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Ananuki are a traveling hunting/gathering caravan?

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posted on May, 1 2019 @ 08:44 AM

originally posted by: oldcarpy
a reply to: All Seeing Eye

I don't really have the time to watch Youtube videos. Could you post a summary as per T & C's, please?

Most people don't have the time to research, for what ever reason. And I believe that to be by design.

Llyd Pye was a retired FBI agent who, I suppose as a hobby started to investigate "Big Foot". He became not only knowledgeable about all things Big Foot, other sightings, globally. He built a data base for comparison and found 4 species of hominid. One, he believed is a misidentified living Neanderthal.

He became very efficient in the field of DNA/ and genetics and surmised that we humans were created as a disposable species(slaves), compared to our Neanderthal relatives. He breaks down all the weaknesses humanity suffers from compared to the body design of, the "big foot". He has a compelling case that we human beings were not designed for the environment we inhabit, where as the Living Neanderthal, is, or, part of our human genome comes from, elsewhere.

His work in the Genome can be verified as correct, but his assumptions about Nibiru, are not. Zechariah Sitichin did in fact misrepresent certain facts concerning the story, but again in my opinion, not all his idea. The other probability is that the Ananuki themselves, knowing how intelligent we were, started a misinformation campaign against us, giving us false information in the very beginning, attempting to write themselves out of their true role, and history.

lloyd and I were in contact for a few years before his untimely death. I knew him to be above board and a straight shooter, absolutely fact driven when it came to the genome.

The following video, which is very short, describes the gene editing and splicing that is at the core of the evidence we are actually a high-bread species. This, is the core of his research.

Lloyd Pye - Ancient Genetic Engineering (7:25) For those who can invest 7 1/2 minutes.

posted on May, 1 2019 @ 08:52 AM
a reply to: All Seeing Eye

He became very efficient in the field of DNA/ and genetics

Actually, no. He really did not. He thought neanderthals were a different species to humans and early hominids. He was very wrong about that.

His work in the Genome can be verified as correct,

Got any evidence for that?

Did he have any qualification in genetics?

Doubt it as he plainly had no clue about chromosomes.

Not another bleeding Youtube video!

Can't you post any actual citations or evidence?

edit on 1-5-2019 by oldcarpy because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 1 2019 @ 09:41 AM

originally posted by: cooperton

originally posted by: All Seeing Eye
Nibiru is the most glaring and obvious. It actually translates to "The Watery Crossing Zone", or area.

Thanks for that. Likely the same thing that Judeo-Christians refer to as a Passover or the Cross. The prodigious born-again shift into the eternal reality.

I strongly suspect the mistranslated meaning of "Nibiru" was intentional in order to misdirect the search for the "Ananuki", and where they reside. I also suspect the Ananuki left behind a intelligence operation in the form of a secret society that would assist in this coverup. The "Mystery Schools" were just that, to keep history, a mystery. What the Ananuki did, genetically, was to put a loaded gun, in the hands of a monkey, in their opinion. But what they actually did, was put that gun, in the hands of a clever snake, us. The "other" DNA that was used to splice us together, was theirs. And with that, all their instincts, traits, came with it. Big Foot is a quite peaceful creature, if, you leave it alone... It is the Ananuki that are incestuous, warring, greedy, selfish, dominating.

They have in essence created a life form that will supplant their dominance and control. And as in the Bible, they know judgment day will eventually arrive. WE, are the Bastard children of the Ananuki and one day, we will, take our rightful place they hide from us. The true Nibiru, has been discovered.

The "Detractors", those mystery school adepts are nothing more than Ananuki stooges who intentionally muddy the research waters with personal attacks and fake science. They continue to push a false narrative in order to, as they see it, protect their creator gods, small g, and where they live. And why do they do it? Because they are promised a place, eternal place, in the Garden of Paradise, and the entrance to that garden, is named, Nibirue! How fitting is it that Judas Iskariot was offered the same. Judas should be the patron saint, of secret societies, because they betray, all, of mankind! So, tell me again what societies did Sitchen belong to?

Lloyd, as far as I know, was not a "Adept".

