Quoted from my last post:
As an aside to this topic, since the righties seem to be in control maybe y'all can enlighten me on the conservative mindset. Can someone tell me why
republicans take issue with any kind of legislation that supports children, education, healthcare, or the personal rights or freedoms of the
My understanding of federalism and the conservative mindset is that they are still supposedly compassionate American who care about thier fellow man
but the opposition to any legislature like those above seem to get killed even when its submitted by a republican.
I don't understand why y'all seem all fired up to spend money on blowing up foriegn nations but your totally against spending any US money on and
for the benifit of the people of the US.
In case you're wondering this is why democrats win after a prolonged period of republican rule, when people get tired of being left behind by our own
govt, they vote to bring in someone who will do for us as a people!!
It's pretty simple really, righties have no domestic agenda other than to allow total pillage'n'plunder by the corporate weenies to undo all of the
good brought on by the last democratic administration.
Shrub "Domestic" Agenda
> Lets see we can start a war... check
> um, raise unemployment via layoffs... check
> allow good paying American jobs to be lost to foriegn countries... check
> spend all the reserves via war and taxcuts to my rich campaign contributors... check
> turn the other way while my college frat brothers rape the pension funds of their companies... check
> lie, cheat and steal all before my first term is over... check
Well it appears we have another fine mess for the next democratic administration to cleanup. No wonder we have yet to reach the pinnacle of our
countries vast potential, we're far to busy cleaning up the mess from the righties frat party hangovers!!!
SEND SHRUB PACKING IN 2004!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!