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Star Wars Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker

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posted on Apr, 14 2019 @ 10:02 AM
a reply to: AugustusMasonicus

Oh I heard that laughter all right...

I still think Kylo is Reys twin, if you have read the Canon/non Canon/let's just steal from non Canon books, Liea and Han have twins, Jacen and Jaina. Jacen turns dark, Jaina kills him.

What bothers me is Disney, they say the previous books aren't Canon then they rip off authors ideas. They pulled a Marvel. For those who don't know Marvel knows to how to lie and recycle DC.

Who knows what will happen, as long someone takes the helm in the future-crap Rian Johnson. Now I need to take an antidepressant.

posted on Apr, 14 2019 @ 10:18 AM
a reply to: Thecakeisalie

I never paid much attention to the novels so all of that doesn't really register with me.

posted on Apr, 14 2019 @ 10:05 PM

originally posted by: AugustusMasonicus

originally posted by: Metallicus
Gotta love Disney.

The only white males allowed in their films are the villains.

I hope the black guy kills the white villain so your head really explodes from all the racial stuff. Maybe the white chick can stomp on his nuts too.

Lol I snorted reading this.

I literally can't take the baby moaning about tv shows and movies anymore.
Don't go to the movies. Switch off your tv snowflakes.
Like entertainment was ever anything but what it is now....

The 'Hero's journey' is text book script writing. Protagonist vs Antagonist. Fill in your new set design, new CGI, new clothes/hair or gender to pretend it's not just the same ol hero story ( which we all enjoy anyway let's face it !)....
People cry and are outraged over nothing. OOooo its all about girls germs now! Like this is anything new. They cry "outrage!".... Literally cry.

edit on 14-4-2019 by zazzafrazz because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 15 2019 @ 05:24 AM
a reply to: zazzafrazz

This thread was awesome, manly and estrogen-free before you showed up Darth Koalis.

edit on 15-4-2019 by AugustusMasonicus because: network dude has no beer because Heels took it

posted on Apr, 15 2019 @ 05:26 AM
White people always been the enemy in Star Wars...

It's a Death Star full of British officers, what's not to hate?

Who shot first?


Luke out there invading the sand peoples native lands n shieet.

posted on Apr, 15 2019 @ 06:23 AM
a reply to: Lysergic

Actually a death star full of Space Nazi's with British accents which is bit odd as the Brit's held the NAZI's at bay while the gold ol' US of A gave us an extortionate agreement in the lend lease policy that bankrupted us and which we only recently finished paying off as well as requiring us to dismantle our empire since it was seen as a threat to US concept's of free trade over the globe - look how that came back to bite China.

Go back over a century before that and it was we British that first banned the Atlantic slave trade in 1807 and then backed up our ban not only with our own ship's but also with both other European slave ship's AND American slave ship's by force using our navy to free the slaves and sink those slave ship's, this continued actually right around the world were WE BRITISH played a very important role in both banning slavery, using our once considerably political might to get other nations also to ban it and in actively enforcing that ban, we were still actively patrolling Arabian waters on anti slavery patrol's as recently as the 1960's.
Our anti slavery policy's were brought about by Christian Zealot's in the British parliament and campaigners in the British public.

The nations that made the most wealth from Slavery were the Portuguese, the Spanish and the U.S of A though due to the huge size of the British empire we then controlled we did have blood on our hand's as well, in fact many nations under British control can be regarded to have been second class citizen's if not actually slaves under our dominion - still we did not perform the greatest and longest holocaust in history, the worst offences of any European power during the age of empire (that was Belgium actually and there's pales before that Greatest holocaust in History as indeed does even the NAZI death machine).

Though historically hatred of the OLD British is not entirely unjustified as you don't build an empire without cracking a few egg's.

Overall though check your history and stow your hate, we did far more good overall than we ever did bad (though we did do plenty of bad) - we at least tried to leave working infrastructure and hand over to democratic and/or monarchist powers when we withdrew (As not only was it good policy but we often still had vested interests in the well being of those former colonies) and most of the chaos that followed our withdrawal was down to infighting and racial tension's in the formerly peaceful British Empire territory's whose populations had grown exponentially under the PAX BRITANNIA which had existed while we were in charge and there to enforce the peace.

For example you will have heard of the recent news story on the anniversary of a terrible event, a massacre in India (and not the only one sadly) but a forgotten fact is that many of the nations in what was to Later become modern India and Pakistan either invited the British in or were invaded only because they were at war with British protectorates (whom they had often been at war with for century's prior to us even being there) and in many cases the citizen's of those nations had actually welcomed the British led Indian army and British administrators with celebration's when they had come into them to take control especially those Hindu majority areas were there Muslim rulers had used torture and religious tax in there rule over the people.