Yes "Passover" is the promise.

posted on May, 1 2019 @ 09:54 AM
a reply to: All Seeing Eye

The Anunaki are referred to in ancient Sumerian and other texts which were myths, not factual accounts.

You are believing that fairy stories are real. You might as well believe that the ancient Greek gods are real.

I was going to add Cornish Piskies but they, of course, are quite real.
edit on 1-5-2019 by oldcarpy because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 1 2019 @ 10:08 AM
a reply to: All Seeing Eye

Do you think they purposefully hid it? I lean towards the idea that most people just aren't ready to receive it, mixed with the people holding the knowledge disillusioned to what they once held. We are starting to emerge though, those that have recognition of the shift. The answer is obvious, and everywhere. The integral aspect of every major spiritual inscription ever recorded. You don't have to prove it to those who are not willing to receive it. Just go with the knowledge you have, and have faith that you will integrate with others of a like mind.

posted on May, 1 2019 @ 11:55 AM
a reply to: cooperton

Do you think they purposefully hid it?
Putting yourself into the mind of a Father of a bastard child, yes. The Ananuki also believe in a Supreme God who has a moral code. It is inherent within virtually all life that the mother and fathers do as much as possible for their offspring, ensure the best possible outcome for them and following generations. In nature, abortion is not a valid or reasonable choice, nor is abandonment.

As time passed, undoubtedly the Ananuki saw their new genetic creation was displaying traits it did not count on. To attempt to control its intelligence they controlled mating. And when this failed and uncontrolled mating was occurring, the intelligence grew at a alarming rate. Remember, if it was a slave who could communicate with them to receive instructions, then it could also communicate with each other. The one thing they insisted upon was now working against them.

As time passed this new creation displayed creativity on its own, and that would have endangered the original reason for the creation. You cant have intelligent, creative, knowledgeable slaves. For one day they would awaken to their own capabilities, and destiny. And that may be the true reason why Enlil decided to end the experiment(flood). He must of realized the Frankenstein Monster they created.

So imagine the bastard child's opinion when it finds out their father tried to kill them. I suspect the reason, above all others is, shame. If the father could, and of lesser moral fiber, hide the whole history, he would.

So yes, I believe it was quite intentional. But, that comes natural to them. They were very skilled at hiding and impersonation. Its how they got to be "King of the Hill", sort of speaking.

But on the other hand half of their creation was actually blood related, not just genetic manipulation. That bloodline is cared for and might be the true reason for hiding all of it. They, are considered "Royal" blood and family to the Ananuki. It is they who were given dominion over earth, and the slaves.

Just go with the knowledge you have, and have faith that you will integrate with others of a like mind.

I was made aware of the deceit early on and insulated myself from following a "Pied Piper" of belief/ brain washing, mind control. Yes, I read Lloyd Pys book and communicated with him, but did not follow him religiously. Like many others, I interrogated what they offered, and like John Nash, saw patterns, and those patterns consistently lead to a cover up. I learned to pick the pearls of truth out of the mud of disinformation. If I had sought to join a organization then in essence I would be bound by that organizations inherent "Binders" of belief. As a lone wolf I could plot my course without interference or guidance or preconceived trains of thought . My mind was free to follow any lead, any information.

The lone wolf is not a pack animal nor one to be herded. It watches the herd of sheep, and also the Sheep Herder. You never see a Wolf Herder with a pack of wolves, unless, its the Alpha.

When the Alpha appears to me personally I will consider his information, and decide if integration is the best course of action, for all involved.

I will always, Keep the faith...

Thank you for your reply.

posted on May, 1 2019 @ 06:27 PM
Well, I guess y'all have got to have something to cling to as long as you refuse to conclude that these "authors" are lying to you for your money.

It's a difficult thing to admit you've been had.


posted on May, 2 2019 @ 03:36 AM
a reply to: All Seeing Eye

I take it then that you do not have any evidence or citations for any of that then.

posted on May, 2 2019 @ 11:15 AM

originally posted by: oldcarpy
a reply to: All Seeing Eye

I take it then that you do not have any evidence or citations for any of that then.
Unless you are prepared to travel a distance, and see with your own physical eyes, no. If you are, I will give you the location of the Nibiru with 99% certainty.

