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Powerful pulses of radio waves coming from galactic center

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posted on Mar, 12 2005 @ 09:35 AM
Hmm very interesting
Good discussion folks, hope it keeps on topic.

I wish I knew more about space and astronomy to know what might be causing it.
Is it intelligent? eh I don't know, it might be just a coincedence?

posted on Mar, 12 2005 @ 10:08 AM

Originally posted by Omniscient

Originally posted by thelibra
This is just speculation, but you have to figure, the average gravity at the center of the galaxy has to have an ENORMOUS force exerted to keep the arms and such in check, and because of the shape of our galaxy, it would suggest a regular speed that does not vary (much). My guess is what we're hearing is the noise of all this concentrated matter and gravity rotating.

Also, if that's so, then how come we haven't picked up these radio waves before?

I don't know. Maybe because we weren't looking for it long enough, weren't pointed in the right direction, or didn't have the technology.

I haven't kept up with the news, but "mythatsabigprobe" just said it stopped? That adds a whole new set of questions. That leans me a little bit more towards the "Intelligent Signal" aspect, but then again, it could just be that something blew up, or formed, and that was the signal given off during that time. Perhaps it was even the emanations of a temporary wormhole.

Originally posted by mythatsabigprobe
Yes, it does seem to be intelligent. The kicker for me is that it stopped? after 5 cycles??? How do they explain that?

77 is the only number pair that produces that type of repeating pattern also.

10/11 = 0.9090909
10/22 = 0.4545454
10/33 = 0.3030303
10/44 = 0.2272727
10/55 = 0.1818181
10/66 = 0.1515151
10/77 = 0.1298701
10/88 = 0.1136363
10/99 = 0.1010101

[edit on 3/12/2005 by mythatsabigprobe]

Hey, extend that out a bit. I bet there's another repeating sequence that doesn't follow the ABABABAB... pattern.

Okay, here's another "what if". This assumes the signal is intelligent, and I'm not stating that it is, just leaving myself open to possibilities:

Maybe if the guys who think math is a universal language are correct, it's a complex number sequence riddle.Maybe we're supposed to respond with the next repetition of a non-ABABABAB pattern. It could be that whomever is sending the signal is waiting for a response that matches the pattern they are looking for, because it would designate that whoever was responding would indicate they had the knowledge of math, problem solving, and the techonology to interpret radio frequences.

Unfortunately, since it's from the center of the galaxy, I doubt anyone there remembers the original signal being sent.

Again, that's if the signal is intelligent.

But what's that about the signal stopping? It stopped?

[edit on 3/12/2005 by thelibra]

posted on Mar, 12 2005 @ 11:31 AM

Originally posted by mythatsabigprobe
Yes, it does seem to be intelligent. The kicker for me is that it stopped? after 5 cycles??? How do they explain that?

Where does it say that the signal stopped? I don't see it anywhere. I just did a quick search looking for an update, and all I find is the same article.

If it is a RADIO pulse, I wonder if there is any signal within the 10 minute pulse. Is it just noise? What frequency, or frequencies is the pulse? Without more info, it is impossible to tell if it is intelligent. It would probably take time to analyze it.

If it was intelligent, would they tell us?

posted on Mar, 12 2005 @ 02:45 PM

Originally posted by rwatkins

Originally posted by mythatsabigprobe
If it was intelligent, would they tell us?

Probably not

Is there anyway an independent/private firm or group could confirm the signal and perhaps analyse it?

posted on Mar, 13 2005 @ 06:41 AM

Originally posted by rwatkins
Where does it say that the signal stopped? I don't see it anywhere. I just did a quick search looking for an update, and all I find is the same article.

Well, re-reading the article it does say it could be a magentar but I don't understand how it could stop after 7 hours - there's that number again... 7 hours, 77 minutes

7/60 = 0.1166666
5x77 = 385/60 = 6.4166666

CNN Article

Other experts nicknamed the mysterious source a "burper" and said there would be a race to
scan for similar radio bursts.

"We hit the jackpot," said Scott Hyman, a professor of physics at Sweet Briar College in Virginia,
who led the study.

"An image of the Galactic center, made by collecting radio waves of about 1 meter (3 feet) in
wavelength, revealed multiple bursts from the source during a seven-hour period from
September 30 to October 1, 2002 -- five bursts in fact, and repeating at remarkably constant intervals."

It cannot have come from a celestial object known as a pulsar, the researchers write
in this week's issue of the journal Nature, but the source could be a brown dwarf of a
-- an exotic star with an extremely powerful magnetic field.

Apparently this happened in 2002, I have no idea why they're just telling us now or when/if we'll get more info.

posted on Mar, 13 2005 @ 06:52 AM
Man I read that article 3 times in the last few days (I read it at work on Thursday before seeing it here at ATS) and I never caught the part about being in 2002.

That sucks, So if they got another signal from the thing lets say 7 months after the original detection (Just sticking with the number 7 thing) then we should here about it in October sometime, since they wait several years to release details.

Why do they wait so long to disclose info like this, its almost useless.

posted on Mar, 14 2005 @ 05:16 AM
Maybe a dumb question.

How can we be so sure that their MATH is like ours ?

For example.
Some languages (on earth) are totally diferent and cannot be used as base to other.
The time, the time measures we use on earth would not be applied anywhere outside our planet.

So my question is;
Can we absolutely confirm that with our math we are able to translate any kind of info that some ET life would send us ?

posted on Mar, 14 2005 @ 06:41 AM

Originally posted by Krpano

How can we be so sure that their MATH is like ours ?
The time, the time measures we use on earth would not be applied anywhere outside our planet.
So my question is;
Can we absolutely confirm that with our math we are able to translate any kind of info that some ET life would send us ?