In India in particular despite there modern patriotic inspired cry's over the crime's of the past (not there's against themselves but ours against them as we can be the foreign enemy to them while they can then see themselves as unified victim's of a mostly mythical British occupation - we did not take over by force) over the past and some serious incident's were hundreds or even thousands of innocent people DID die as a result of idiot's being in charge of the army there, often grace and favor job's were they were not fit to work in the real army (but due to family ties or friends in positions of power they were given a command were it was thought it would do no harm - look at the fall of Singapore for how much harm such grace and favor posting's can actually do) overall we British acted as a catalyst in both freeing the Hindu majority from extremely unpopular and violent Muslim rule with it's enforced shariah laws AND in creating the two nations that now occupy the former Jewel in the crown of the British Empire, India and Pakistan.

And as for that tea and taxes without representation, remember the American's whom revolted against the British were actually British themselves almost exclusively, in the years that followed some of your founding fathers even wrote about there worry due to the number of (non British) foreigners mainly German's with darker skin than they had (so how bloody pale were they?) whom were arriving in the American colonies (aka the fledgling United states back when it did not control even half the continent of north America and at the start of that longest and worse holocaust in human history the mass murder of the native peoples of north america - ever heard of Indian - native american Indian not Asian Indian - bone knives, Indian skin wallet's etc, well the NAZI's - yes that right German's whom made up the largest single migration of European's to north America also did that with there Jewish victim's, bad blood I suppose not that I am accusing all German's of being genetically evil or anything there are many good ones and we British after all are about a quarter to a third German ourselves) and feared that this arrival of non British European migrant's could change there new nation into a German speaking country.

So British space Nazi's, nah they would have had brown shirt's with there leader in prison, though you know perhaps they were a mixture of anti British empire and Nazi stereotypes.

And you do know we are your father don't you but in a twist on the star wars saga it was the son that turned to the dark side while the father turned back to the light side.

edit on 15-4-2019 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 15 2019 @ 06:36 AM
a reply to: LABTECH767


Didn't meat to trigger.

got a TLDR?

It was all more or less a reference to Eddie Izzard's (british comedian) stand up where he jokes the death star is full of British Officers... lol

posted on Apr, 15 2019 @ 06:51 AM
a reply to: Lysergic

Yeah sorry, I had a far more humorous quip but decided to leave it out, the lesson is people are people - I actually doubt fat king George the third was even popular here.
Mind you we have had some doozy's back in the age of monarch's, serial killers, lunatic's and enough sibling rivalry to make the Borgia's look positively saintly.

posted on Apr, 15 2019 @ 06:04 PM

posted on Apr, 15 2019 @ 06:04 PM
a reply to: Lysergic

Spicy Crying Grown Man Cringe.


posted on Apr, 16 2019 @ 09:57 AM
a reply to: Lysergic

That is so awesome to watch.

posted on Apr, 16 2019 @ 12:15 PM
a reply to: Metallicus

... what the hell kind of white identity politics is this?

the goddamn Hero's of the Movies have all been "white"

Has Starwars within the movies ever talked about race? or is it you projecting your fragility into a goddamn fantasy movie..

posted on Apr, 16 2019 @ 01:58 PM
a reply to: XAnarchistX

How White?

posted on Apr, 16 2019 @ 02:02 PM

originally posted by: XAnarchistX
Has Starwars within the movies ever talked about race?

Pod Racists...

posted on Aug, 26 2019 @ 06:54 PM
Second trailer is out:

Another little Easter egg at the end if you listen.

posted on Aug, 29 2019 @ 02:49 PM

originally posted by: Thecakeisalie
a reply to: AugustusMasonicus

Oh I heard that laughter all right...

I still think Kylo is Reys twin, if you have read the Canon/non Canon/let's just steal from non Canon books, Liea and Han have twins, Jacen and Jaina. Jacen turns dark, Jaina kills him.

What bothers me is Disney, they say the previous books aren't Canon then they rip off authors ideas. They pulled a Marvel. For those who don't know Marvel knows to how to lie and recycle DC.

Who knows what will happen, as long someone takes the helm in the future-crap Rian Johnson. Now I need to take an antidepressant.

Kylo and Rey can't be twins... Kylo is 10 years older than Rey.

posted on Aug, 29 2019 @ 02:50 PM
Ok... I'm calling it. And I will stick to this THEORY till after the movie.

Firstly my claim(s):

- Dark Rey is an actual character. She is non other than Reys twin sister.

- Dark Rey and Rey are daughthers of Luke.

- Dark Rey is played by Daisy Ridley's real life sister Kika-Rose Ridley. The two look so much alike they could be twins.

So, how does all of this fit together?

Ben Solo (Kylo Ren) was born 5 ABY and atleast Rey (therefore also her twin) were born 15 ABY. That leaves a 10 year difference between Kylo and the girls. Now... in the old fiction, Han and Leia had twins. But Disney took all of that out of Canon. Why? Because they wanted the twin idea, but they couldn't have them be Han and Leais kids because Kylo wouldn't forget he had two little twin sisters.

