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Police Found A Man With 2 cans of gas in St. Patrick’s Cathedral - NYC

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posted on Apr, 18 2019 @ 03:12 AM
I have just a few minutes to share this one, this man was carrying to church 2 canisters of gasoline, 2 bottles of lighter fluid and lighters into St. Patrick’s Cathedral. Cops arrested him Wednesday night, seems like the Notre Dame conspiracies could be real. 2Fnj-man-brought-2-cans-of-gas-into-st-patricks-cathedral-2-days-after-notre-dame-fire-police-and-reports-say.html
edit on 18-4-2019 by Trueman because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 18 2019 @ 03:17 AM
a reply to: Trueman

Cops arrested him Wednesday night, seems like the Notre Dame conspiracies could be real.

In what way does this have anything to do with the fire at Notre Dame other than some idiot wanting to replicate it in NYC.
The Notre Dame conspiracies are born from ignorance of the facts.

posted on Apr, 18 2019 @ 03:22 AM
any one else wondering why one arsonist would need lighter fluid and petrol ?

posted on Apr, 18 2019 @ 03:25 AM
a reply to: Trueman

which notre dame alledged conspiracies ???

hint - try presenting actual evidence instead of inuendo

+7 more 
posted on Apr, 18 2019 @ 03:39 AM
a reply to: ignorant_ape

If you need to be told that, you don't belong to ATS. But I think you just pretend to ignore what I said.

posted on Apr, 18 2019 @ 03:41 AM
a reply to: gortex

I don't know. I can't be sure. Time will tell.

posted on Apr, 18 2019 @ 03:44 AM
a reply to: Trueman

ah - that escallated quickly - do you ACTUALLY think i " dont belong on ATS " - just bevause i refuce to accept your un-evidenced assertions ???????????????

you is the one who is ignoring what people say

i read your claim - now - which alledged conspiracy ???????? - the " chanting moslems " and the " moslem " in the north tower - have already been falsified

so - evidence ?????????????????????

posted on Apr, 18 2019 @ 03:46 AM
"2 bottles of lighter fluid and lighters into St. Patrick’s Cathedral. Cops arrested him Wednesday night, seems like the Notre Dame conspiracies could be real. "

that is one huge jump in logic...

posted on Apr, 18 2019 @ 03:49 AM
a reply to: Trueman

craziest jump in logic ever

man in another country does something two days later

the Notre Dame conspiracy is real!!!!!!!!

+4 more 
posted on Apr, 18 2019 @ 04:08 AM
Whoops, didnt see this thread.

Notre dame goes up in flames... then a nyc cathedral has a man enter with petrol...... and you guys jump on anyone suggesting something suss?

Boy you are on the wrong site if you ridicule people for questioning the official statements on notre dam

posted on Apr, 18 2019 @ 04:10 AM
This place is embarrassing sometimes.

Oh boy.

posted on Apr, 18 2019 @ 04:18 AM
It sure seems a big leap, but I am asking, does anyone here think that Notre Dame was NOT arson?
After all the other church fires in France?
Don't know by whom or why, but it wasn't just an accidental fire. Too much circumstantial evidence that can't be dismissed.
It would be too great a coincidence that churches are set on fire left, right and centre bit the most important one was just an accident. No way Pedro.

If this guy in NY was 'copying' someone as has been mentioned here, would just be one more thing to add that points to arson at ND.
I think that's what OP was trying to say.

posted on Apr, 18 2019 @ 04:18 AM
a reply to: Agit8dChop

Boy you are on the wrong site if you ridicule people for questioning the official statements on notre dam

I'd like to think I'm on the right site for critical thinking , but sometimes I wonder.

posted on Apr, 18 2019 @ 04:19 AM

originally posted by: Agit8dChop
Whoops, didnt see this thread.

Notre dame goes up in flames... then a nyc cathedral has a man enter with petrol...... and you guys jump on anyone suggesting something suss?

Boy you are on the wrong site if you ridicule people for questioning the official statements on notre dam

yes because i do not see what one has to do with the other

and this stopped being a conspiracy board a while back

political now

posted on Apr, 18 2019 @ 04:20 AM
a reply to: Hecate666

If this guy in NY was 'copying' someone as has been mentioned here, would just be one more thing to add that points to arson at ND.

Seems to me it's likely he wasn't copying someone but wanting to recreate something.

+2 more 
posted on Apr, 18 2019 @ 04:23 AM
well, what do we know about Notre Dam?
- while the fire was still burning the TV said it was an accident. How could they know?
- many churches/cathedrals in France have been attacked recently
- it happens the week of easter?

Those are all interesting points...

So then we see a man in NYC caught entering a major cathedral in NYC with petrol..

It could be anything... the idea behind this conspiracy site is to QUESTION things.

This site will become more political, if peoples conspiracy questions are ridiculed.

posted on Apr, 18 2019 @ 04:34 AM
a reply to: Agit8dChop

The problem is the push for the Notre Dame fire being something other than it was stems from those who want to portray the fire as an attack on Christianity by Muslims , which all the available evidence so far contradicts.

This site will become more political, if peoples conspiracy questions are ridiculed.

Is such a thing even possible ?

posted on Apr, 18 2019 @ 04:34 AM
a reply to: ignorant_ape

which notre dame alledged conspiracies ???

Macron can't control the yellow vest protests even with the threat of them being being shot by French Police. Another (false flag) terrorist attack, with the goal of distraction from the yellow vest protest and civil unrest in France, would be embarrassing to the French Government so it is alleged that the French Government orchestrated the burning of Notre Dame in an attempt to unify and distract in the face of a national tragedy.

hint - try presenting actual evidence instead of inuendo

Look where you are, this site is a CONSPIRACY THEORY site first and foremost. A conspiracy theory starts with just that, a theory, or a more apt term would be "theses"

theses Plural form of thesis, (thēˈsĭs)►
n. A proposition that is maintained by argument.
n. A dissertation advancing an original point of view as a result of research, especially as a requirement for an academic degree.
n. A hypothetical proposition, especially one put forth without proof.

You're wading into these threads with a garbage attitude and demanding proof of a theses. You really do live up to your moniker.

posted on Apr, 18 2019 @ 05:02 AM
a reply to: Agit8dChop

Question things

But to try to tie this dude to possible proof of a conspiracy seems pretty weak to me.

posted on Apr, 18 2019 @ 05:15 AM

originally posted by: gortex
a reply to: Agit8dChop

The problem is the push for the Notre Dame fire being something other than it was stems from those who want to portray the fire as an attack on Christianity by Muslims , which all the available evidence so far contradicts.

This site will become more political, if peoples conspiracy questions are ridiculed.

Is such a thing even possible ?

if it was an angry Christian who was tired of saying hail Mary's for penance, would you still chastise people for exploring the idea it may not be an accident?

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