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Cynthia McKinney ruffles Rumsfeld!

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posted on Mar, 2 2005 @ 07:26 PM
Cynthia McKinney is a bona fide leftwing racist fruitcake, just like many here:

THE INCOMING REPRESENTATIVE FROM GEORGIA'S 4th congressional district is the outspoken Cynthia McKinney. She is a Democrat, she is 49 years old, and she has held the job before. She held it for a decade, in fact, from 1992, when she became the first black woman elected to Congress from Georgia, to 2002--when, she says, the "hostile corporate media," allied with Republicans, "repeated falsehoods" about her, "distorted" her positions, and drove her from "my seat."

That is McKinney's explanation for her 2002 primary defeat, and she is sticking to it. But there are other explanations. Her father, Georgia state legislator Billy McKinney, shared his version with an Atlanta television reporter on August 19, 2002, the night before she lost. The reporter had asked Billy McKinney about his daughter's use of a years-old, moth-balled endorsement from former Atlanta mayor Andrew Young. Such endorsements were worthless, the elder McKinney replied, because "Jews have bought everybody. Jews." In case the reporter didn't understand, he spelled the word: "J-E-W-S." (A few weeks later, in a runoff against a political neophyte, Billy McKinney became a former Georgia state legislator.)

The actual reason why Cynthia McKinney left Congress in 2002 was that, for once, she couldn't outrun her mouth. She had walked along the cutting edge of progressive politics for years--appearing with Louis Farrakhan, calling globalization a "cruel hoax," advocating for Zimbabwean dictator Robert Mugabe--but then, in a March 25, 2002, interview on KPFA Pacifica radio, she suddenly fell off.

We know there were numerous warnings of the events to come on September 11," McKinney said that day. "What did this administration know and when did it know it, about the events of September 11? Who else knew, and why did they not warn the innocent people of New York who were needlessly murdered? What do they have to hide?" McKinney thought she knew the answer. "What is undeniable," she explained, "is that corporations close to the administration have directly benefited from the increased defense spending arising from the aftermath of September 11th."

[edit on 05/3/2 by GradyPhilpott]

posted on Mar, 3 2005 @ 07:23 AM

Originally posted by SkipShipman

Originally posted by FlyersFan
I don't dismiss her because she's asking 'pertenant questions'.
I dismiss her because of her history of being a nut.

Give some evidence please, specifics?

Already did. Read the many links and excerpts provided.
She has numerous middle east money connections, she
hates Jews, she thinks EVERYONE is out to get blacks ...
etc. etc. etc. Read the links already provided. She's a
wingnut. (and that's being kind)

[edit on 3/3/2005 by FlyersFan]

posted on Mar, 3 2005 @ 07:26 AM

Originally posted by Dr Love
FlyersFan, just wanted to let you know that I couldn't
fall asleep last night, so I started counting FlyersFans
and ended up getting a great nights sleep.

Wonder if I should tell my husband that other men
are thinking about me at night? When you were counting
me ... what was I wearing? I hope it was republican RED

posted on Mar, 3 2005 @ 07:34 AM

Originally posted by lmgnyc
there are legitimate unanswered questions about
these wargames and this "business as usual" needs
to be called into question as it left the entire Northeast

War games happen all the time. Around the calendar.
Like I said ... September and May are popular war game
months. There is nothing unusual about war games
happening on Sept 11. There are probably units on
war games just about each and every day of the calendar.

Your statement about the entire N.E. being paralyzed is
probably the biggest thing that needed to be looked into.
It wasn't because randomly scheduled war games were
mucking up the system. It was because the system itself
failed in many places .. including the Emergency Broadcast
System (as I previously stated). After decades of practice
of what to do in case of attack (we have all seen and
heard the weekly practice of the EBS) IT FAILED to go off.
Someone was asleep at the master button.

posted on Mar, 3 2005 @ 07:36 AM
Cynthia McKinney is an absolute joke! Anyone who quotes her has run out of any credible sources.

posted on Mar, 3 2005 @ 07:59 AM
Cynthia McKinney is a certifiable nut. This is the same women who complained that Hurricanes don't have black names. The same woman who begged Saudi Arabia to give her the $10 million that Rudy Guilliani turned down for 9/11. She also accused ALGORE of being a racist. In 1996 she accused her opponent of being a white supremecist, even though the guy was Jewish.

posted on Mar, 3 2005 @ 08:22 AM
For fear of repeating myself,
why do people resort to character assasination when confronted with facts? I guess it's a tried and tested technique to discredit sources (although she is not the source just a messenger) of damaging information. I always see this as a desperate last resort.

