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Diplomats and Executives Evacuate Libya as Former Government Takes Tripoli Back With Military

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posted on Sep, 27 2019 @ 04:22 PM
The Pentagon authorized some air strikes on ISIS in Southwest Libya yesterday.

posted on Dec, 23 2019 @ 07:07 PM
Well in the last month Khalifa Haftar's LNA has downed an undisclosed American drone, Italian Mq-9 Reaper/Predator B drone and I believe multiple Bayraktar drones produced and delivered by Turkey. Ironically the New York Times ran an editorial about the incident in which the LNA apologized for the mistake and agreed to coordinate in the future with US forces in the Tripoli area of operation. And then the NYT deleted it.
Downed Bayraktar

Regarding the downed Italian Drone

The GNA however was able to shoot down a Mig-23 flown by the LNA with an old Strella-2 MANPAD on December 13. Footage of the wreckage was also captured on video.

Private Military Contractors from Russia's Wagner Group were recently captured on video for the first time operating on the outskirts of Tripoli, working in Tandem with Haftar's LNA forces. Not the best quality shots, but gear similar to what has been spotted from dead Wagner mercenaries in other parts of the country back in September.

posted on Dec, 23 2019 @ 07:31 PM
Now there has also been a highly controversial Memorandum of Understanding penned between this Government of National Accord (UN Installed government) and their largest military benefactor Turkey. It sets up a military alliance and economic corridor, very much angering Greece of course. A Greek delegation and minister visited Tripoli as a result, likely to discuss their concerns. The documents are presented here for the record.

Some new weapons showed up back in November. What appears to be a Mk19 seen for what is alleged the first time it has been fielded in Libya (in LNA hands) as well as a Chinese made FN-6 MANPADS (in GNA hands).

Some Egyptian light armor recently delivered.

Mahmoud Gamal
‏ @mahmouedgamal44

Terrier lt-79 armored vehicles manufactured by the #Egyptian AOI in cooperation with #TAG appear with the #LNA units destined to participate in supporting the military operations against #GNA in #Tripoli.

The armored vehicle appeared for the 1st time during #EDEX2018 exhibition

This Turkish BMC Kirpi II MRAP was destroyed also the same day as the Bayraktar was shot down.

posted on Dec, 23 2019 @ 08:00 PM
a reply to: worldstarcountry

thank you for the updates, been a busy year for me so a little tough to keep up with things.


posted on Dec, 24 2019 @ 04:18 PM
I missed this video of an LNA helicopter launching a low altitude missile attack against targets outside of Tripoli. From mid-December, maybe between the 13-15. Can anyone ID the chopper?? He cuts 90 degrees to the right and dumps a # ton of chaffe. No telling if he did it as a precautionary maneuver or was being targeted by MANPADS. Considering all the different MANPADS we have already seen, it makes sense to see him fly super low in this urban environment.

posted on Dec, 24 2019 @ 06:06 PM

originally posted by: worldstarcountry
I missed this video of an LNA helicopter launching a low altitude missile attack against targets outside of Tripoli. From mid-December, maybe between the 13-15. Can anyone ID the chopper?? He cuts 90 degrees to the right and dumps a # ton of chaffe. No telling if he did it as a precautionary maneuver or was being targeted by MANPADS. Considering all the different MANPADS we have already seen, it makes sense to see him fly super low in this urban environment.

Not all that clear but if I were betting I would say it is some version of a Hind (possibly even a Russian Mil Mi-35M) due to the rotor blades, flare patterns, and common sense.. Many use Russian helicopters because they are cheap, easy to work on, and not maintenance hogs.
edit on 727thk19 by 727Sky because: Russian Mil Mi-35M has a top speed of 310 kph

posted on Jan, 6 2020 @ 02:45 PM
Last week Turkey approved deployment of troops to Libya.
general haftar subsequently declares jihad on Turkish forces and lna forces shot down another drone on the same day.
Just the other day, the other day saw quite a brutal air strike on a group of troops in formation at a military academy in mitiga airport.