The girls belong to Luke. Around the age of 5 their force sensitivity was already showing. A bit too much actually, because it made the Sith aware of their exisistance and they dispatched immidiately to kidnap them both. Luke fought valiantly, but in the process lost his love, the mother of the girls, as well as one of the sisters. He managed to save Rey. But he had no choice but to leave Rey to fend for herself on Jakuu so the empire wouldn't catch her. Luke knew now he had to contact Leia, because he sensed that Ben Solo now could be a target. He hadn't been trained in force ways, because Han didn't want him to, and Leia stood by her man.
Until Luke appeared in a desperate mindset. They agreed to keep the twins a secret, just like they had been themselves. But Leia also agreed to haste Ben through jedi training. Much to the regret of Han. This is infact the reason Han left Leia... He felt betrayed.

Never the less Luke begins training Ben and other sensitives to prepare for what he now knew would be coming. But Ben couldn't handle the pressure and was probably beginning to take an interest in the dark side. A teenager whose father walked out on him and his mother. Bound to be some issues there.

Kylo falls... Lukes temple burns. Luke barely escapes. He had intended to go back and get Rey, but everything went so damn fast. In his retreat from Kylo and the rising 1st Order, he litterally stranded on Ach'to. Not because he wanted to. He simply couldn't leave. Remember the crashed x-wing in the sea.

Imagine that now. Here's Luke. Lost one daughter. His newphew as well, and his other daughter is alone on a desert planet and he can't get to her.

But this is also why he looked so dismayed when Rey finally came to Ach'to. It wasn't because Luke didn't want to be found or that he didn't want to see his lightsaber again. He spent 15 years getting over the loss and now with Rey finding him, he had to relive it all AS WELL as potentially having to see his other daughter fall into darkness as well. Luke knew very well, that there could only be one reason that Rey found him... Sith was on the rise again, and he would most likely have to see his untrained daughter fight it off with her own cousin.

Dark Rey fell into darkness as fast as Rey almost did. The reason Rey sees all those Rey's down in the cave. You got it now... remember. Rey saw two figures... that merged into one. Who is like that? Twins........ Mirror image of oneself. Her images even had a slight latency. Because they weren't Rey... they were her sister.

Now the trick is; what kind of story will they play when it comes to Palpatine? I think Palpatines essesence was trapped in Vaders helmet. Which is why Kylo feels so inclined to keep it. They could even go as far as saying that Palpatine was controlling Snoke and using Snokes body until he was able to return physically himself. This has been told before in Canon stories.
This would also explain why we all felt that Snoke was kind of a useless character. Because, he really was. He was just a vessel for Sidious until her could catch Rey and posses her instead.

But Palpatine decides to keep Dark Rey a secret from Kylo. He sends her to the unknown regions to gather all the forces and ships he had stoved away during the last years of his reign. His plan is to keep Dark Rey and use Rey as a catalyst for his return. He will slay Kylo afterwards... he's just a tool.

So. Kylo and Rey face off at the crashed Death Star. But the battle soon turns into a threesome. It doesn't take Kylo long to realise what is going on. He's been outplayed. But what he doesn't realise... and Rey already teased this in Force Awakens; he's not as strong as Darth Vader, but Dark Rey is exactly that and more. Of course Kylo now also realises that Dark Rey is Rey's sister. It's almost an embarresment to him. Betterede by a 10 years younger girl, but one who is also a decendant from Vader.

Rey uses this to turn Kylo towards the light again. But too late. We will have a stand-off like in episode 1 where Darth Maul kills off Qui-Gon. Except here Dark Rey kills Kylo Ren and we end up with an 1 on 1 between twin sisters.... pure light vs. pure darkness.

Dark Rey will not redeem herself, despite her darkness having been forced upon her. Rey will win... it's Disney after all.

But what a way to finish the 3 time trilogy. It started with twins and it ends with twins. Lucas' rhyme and rythm.

And what futher bolsters this for me is Daisy Ridley answering in an interview ( or was it someone else from the cast), that this final movie will be groundbreaking... doing something they hadn't done before. And something that will make us viewers ask ourselves some questions:

- Sister vs sister
- Using acutal sisters
- Asking... who is family? What is family?
- Who am I?
- What choice would I make?

Darkness rises and light to meet it.

This is going to be one insane movie. And you know what, just like I had the notion that it would, the last movie will tie it all together and it will all make sense and what we have left, is a story greater than the original trilogy was.

Have a great christmas
edit on 29/8/19 by flice because: (no reason given)

edit on 29/8/19 by flice because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 29 2019 @ 03:05 PM
a reply to: flice

I like the theory, other than her real life sister playing the part. I think they would just double up on Daisy playing both.

posted on Nov, 14 2019 @ 05:39 PM

originally posted by: AugustusMasonicus
Or is it really Rey, who's ambiguous parentage has yet to be revealed?

Well it is called Rise of "Skywalker", so chicky pooh there in the picture must be Luke's kid.

posted on Nov, 14 2019 @ 05:47 PM

originally posted by: Thecakeisalie
I still think Kylo is Reys twin

I have thought this from day one. That is how these movies work. At the very least, she is his sister.

Leia says:
"Sorry Han, that I never told you this while you were alive, but I had sex with my brother. Kylo is not your son, he is Lukes son. Ren and Stimpy are my kids, but both through Luke. He always liked me more."
edit on 14-11-2019 by spiritualarchitect because: can't spell worth spit

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