Again, if a 'nut' says the sky is blue, is it then not?

posted on Mar, 3 2005 @ 08:23 AM
In the interest of full disclosure, here's the other side of the story (for anyone who's into some ignorance-denying this morning).

According to those quoted on National Public Radio, McKinney’s “a loose cannon” (media expert) who “the people of Atlanta are embarrassed and disgusted” (politician) by, and she is also “loony” and “dangerous” (senator from her own party).

Yow! And why is McKinney dangerous/loony/disgusting? According to NPR, “McKinney implied that the [Bush] Administration knew in advance about September 11 and deliberately held back the information.”

The New York Times’ Lynette Clemetson revealed her comments went even further over the edge: “Ms. McKinney suggest[ed] that President Bush might have known about the September 11 attacks but did nothing so his supporters could make money in a war.”

That’s loony, all right. As an editor of the highly respected Atlanta Journal Constitution told NPR, McKinney’s “practically accused the President of murder!”

Problem is, McKinney never said it.

That’s right. The “quote” from McKinney is a complete fabrication. A whopper, a fabulous fib, a fake, a flim-flam. Just freakin’ made up.

Hey, if Grady can use drivel from Weekly Standard as a reliable source, I should be able to do the same with AlterNet, right?

posted on Mar, 3 2005 @ 09:30 AM

Originally posted by uknumpty
Again, if a 'nut' says the sky is blue, is it then not?

I understand what you are saying, but the problem with
using this is .... Cynthia McKinney's sky isn't blue, it's rainbow
colors. She isn't right. She's wrong.

-She was wrong about Al Gore being a racist.
-She was wrong about everything anti-Jewish she's ever said.
-She was wrong about the NHL being in conspiracy against blacks.
-She was wrong about their being something suspicious about war
games being played on 9/11 (they are played all year round, by
just about everyone in the military)

I provided information and a link that gives evidence that her
anti-Bush 9/11 conspiracy rant could very well be driven by
multiple Middle Eastern Muslim money donations to her candidacy.
She gets much more campaign money from questionable foreign
sources than she does from her own people in her district. This
alone makes anything anti-Bush or anti-Jew she says, suspect.

posted on Mar, 3 2005 @ 11:14 AM

Originally posted by FlyersFan
-She was wrong about their being something suspicious about war
games being played on 9/11 (they are played all year round, by
just about everyone in the military)

There's nothing suspicious about a live-fly exercise run by the Chief Joints of Staff that simulates a hijack scenario within the continental United States occuring on the same day, sorry morning, that a real hijack scenario within the continental United States takes place?

Also that Al-Qaeda managed to infiltrate NORAD so that the same morning of their attack a significant amount of the eastern seabord air cover was involved in wargames over Alaska and Northern Canada?

So I guess that Al-Qaeda had infiltrated both the Joints Chiefs of Staff and NORAD or its just the biggest of coincedences?


[edit on 3-3-2005 by uknumpty]

posted on Mar, 3 2005 @ 11:35 AM

Originally posted by FlyersFan

Originally posted by SkipShipman

Originally posted by FlyersFan
I don't dismiss her because she's asking 'pertenant questions'.
I dismiss her because of her history of being a nut.

Give some evidence please, specifics?

Already did. Read the many links and excerpts provided.
She has numerous middle east money connections, she
hates Jews, she thinks EVERYONE is out to get blacks ...
etc. etc. etc. Read the links already provided. She's a
wingnut. (and that's being kind)

[edit on 3/3/2005 by FlyersFan]

Listen please, there is nothing about these positions that are inappropriate for discussion. For example your reference to a "straw man," in McKinney only says "she is a "wingnut," but it does not mention why she "hates Jews," among many things you cite as "proof." Since when does concern about other human beings translate into "Anti-Semetism," or "hating Jews?" Her position seems to be reinforced by the Presbyterian Church in its divestment of assets regarding Israel. It is based upon structural violence , as current events from Israel demonstrate to their satisfaction. One should detest violence on every front, especially when it is collective punishment as is ostensibly happening by the Israeli government. I do not like commenting on this because it is a topic that is largely censored in the United States, but it is a matter of the truth. One can and should have a sense of Universal Brotherhood that includes all human beings as created equal. There is a fundamentally contradictary ontology in that issue alone.

Okay so call me a "wingnut," or whatever you want. We are all to stand before God someday, and he may ask us "did you do all you can to make a better world?" I will say "I failed before you, although I am sure from time to time I tried to, please forgive others for their transgressions, I am in your hands."

[edit on 3-3-2005 by SkipShipman]

posted on Mar, 26 2005 @ 12:44 PM
"Once again Cynthia McKinney is a nutcase, anything she says should not be taken seriously."

someone on this board said that to me.