Here it is, as we can also see in the aftermath scene, there were clearly lots of kibbles n bits afterwards.

And a much closer view

The LNA also captured the city of Sirte today, merely hours ago.
Nothing uploaded to the tube yet, but plenty of videos on Twitter so far. The GNA have sent reinforcements to the city for a counter attack. Seems like there will be a prolonged battle here soon later today.

posted on Jan, 6 2020 @ 02:58 PM

originally posted by: worldstarcountry

Nothing uploaded to the tube yet, but plenty of videos on Twitter so far. The GNA have sent reinforcements to the city for a counter attack. Seems like there will be a prolonged battle here soon later today.

Maybe. Maybe not. More recent reports have LNA forces ~85 km west of Sirte. At this rate, GNA forces may be falling back to Misrata soon.

edit on 6-1-2020 by AndyFromMichigan because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 6 2020 @ 03:06 PM
a reply to: AndyFromMichigan
Intel analyst I follow says there was defection of GNA aligned group that was always preferable to General Haftar.

Odee Berkowitz
#Libya- #LNA captured #Sirte and its surrounding areas, including Ghardabiya Airbase, reportedly facing minimal resistance
This "2nd front" was always anticipated.
As a feint to split #GNA forces and potentially weaken their defenses in #Tripoli, and to secure the northern flank of the strategic Jufrah airbase and the entirety of the #LNA's logistical rear.
But now it's actually happening
Timing interestingly coincides with #Turkey going overt in its intervention in #Libya. #LNA was possibly looking to preempt a #GNA buildup in #Sirte, supported by #Turkey, that will threaten its strategic assets.
The swift #LNA takeover of #Sirte was reportedly facilitated by the surrendering/switching allegiance of the Salafist 604 bn. once tentatively aligned with #BAM/#GNA against #ISIS, but always viewed the #LNA&Haftar positively (or at least not negatively)

posted on Jan, 19 2020 @ 06:58 PM
I. Can't really write up a decent report but. I will summarize what I can. For the past two weeks the leadership of both sides of this conflict have been mediating in Moscow and Rome as well as Berlin. There have. Been temporary cease fires that were broken and renegotiated. At least 36 Syrian militants shippedTo Libya by Turkey have been found killed.
The most recent negotiations appear to maybe have. Some success. Even so, Turkey recently delivered some anti-air defense systems to Tripoli during the last week.

I do retweet what I find on Twitter, so if you want to get more frequent updates you can follow me @tampanonymous
It's just without a properly connected PC I cannot post the links videos and images I find in a timely manner.

posted on Jan, 23 2020 @ 01:16 PM
Ok, so even though there is an alleged cease-fire agreement that was implemented after talks in Moscow, Berlin and Rome, and are on-going with regional diplomats seeking to have a dialogue in Algiers soon, the LNA placed a No Fly Zone over the north of the country as they claim the shipment of more militants from Syria and Turkish weapons are a violation of that agreement.

Souad El Skaf, Al Arabiya English Wednesday, 22 January 2020

The Libyan National Army (LNA) said that any military or civilian use of Tripoli’s Mitiga International Airport is a breach of the ceasefire agreement, announcing the activation of a no-fly zone, including Mitiga airport, says spokesperson Major General Ahmed al-Mismari.

The spokesperson said in an interview with Al Arabiya that the activation of a no-fly zone will include Mitiga airport which is used for military and terrorist purposes.

He added that the LNA will prohibit any military and civil aviation from using Mitiga airport.

“Mitiga airbase and Mitiga airport are military zones that are strictly prohibited to be used for civil or military aviation.”

He warned that “any movement of a civilian or military plane there will be in breach of the ceasefire and therefore it will be directly destroyed.”

Earlier on Wednesday, the LNA said its forces downed a Turkish drone which took off from Mitiga airport, adding that the drone was trying to stage an airstrike on its forces in Tripoli.