Otherwise, I bid you good day.

posted on May, 2 2019 @ 05:15 PM

originally posted by: All Seeing Eye

originally posted by: oldcarpy
a reply to: All Seeing Eye

I take it then that you do not have any evidence or citations for any of that then.
Unless you are prepared to travel a distance, and see with your own physical eyes, no. If you are, I will give you the location of the Nibiru with 99% certainty.

Otherwise, I bid you good day.

How are you today, Sir? Very well. I thank you! Run and hide! Run and hide!


posted on May, 3 2019 @ 06:33 AM

originally posted by: Byrd

originally posted by: one4all
If you are gonna accept the idea that the anunalki exist why not just accept the reason for them messing with earth that is giving in the ancient myths?

They needed the gold that was plentiful on this planet to repair their own atmosphere which of I am remembering right they damaged in a war.

Except that gold is inert. It won't react with anything. If you're going to use chemistry or anything else to perform an action, you need something that reacts with a lot of other things (like water, for instance, or carbon.) If you're trying to use it in electronics, it has a pretty low melting point which means any power variation can melt or fry your devices.

Not A Good Choice.

Then when their own people started whining the work was too hard they messes with the evoulutionary track of our ancient nonhuman ancestors till they came up with a perfect slave race. This would explain why man has placed such a high value on a metal that really had very little use in primitive societies outside of being a status symbol.

Why use manual labor and why use humans? Seriously. The weakness of Velikovsky's faked translation shows up clearly here.
* If you need to gather a resource you would not go gather it by hand unless there was no other way.
* any group that travel the stars has robots (because they need mass production for components in the ships and that means multiple types of industrial robots.)
* Robots don't steal - unlike humans
* Robots are ready to work the minute they're "born" - humans take at least 6 years to be able to do a little work, and are at full strength only after 18-20 years.
* Robots can work in the heat of a very deep mine - unlike humans
* Robots don't need air pumped into a mine - unlike humans
* Robots don't need to eat food and they don't poop - unlike humans
* Robots can work in very tiny spaces (an inch high or so) - unlike humans
* Robots can work in outer space or toxic atmospheres - unlike humans
* A robot damaged in a work accident can be repaired in a short time and be 100% functional - unlike humans
* Robots have interchangeable parts that can be replaced - unlike humans.
* Robots can instantly learn another job - unlike humans
* Robots don't ask for wages - unlike humans

So tell me why they'd even consider using humans?

I agree Harte , and the more I learn about mono-atomic gold and the Alchemy behind it and the origin of the so called "precious metals" the more I begin to believe that the gold has a much more valuable place in someones basic needs list , it is entirely possible that all water planets are seeded with biological lifeforms which in the long run produce these materials we call "precious metals"....there could be a much much bigger UNIVERSAL picture in play here.Similar to the Spice Trade in Dune.

There are stars whose cores are gold. Gold and "precious metals" are not that abundant on Earth though they are elsewhere. They could visit supernovas or areas where neutron stars have collided and get a lot more gold an precious metals -- and it's not buried in dirt and rock. It's right there to be scooped up.

The gold mining is clearly and obviously interwoven into and through Humanities an obsessive level.

Actually, there's only one story like that... and it's Sumerian. No other cultures have a story like that.

when considering the true value of gold if one steps aside from the status quo mindset and seeks a greater value the speculations about the possibilities of mono-atomic gold become key waypoints.

It wasn't that important to many cultures. California tribes, for example, didn't use it or collect it. To the ancient Egyptians, silver was more precious than gold... etc, etc.

If gold in fact has a biological origin as I now suspect

Gold makes up less than 1/1000th of our body... and that's pretty typical across many lifeforms here on Earth. Iron is far more critical. And gold is formed by colliding nuclei in the forge of very large stars.

I am still investigating but I began my investigation with historical texts on Alchemy long ago and I worked my way up to todays current work data discovered and refined by a guy who used to live not far from me...Hutchison.

Seriously, I think you should have started with atomic theory and chemistry. Gold may be used in the future to deliver some medicines, etc, to target cells but we don't absorb it and any amounts we ingest are excreted.