Outside the law
Pending lawsuits allege that U.S. military contractors on duty in Bosnia bought and "owned" young women. But the accused men have never been -- and will never be -- brought to justice.

Editor's note: The first of two parts. Read Part 2

- - - - - - - - - - - -
By Robert Capps

June 26, 2002 | Ben Johnston recoiled in horror when he heard one of his fellow helicopter mechanics at a U.S. Army base near Tuzla, Bosnia, brag one day in early 2000: "My girl's not a day over 12."

The man who uttered the statement -- a man in his 60s, by Johnston's estimate -- was not talking fondly about his granddaughter or daughter or another relative. He was bragging about the preteen he had purchased from a local brothel. Johnston, who'd gone to work as a civilian contractor mechanic for DynCorp Inc. after a six-year stint in the Army, had worked on helicopters for years, and he'd heard a lot of hangar talk. But never anything like this.

posted on Mar, 26 2005 @ 01:46 PM
Perhaps Cynthia McKinney should stick to taking care of the problems in her district and let the Secretary of Defence take care of the military. The writer of this article praises her "courage" for standing up to the Rumsfeld, but all I see is another big mouth who does'nt have a clue about how the military operates and schedules training.

Flyersfan, I was stationed at Fort Hood, 2nd Armored Division.


posted on Mar, 26 2005 @ 02:26 PM

Originally posted by LA_Maximus
Perhaps Cynthia McKinney should stick to taking care of the problems in her district and let the Secretary of Defence take care of the military. The writer of this article praises her "courage" for standing up to the Rumsfeld, but all I see is another big mouth who does'nt have a clue about how the military operates and schedules training.

Flyersfan, I was stationed at Fort Hood, 2nd Armored Division.


so why wasn't he able to answer her questions? why did he look so uncomfortable? she came across as very articulate and transparant - that can't be said to those she was asking questions to.

posted on Mar, 26 2005 @ 02:55 PM
paranoia, the fact is we're in the middle of a shooting war. If she woulda grilled Robert Patterson, Acting Secretary of War in 1943 about naval excercises prior to Dec 7, she woulda been hauled off to jail right there on the spot for treason and sedition during a time of war!

She coulda approached Rumsfeld privately, but instead she wanted to mock him and mock our military in public.

Im sure Rumsfeld's reaction was of total shock, that a congress-woman can stoop so low during a war and question our militaries training excercises on the worst day in our history. How low can you get?

Course nothing the members of the Congressional Black Caucus does surprises's me anymore.


posted on Mar, 26 2005 @ 05:13 PM

Originally posted by LA_Maximus
paranoia, the fact is we're in the middle of a shooting war. If she woulda grilled Robert Patterson, Acting Secretary of War in 1943 about naval excercises prior to Dec 7, she woulda been hauled off to jail right there on the spot for treason and sedition during a time of war!

She coulda approached Rumsfeld privately, but instead she wanted to mock him and mock our military in public.

Im sure Rumsfeld's reaction was of total shock, that a congress-woman can stoop so low during a war and question our militaries training excercises on the worst day in our history. How low can you get?

Course nothing the members of the Congressional Black Caucus does surprises's me anymore.


Then why didn't he say so if she stooped so low? It was even admitted that none of the information she was asking for was priveliged information! Why hasn't his department answered any of her previous private correspondance? I am glad she had the courage to come forth and demand these liars answer some questions for once. Just goes to show how someone with independant thinking and 3 simple questions and make a whole government look like complete goons.

[edit on 26-3-2005 by paranoia]

posted on Mar, 27 2005 @ 04:48 AM
I was interested in how the people who swallow the official 9/11 story would respond to this. Sadly, I expected more than character assassination. Oh well, what else can you do when you have no proof for your point.

Some of my fellow skeptics here have made GREAT points, on the other hand. OK, Flyersfan, having general war games on 9/11 is one thing, but SPECIFIC ones such as plane hijackings? And, despite these war games concerning hijackings, they were UNABLE to stop REAL hijackers??

Either our military is seriosly incompetent or this was a deliberate ruse to facilitate this horrific event. Either way, our "saviours" look bad. You would think that the military would have a protocol to snap back into the real world from war games, but that obviously doesn't exist according to Flyersfan.
I hope no one starts talking about insider trading, the govt officials warned not to fly to NYC, the FBI confiscation of footage from gas stations, etc.

What no one has mentioned is that the Congresswoman also brought up the Dyncorp involvement in the sex trade and the TRILLIONS missing from the Pentagon. OK, sheeple, er, people. Is she making these things up, or are they real? Here's a hint; pick the second one.

On a good note, it's great to see someone in the govt who is actually fighting for the people and trying to expose this crooked administration.

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