These new developments come at a time when Mitiga airport - which is the only functioning airport in Libya’s capital Tripoli - closed on Wednesday after rockets were fired towards it, the airport said in a statement.

A plane coming from Tunis trying to land at Tripoli’s Mitiga airport had been diverted to Misrata, a city about 200km (125 miles) east of Tripoli, the airport said on its website.

They subsequently shot down yet another Turkish Bayraktar Tb2 UCAV. This is the first time that we have seen one with Libyan Flag on it, as commented by Israeli Intelligence analyst.

Never a dull day in Libya, despite alleged cease-fire agreements.

posted on Jan, 31 2020 @ 07:04 PM
On January 28 during some confrontations the LNA lost an Wing Loong 2 drone usually operated by the UAE. We can even see one its trademark missiles in one of the images.

Oded Berkowitz

Jan 28
#Libya- #GNA photos showing #LNA UAV that was purportedly downed by air defenses "east of #Misrata"

Mr Berkowitz then shows us stills from a recent LNA video which shows some newly delivered tactical equipment from Egypt including APC's and Infantry gear.

Oded Berkowitz
#Egypt- latest #LNA video shows that at least 9 LT-79 APCs were already delivered from #Egypt.

Bonus photo- check at their infantry gear, especially those headset...

We then get treated with images of the Turkish naval vessel which has recently delivered fresh batches of equipment including heavy weapons and artillery.

#Libya- some more photos of the Turkish vessel that unloaded new vehicles, systems, weapons and supplies for #GNA in #Tripoli
Video reportedly showing Turkish arms and equipment shipments to #GNA at Tripoli port on Tuesday 28/01 @ 20:00 PM
#Libya- #Turkey bringing out the big guns. Literally.
T-155 Firtinas, FNSS ACV-15s, towed artillery, communication equipment (electronic warfare?), other vehicles and a whole lot of other supplies to the #GNA according to video purportedly from a Turkish that docked at #Tripoli
Reckon there's Korkut at the end too.

The EU is also debating the next round of sanctions on Turkey for violation of the UN arms Embargo since 2011, despite pretty much the entire security council and related allies also sending weapons into Libya. As if the UN has any significance to foreign interests in Libya.

posted on Jan, 31 2020 @ 07:19 PM
Also I just stumbled upon another LNA twitter page I was not familiar with, happens to post a recent dump from Sudanese intelligence which links GNA officials with terrorists and gangs including Al-Qaeda, ISIS, Muslim Brotherhood etc.. etc.. visit link for more

M.LNA Retweeted

Top secret document from the Sudanese intelligence agency:
Names of top #GNA officials with connections with #AlQaida
#Misrata #Bashaga
Title :
Report on the activity of #AlQaeda #terrorist cells operating in the territory of #Sudan and their interaction with Libyan gangs

Page 1)
part one, according to the operational data received. In the Republic of #Sudan, radical #Islamists are being recruited to take part in the fighting on Libyan soil. Over the past fourteen days, the militias of #Tripoli attracted more #mercenaries ..with whom contracts were signed for a period of six months, all then #mercenaries who are Sudanese citizens they are to work units from #Syria and #Turkey and with the following Libyan group : 1. “Atonement and Immigration” Brief Information: This spermatical structure consists of Osama AlJuweili Brigades
Osama Gouili ​​. Brief information: #GNA west military region commander Of the unified defense line for #Tripoli from #Zintan - #Misrata.
uch as #terrorists groups of Emaid Altrabulsi The brigade includes a local Islamic extremist #militia and an unspecified number of militants from #Sudan, #Niger, and #Syria.The main part of the group consists of the Sudanese mercenaries.
The reinforcements come to the militias operating in #Tripoli from #Chad, #Sudan and #Syria.
The last departure point is provided by #Turkey. Over the past 14 days, the Tripoli gangs attracted more than 200 mercenaries, with whom contracts were signed for a period of six months.