Byrd...I want to make this short and sweet ok....EEVERYTHING YOU based on a current status quo struggle and fight to drag every single dynamic into that arena where you feel EXPECT EVERYONE to respect and accept what we ALREADY KNOW IS A BASTARDISED STATUS QUO...…

Byrd....we BEGIN by disenfranchising your position....that is step ONE...we START by denying lies....we begin by identifying the status quo as being bastardised.....this means all you stand for is gone before you begin man.

You don't know what planets have gold on don't even know how gold is formed or don't know how old Humans are or civilisations don't know what gold can be used for...all you know is what you have been taught thru a bastardised education system.

You are clearly not aware that the status quo is the easiest perspective to disenfranchise...the power of numbers has deceived seek to use a majority opinion or number to push your bastardised focus you RECRUIT as many people as you can using the status quo as your bait.Because everything you do is literally a PYRAMID SCHEME based solely upon status quo catalysed data you are really just a black-hole of discourse and disagreement...which is what you have been taught to endgender.Alchemy works.Full stop.Metals transmute.Full stop.Gold is a biological byproduct.Full stop.Byrd....since I was a small kid I have been batteling the falsely constructed status quos which surround us grade school my hand was up to answer questions ALL DAY LONG and my everyday challenge was to correctly answer every single question my entire class was asked BEFORE anyone else...more accurately than anyone else.It did not take me long to find myself batteling the curriculum AND Teachers.@12 years old my Head Master/Principal took me aside and appealed to me to stop contradicting my Teachers in stop bringing books to class from the Library that were not listed on the curriculum because it was causing difficulty for other kids who were not learning the curriculum on time and as a result were falling behind on the yearly schedule.... my presentation of TRUTH my FURTHER INVESTIGATIONS of the curricular material found it to be full of holes and mis-representative,lies.Byrd,you listened to that crap,you BELIEVED THEM,you were DECIEVED,you were MISLED,at critical waypoints in your education.Had you reached out beyond the parameters forced upon you and challenged your teachers way back when you were young you would be fighting the status quo.

posted on May, 3 2019 @ 06:38 AM

originally posted by: oldcarpy
a reply to: All Seeing Eye

I take it then that you do not have any evidence or citations for any of that then.

You are not willing to accept the evidence provided Carpy…...instead you retreat to the protection of a bastardised staus quo and its artificially machined "citations" are off the

You have been given evidence and just wish to battle to disenfranchise that data using a bastardised status quo people no longer blindly accept.

It sucks to have your world turned upside down and have it de-valued or disenfranchised...but its a battle Carpy its a WAR....and you are in it...methinks on the wrong side.

posted on May, 3 2019 @ 06:40 AM

originally posted by: All Seeing Eye

originally posted by: oldcarpy
a reply to: All Seeing Eye

I take it then that you do not have any evidence or citations for any of that then.
Unless you are prepared to travel a distance, and see with your own physical eyes, no. If you are, I will give you the location of the Nibiru with 99% certainty.

Otherwise, I bid you good day.


Yes to the bid him good day

posted on May, 3 2019 @ 06:50 AM
a reply to: All Seeing Eye

Where's the proof that corrobates ANYTHING you just stated to be true? A youtube video and a bunch of random writings by guys no one has heard of?

You are not willing to accept the evidence provided Carpy…...instead you retreat to the protection of a bastardised staus quo and its artificially machined "citations" are off the

The sexual affair Prince William has committed with his wife's best friend couldn't keep contained, and this dude is a royal Prince, but you think something as earth-shattering as an Alien presence present on planet could be hidden under the rug? Lol, yeah, provide evidence, please. We want to see all of that evidence you're basing yourself on.

Unless you are prepared to travel a distance, and see with your own physical eyes, no. If you are, I will give you the location of the Nibiru with 99% certainty.

okay, so you, a random guy on the internet who has probably forgotten to take his meds knows of the existence of a galatic species that not only has visited Mankind - but actually created it. You know the location of a planet inhabited by beings with galatic or at the very least solar system tech, while the guys at NASA and so on either are too dumb to have figured out there's intelligent life out there, or they're all part of a mass conspiracy to hide the truth of Alien life away from Mankind.

lmao, I feel that psychologists who are undergoing training to diagnose and treat mental disorders should take a year-long tour on ATS. There's a lot of potential studies here for them.

edit on 3-5-2019 by Ligyron because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 3 2019 @ 08:25 AM

originally posted by: All Seeing Eye

originally posted by: oldcarpy
a reply to: All Seeing Eye

I don't really have the time to watch Youtube videos. Could you post a summary as per T & C's, please?

