare it to physicist theory's born later - not before? - and you shall find the
concept of matter vibration frequency's etc.
Then ask is this a case of convergent human reason?, or knowledge from a higher plane/dimension and if so is it actually to at least some degree
I used to program using direct assembly instructions, just simply subroutines to model the stages in my program flow which would be called from the
main routine of the program to perform certain calculations - I was not much of an interface programmer but still even my simple code was often far
more elegant than a flawed compiler such as lies under the base of most high level programming languages such as C but these day's in an almost
Heinlein like twist even top programmers lack this ability, oh I do not put down there creations but they are at the base code level often crammed
full of waste code that is both unnecessary and memory consuming - also slower than true custom code would have been as well as producing inevitable
and unintentional - or are they - back door's for hackers.
You may be using window's 10 the same as me, if you are then you are using what amount's to one of the biggest piles of trash code to date, yet it
work's - not as elegantly as it could but it does work.
But here is were a truly smart self programming computer may exceed human potential in a very short order of time.
A computer may be able to learn trick's such as those used by once famous programmers such as Jeff Minter an old 8 bit legend whom could squeeze
performance were there was not even supposed to be any out of some of those old 8 bit home PC's and whose code was elegant and beautiful even if it
was only for simplistic games.
And such a self programming computer could create a fully functioning version of window's with all of it's feature and compatibility - not that such
was ever really a top concern of Microsoft when they wanted to push a new OS onto us - intact and even expanded and improved and it may be able to do
so in one eight or less of the memory that Microsoft latest bloatware does so along with fixing most of the flaws and loopholes that are exploitable
by hackers.
The problem I see is that such a computer self programming can only produce to the specifications given to it by it's human operator but remove the
human element and could you then create a runaway cascade that may in eventuality threaten the human condition entirely.
Human's by the way have not gotten smarter in the last 180 years, they have in fact gotten on the whole much less intelligent despite better
nutrition, sanitation and life expectancy, your great, great grandfather or his father back when he was in school if he was lucky enough to live in a
nation were he was in school may have learned several classical languages, to perform complex mathematics in his head especially if he was from a
middle to upper class family.
But if like some of my ancestors he was working from the age of only four down a mine somewhere then he may only have learned to sign his name with
an X or a fingerprint but this made him no less intelligence just less intellectually schooled.
You can not teach a computer, you can give it data and it does not hate or like any data more or less than any other data, you can lie to a computer
giving it false data and it does not know the difference and even if it does eventually learn to place data hierarchical placing the lies into it's
trash bin it still does not really know what truth and lies are.
You could create a complex cascade of subroutines and even teach a computer to self program but no matter how closely it come's to and manages to
even fool it's human users it will still remain an unconscious creation not a mind, it's actions automatic rather than reasoned and will never be like
However AI as an augmentation of human intelligence, human's may become a likely possibility - one downside it may be good for the physical you but
what about the spiritual you?, does this shortcut prevent your spiritual self from attaining some goal?.
edit on 28-4-2019 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)