"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is
ridiculed. Second, it is
violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being
We’ve been in the ridiculed phase for most of my life. With the election of 2016, we opened the door to phase 2. It will not be until everyone is
through that door, until the 3rd can be opened.
We tremble with anger and outrage at what we know to be happening to innocent people all over the world.... What seems irreconcilable- the poisons in
the air, water, food, medicine- the wars, the slavery the human rights abuses- the manipulation of our very life force as though we are mere animals
in cages to be experimented with, the invasion of our lives in the name of “advertising” and “profit” and “materialistic endeavors” which
are all but a disguise for the real agenda which is spiritual war fare.... making sure that which is our eternal essence is broken and damaged... the
destruction of our communities and family units, the illusory divisions based on race, gender, religion, class, intelligence, physical abilities, all
to hide the truth that there is only one true division
That which is good and that which is evil.
That which is man- made in the image of the creator and that which is something else entirely- the “they” we are fighting-made in the image of the
The battle for each of us is different and the reason I think most are here... in this very place, is because walking that battlefield in the tangible
physical world we exist in gets lonely. It gets lonely wearing all that armor while everyone around you is seemingly dancing in their underwear,
insisting that life is just life and that there’s nothing going on that should call for preparedness or protection, that, because Luke Bryan said so
in his song, they are certain that
“Most people are good”
But that is not the truth, no, at least not the truth about the people that most want you to believe it, the ones who plaster their names and their
faces across the globe and across the airwaves and information avenues...*their symbolism says it all* in the same way as a store plasters their bar
code across a product- so that a quick scan at the customer service desk will return the “you didn’t buy that here” declaration, because
everything that has been proven to exist, has been claimed as owned....by them.
But they do not own the creation, even though they have hijacked it and carted it around for eons of time...inconceivable to our whisper of existence
here, no, they do not own the creation and they do not own that which is inside of us-which was made in the image of the creator himself.
They could never pay the debt they owe, not even through all 7 billion of us. No, there’s a safeguard against that, a truth so overwhelmingly right
under our noses that we don’t even realize that when we seek, we are seeking through glasses of truth we are already wearing.
Self evident. The truth is self evident. That’s how you know you’ve made it to phase 3.
edit on 5-5-2019 by SouthernGift because: (no reason given)
edit on 5-5-2019 by SouthernGift because: (no reason
edit on 5-5-2019 by SouthernGift because: (no reason given)
edit on 5-5-2019 by SouthernGift because: (no
reason given)