Most people don't have the time to research, for what ever reason. And I believe that to be by design.

I assume this includes yourself as your very first statement about Pye, just below, you make a factually incorrect affirmation. I’m sure it’s just that you’re just researching so many topics at once not a lack of research.

Lloyd Pye was a retired FBI agent who, I suppose as a hobby started to investigate "Big Foot".

This is 100% false. Pye never worked for the FBI. He was a critically panned author of fiction and write scripts for 80’s treasures like The Scarecrow and Mrs. King. He was recruited by Military Intelligence when he enlisted during Vietnam Nam and was assigned stateside for 2 years but never worked in any capacity for the FBI.

He became not only knowledgeable about all things Big Foot, other sightings, globally. He built a data base for comparison and found 4 species of hominid. One, he believed is a misidentified living Neanderthal.

Any citations to support these claims?

He became very efficient in the field of DNA/ and genetics and surmised that we humans were created as a disposable species(slaves), compared to our Neanderthal relatives.

What does “very efficient in the field of DNA/genetics actually mean? Did you mean proficient? How did he accomplish this having yes education beyond a BS in Psychology? The knowledge of genetics when he was in school in the late 60’s was infantile compared to even the late 90’s let alone today.

As for your comment regarding Neanderthal, you’re completely wrong again. Pye insisted that they weren’t related to modern humans in any way. We knew this to be false in the 90’s and it has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that we are very closely related to them within the last 15 years.

He breaks down all the weaknesses humanity suffers from compared to the body design of, the "big foot". He has a compelling case that we human beings were not designed for the environment we inhabit, where as the Living Neanderthal, is, or, part of our human genome comes from, elsewhere.

His work in the Genome can be verified as correct,

It can’t but feel free to prove me wrong with an actual citation.

but his assumptions about Nibiru, are not. Zechariah Sitichin did in fact misrepresent certain facts concerning the story, but again in my opinion, not all his idea. The other probability is that the Ananuki themselves, knowing how intelligent we were, started a misinformation campaign against us, giving us false information in the very beginning, attempting to write themselves out of their true role, and history.

Let’s say it together,slowly... Anunnaki. It’s not ananuki or any of the variations. With that said, Pye plagiarized the entire concept from sitchin and Von Dainiken with a couple of slight variations on the original work. As for accepting his “translations”, if you can call them that, I’ll stick with Kramer as my source on Sumerian and not lying fringe authors trying to make a buck off of the gullible.

lloyd and I were in contact for a few years before his untimely death. I knew him to be above board and a straight shooter, absolutely fact driven when it came to the genome.

Except when the genetic evidence rips apart his lets line the so called Starchild skull which he insisted was alien or an alien hybrid at varying times, he just moved the goal posts when the genetics came back showing that the Starchild had an X and Y chromosome making it entirely human.

posted on May, 3 2019 @ 11:11 AM

originally posted by: one4all

originally posted by: oldcarpy
a reply to: All Seeing Eye

I take it then that you do not have any evidence or citations for any of that then.

You are not willing to accept the evidence provided Carpy…...instead you retreat to the protection of a bastardised staus quo and its artificially machined "citations" are off the

You have been given evidence and just wish to battle to disenfranchise that data using a bastardised status quo people no longer blindly accept.

It sucks to have your world turned upside down and have it de-valued or disenfranchised...but its a battle Carpy its a WAR....and you are in it...methinks on the wrong side.

I couldn't have put it together like that, but you hit the nail right on top of the head. The demigods are upset the matrix of lies is collapsing...

War? I was hoping they would use their superior intellect to see how much they themselves were lied to, and the matrix of lies they themselves live in. The "secret" itself is demonic in design, and is the only reason. As I have said in the past, keeping a secret at all cost, will cost "us" everything, in the end. You are not demigods, you too are in the eyes of the so called gods, bastard children as well. To be used, or sacrificed in any manner they see fit. Your fools not to see that..