They say that mathematics is the universal language, I guess because numbers and relationships are absolute and can't be misinterpreted - but don't quote me, I don't have a clue about anything but basic math. I do know that sound and images can be converted to numbers, ie: digital binary numbers, so we should be able to interpret any signal unless the math is wildly advanced.

Time on any planet would be based on the period of rotation, so I guess it would be different on each planet, but if a message was intended for inhabitants of a particular planet it wouldn't be hard to figure out their most likely units of time. We can figure out which planets are most likely to be inhabited, so another intelligent civilization probably could also.

posted on Mar, 14 2005 @ 06:52 AM
Well batton down the haches folks. what else could it mean. Ahhh well, at least some of you are listening.

posted on Mar, 14 2005 @ 07:03 AM
one of these days we will have to pick up our phones and talk to our freinds out there.we are not alone by any means.the universe is full of life at one end or another we just dont want to realize we are so small in our little box we live in.

posted on Mar, 16 2005 @ 10:35 PM
Well, two things about the '7-77' issue:
1)I'm sure that all of you guys are aware that '7' is the divine number in the bible, but
2)"7 hours and 77 minutes' would actually be 8 hours and 17 minutes, right? That's not symbolic, so far as I can tell.

So here's the problem, as I see it:
Anyone can play with this data so as to get a symbolic number. For instance, a signal that was 7 hours and 6 minutes in length could be described as being '6 hours and 66 minutes' in length by someone who was trying to prove that the devil sent it out. So, as much as I appreciate the numerological analysis, I think that we have to determine the nature of this thing before we start assigning meaning to it.

posted on Mar, 18 2005 @ 10:42 AM
It appears to be the energy output of our galaxies black hole hitting telescopes, no? What I'd like to know is the readings of any other such 'anamoly' from other galxies if they exist. Maybe the black hole contains the coordinates through which we are moving through space. Saying for example that a galaxy having a massive center composed of a black hole efects other such black holes upon other black holes. The fact could be each black hole is its own dimension, carrying with it millions of stars. Maybe there is just one really big black hole in the center of the universe sucking us in ever faster toward our impending doom: The next dimension.

posted on Mar, 18 2005 @ 10:51 AM
I still have few questions about this report. Why did it take so long to report it, and why no followup? I would like to know how often this occurs. Did it just happen this one time, or does it happen on a regular basis? Still alot to be answered here.

posted on Mar, 18 2005 @ 11:37 AM

Originally posted by onlyinmydreams

2)"7 hours and 77 minutes' would actually be 8 hours and 17 minutes, right? That's not symbolic, so far as I can tell.

Anyone can play with this data so as to get a symbolic number. For instance, a signal that was 7 hours and 6 minutes in length could be described as being '6 hours and 66 minutes' in length by someone who was trying to prove that the devil sent it out.

I see your point, but you're mistaken about the 7+77 numbers. The source article said that the signal was a series of 5 cycles lasting 77 minutes, over a 7 hour period. I wasn't trying to imply it lasted 7 hours 77 minutes, just noting that 7 + 77 combination.

Here's something that does fit what you're saying about manipulating the numbers, if it was 5 cycles of 77 mins plus a 10 min break you get a total of 425 minutes for the whole cycle.

425/60 = 7.0833333
0.0833333 x 77 = 6.4166641

or, if you only use the first 2 decimal places:
0.08 x 77 = 616 which is what some theologians believe is the true number of the beast. ooooo!!!

posted on Mar, 18 2005 @ 11:53 AM

Originally posted by rwatkins
I still have few questions about this report. Why did it take so long to report it, and why no followup? I would like to know how often this occurs. Did it just happen this one time, or does it happen on a regular basis? Still alot to be answered here.

I'd like to know those things also. What I'm starting to think is that there's a link between this signal source and the recent gamma radiation burst that hit the earth, they both appear to have originated from the same area but I can't find any info on the exact locations. That's another thing we weren't told about until months later and there's a theory that the gravity wave preceeding the gamma burst may have caused the December 26 Tsunami. Here's a link to a thread on the gamma burst

posted on Mar, 18 2005 @ 02:12 PM
Well, if we are thinking that it may be some kind of extraterrestial intelligence, the number 7 repeating so prominently could show that perhaps they work off of a base 7 system, right?

posted on Mar, 18 2005 @ 02:25 PM
ok this is the first thing ive EVER seen that in my mind could possibly be alien. Does anyone else think this could be a very advanced alien race sending out these radio signals not just to us, but to our entire galaxy seeing if anyone responds to them, seeing which planets hold life inteligent enough to signal them back :puz

posted on Mar, 18 2005 @ 06:01 PM
Yes. Yes, I do. But I think if it's true intelligence they won't wait for a response, which could take 50,000 years. I think this could be a heads up for us, telling us to watch this space for the real message. I don't know what it would be, but I'm sure it would tell us all we need to know,

posted on Mar, 18 2005 @ 06:08 PM

Originally posted by Marid Audran
Well, if we are thinking that it may be some kind of extraterrestial intelligence, the number 7 repeating so prominently could show that perhaps they work off of a base 7 system, right?

Anything is possible I guess. I don't know how you'd calculate a base 7 system but we have base 12 and 16 systems I can't calculate either...

posted on Mar, 18 2005 @ 06:18 PM
Well if it is an intelligent signal and they are using some other sort of math language then maybe we need to rethink the way we do math. I am not familiar with binary but the ratio in binary might be interesting. And most of us if not all use a math based on 10 digits, 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7, 8, 9, 10, 11; A math not based on that could do something to see if a pattern develops. AND maybe theres a completly different way of looking at this, a math based on Sin functions or what not is ust another approach. OR we could be making as much progress as a dog chasing its tail or a cat chasing a laser pointer.

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