Have a nice "Nibirue" day...

edit on AMFridayFriday rdAmerica/ChicagoAmerica/Chicago33511 by All Seeing Eye because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 3 2019 @ 09:38 PM

originally posted by: one4all
You don't know what planets have gold on them.....

Actually, I didn't mention planets. Planets would be an inefficient location to find gold because you'd have to root around and break it out of matrix. Easier to grab it from the core of a star.

And yes, we know which stars have which elements... spectography.

you don't even know how gold is formed or made

Forged in supernovas.

So... what about the points I made about the inefficiency and poor logic of using humans (which can't start to work immediately and can't work 24/7/365 as opposed to robots, which can?

Or any of the other points I raised that don't actually involve information about civilizations or history or the like?

posted on May, 3 2019 @ 10:13 PM

originally posted by: Byrd

Say a year if they had to just go to the nearest star, offload cargo quickly and sell it and then hotfoot it back to Earth... ten years later. But here's the problem -- do the folks at home still want what you sent them off for ten years ago? Or if you're taking it further, do they still want what you decided to collect a hundred years ago? Or a thousand years ago?

Probably not, IMHO.

To be clear, I'm suggesting this is a self contained caravan that no longer has any contact with their original world.

I was watching a documentary about ancient human hunter gatherers, migrating from place to place to hunt and gather, and started to wonder what that economic model would look like if you applied it to space.

They would need to be true nomads. No part of their culture settling anywhere for long.

...and then you run into competition. Because while Star Nomad Group is wandering the galaxy and not doing technology, everyone else is staying at home in a resource rich environment and making new tech. When they go back a hundred years later, they're out of touch and really out of date.

These are some of the weaknesses of the "Annunaki theory."

Hunter gatherers had that problem too. I think if two traveling caravans found they were competing for the same resources, they'd have to decide whether it was better to have a battle about it, or simply move on.

As for technology, I wonder if there is kind of a point where military capability simply peaks? Like maybe a thousand or two thousand years into research you find the optimum approach, and that just plain ends up being the best approach anyone ever finds?

It could happen. On Earth we are certainly not at that point yet, though.

originally posted by: Harte

originally posted by: galadofwarthethird
a reply to: Harte
Does it matter? But ya, whoever did that monkey depictions that you posted are likely the same sort of people that did the bearded man monkey guy sitting on the other bearded guys lap. I truly don't care either way.

Either way, backflips are overrated.

Could be. The pic is representing tribute being paid to an Assyrian king. There could be some depiction out there somewhere of a king with a monkey on his lap.
Couldn't find such a depiction though. Couldn't find anything written about one either.


It does make you wonder how gold ever got to be valuable in the first place, though, doesn't it?

Why does the king want gold? Because it is valuable, right?

Valuable for what?

Perhaps valuable to some alien that is willing to give you a nice toy in exchange for a ton of it?

originally posted by: Byrd

originally posted by: All Seeing Eye
Sometimes the "secrets of the gods" were partly revealed in epic tales, such as the Epic of Gilgamesh, that disclosed the debate among the gods that led to the decision to let Mankind perish in the Deluge, or in a text titled Atra Hasis, which recalled the mutiny of the Anunnaki who had toiled in the gold mines that led to the creation of Primitive Workers-Earthlings.[/url]

You might want to go look at the translations of the original tablets and see what they say. For instance, in the Atra-Hasis -- which is THE source for "gods created man to do their work" you will notice that there is not any mention of gold or mining for gold.

Here is a PDF of the translation of the Atra-Hasis - which is searchable. Here's another trnaslation as a web page. Both are searchable.

No gold.

No other source mentions creating people to dig gold. The oft-cited Enuma Elish is about Marduk and Tiamat, as you can see if you read the translation

Now... I might be wrong, but I challenge you to find sources (TRANSLATIONNS) of Babylonian/Akkadian/Sumerian sources (with the dates when the original was written) that show humans were sent to dig gold. And if you say Velikovski/Von Daniken/Sitchin, I will point to the corpus of the text and the dictionaries and ask you to show me the word 'gold' as it appears in the original cuneiform (which would not be impossible since the databases are searchable.)

The story would be more interesting if instead of gold they had been after platinum. Platinum is a (nearly) universal catalyst, which means it is a core component of things like "catalytic converters". Also useful in hydrogen fuel cells. It doesn't react much itself, but it is able to make other chemicals react with each other.

However, platinum is much more abundant in space in asteroids and stuff than it is on Earth. So..... the story kind of starts to break down at that point....

posted on May, 3 2019 @ 10:36 PM

originally posted by: Byrd

originally posted by: one4all
If you are gonna accept the idea that the anunalki exist why not just accept the reason for them messing with earth that is giving in the ancient myths?

They needed the gold that was plentiful on this planet to repair their own atmosphere which of I am remembering right they damaged in a war.

Except that gold is inert. It won't react with anything. If you're going to use chemistry or anything else to perform an action, you need something that reacts with a lot of other things (like water, for instance, or carbon.) If you're trying to use it in electronics, it has a pretty low melting point which means any power variation can melt or fry your devices.

Not A Good Choice.

Maybe it wasn't the gold they wanted, but some of the stuff that tends to appear in the same deposits as gold.

For example: silver and mercury. Found in the ores Amalgum and Electrum (and both likely to have been mined by early gold seekers.)

Silver is the best electrical conductor.

Mercury has all kinds of nifty abilities.

Then when their own people started whining the work was too hard they messes with the evoulutionary track of our ancient nonhuman ancestors till they came up with a perfect slave race. This would explain why man has placed such a high value on a metal that really had very little use in primitive societies outside of being a status symbol.

Why use manual labor and why use humans? Seriously. The weakness of Velikovsky's faked translation shows up clearly here.
* If you need to gather a resource you would not go gather it by hand unless there was no other way.
* any group that travel the stars has robots (because they need mass production for components in the ships and that means multiple types of industrial robots.)
* Robots don't steal - unlike humans
* Robots are ready to work the minute they're "born" - humans take at least 6 years to be able to do a little work, and are at full strength only after 18-20 years.
* Robots can work in the heat of a very deep mine - unlike humans
* Robots don't need air pumped into a mine - unlike humans
* Robots don't need to eat food and they don't poop - unlike humans
* Robots can work in very tiny spaces (an inch high or so) - unlike humans
* Robots can work in outer space or toxic atmospheres - unlike humans
* A robot damaged in a work accident can be repaired in a short time and be 100% functional - unlike humans
* Robots have interchangeable parts that can be replaced - unlike humans.
* Robots can instantly learn another job - unlike humans
* Robots don't ask for wages - unlike humans

So tell me why they'd even consider using humans?

Robots are only as good as their programming. Writing and maintaining good software is a tremendous amount of work.

Giving them a complete enough set of instructions so they repair and maintain themselves would be quite an accomplishment.

On the other hand, humans have a natural survival instinct. Put 200 or so on a planet with a biosphere, and basic tools to survive, and they will build their own "units". Maybe 20 generations until there are 20 million.

"Programming" them is pretty easy. Just approach a powerful king and offer him weapons that he can defeat (and subject) his peers with. Perhaps a few steel spear tips or something, in exchange for a ton of mercury?

He will figure out all the details, even wrap it up for you with a nice bow on top. You just need to decide where you want to park your cargo ship.

Way easier than robots.

Less resource efficient, due to their primitive tech, but what do you care? It's not your resources they are wasting. It's their own.

posted on May, 4 2019 @ 06:50 AM

originally posted by: bloodymarvelous

Maybe it wasn't the gold they wanted, but some of the stuff that tends to appear in the same deposits as gold.

For example: silver and mercury. Found in the ores Amalgum and Electrum (and both likely to have been mined by early gold seekers.)

Silver is the best electrical conductor.

Mercury has all kinds of nifty abilities.

Anyone can say anything.
When you look at what Sumerians and Akkadians said, though, you don't see anything at all about any of the above.
That means that posts like yours are in the wrong section at ATS.
They should be here.

originally posted by: bloodymarvelousRobots are only as good as their programming. Writing and maintaining good software is a tremendous amount of work.

You imagine.
But imagine the amount of work involved in running a huge crew of humans.


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