2) "Al-Fajr" group Summary: "Operations headquarters for the Libyan Shura" led by Shaaban Hadia, who has ties to Abdel Raoud Qara and the Special Deterrence Forces in #Tripoli, participated in the inclusion of #alQaeda terrorists in the gangs of #Tripoli. Part Two
The main persons involved in the recruitment of Sudanese mercenaries and other foreigners into the ranks of the Libyan militias. 1)Shaban Masoud Khalifa Hadia (Libya), currently holds the position of Deputy Secretary of the #GNA in #Tripoli , as a former militia commander. He has close ties to #Alqaida's leader in #Libya, Nazih al-Raki, Aka Abu Anas Al-Libi. 2) Shaaban Hadia is the link between the #Tripoli militias and the Sudanese branch of #AlQaida, Shaaban Hadia in close contact with Abdel Raouf Qara and the Special Deterrence Forces in #Tripoli in the year 1989, a Libyan court sentenced him 10 years on charges of terrorism. Hadia is responsible for the kidnapping of the Libyan Prime Minister, Ali Zaidan in October 14, 2014, and he was arrested in, #Egypt,on suspicion of having fun with #AlQaida, but he was soon released.6 people were kidnapped from the Egyptian embassy and were only released after. 3) Osama al-Jawali, the commander of al-Juweili brigade is linked to the Takfir and Hijra movement terrorist organization ,accused of massacres in the city of Zintan and responsible for the massacre in Kakla and the massacre at Garian Hospital. Osama's brother and and son are directly linked to the #alQaida #terrorist group Abd al-Salam alJwiali aka (Ibn Osama) is associated #Alqaida.
4) Abdul Raouf Kara (Libya).

Wow thats alot to digest. Also more arms deals paperwork with Turkey despite the UN embargo from back in November that I did not find at the time.

#SSETK a #Turkish #weapons company that has revived hundreds of millions of dollars in arms deals with #GNA , A direct violation of the #UN #arms embargo on #Libya ,to arm Islamist militias I have close ties with #ISIS and #AlQaida.
Signed and commissioned by #Bashaga

It just hit the weekend, but I suspect some tit for tat small scale stuff until our next American holiday. Lets see what Valentines weekend has in store for this hotspot.

posted on Feb, 21 2020 @ 06:43 PM
The European Union has finally decided to throw some money behind enforcing the UN arms embargo on Libya.

The Guardian
The EU has agreed to deploy warships to stop the flow of weapons into Libya, as the bloc wound down a military mission that had once rescued migrants and refugees from drowning in the Mediterranean. Josep Borrell, the EU’s chief diplomat, announced that 27 foreign ministers had agreed to launch a new operation with naval ships, planes and satellites in order to enforce the UN arms embargo on Libya.

Ships under the new mission – to be known as Operation EU Active Surveillance – will patrol about 60 miles (100km) off the coast of Libya, an area of the Mediterranean that is the main route for weapons into the country.

Too little too late if you ask me, just see the following examples.

We got guys using anti-drone rifles to take out small quad-copters and deprive forward recon units from spying or directing fire.

We got guys using the FN2000, which just is not common at all. There were some of these rifles seized by Houthi rebels from an ambush on coalition positions, but Libya also bought over 300 of these rifles in 2008 under Qaddafi.

Got some new ATGM's being inspected by fighters.

And the UAE is buying up to twelve Mi35 combat helicopters from Brazil

“French media report the possible sale of six of the twelve Força Aérea Brasileira (FAB, Brazilian Air Force) Mi-35M attack helicopters to the Libyan National Army (LNA). The helicopters will be funded by the United Arab Emirates, thats backs the LNA, after being sold back to Rosboronexport.
The Sabres are operated by 2°/8°GAv ‘Poti’ from Porto Velho, Rondônia state, in the middle of the Amazon. The deal is still under negotiation and may involve all twelve Mi-35s.”

Call me a cynic, but I am doubting the potential effectiveness of this EU effort.

posted on May, 9 2020 @ 04:47 PM
It used to be difficult to get a piece of a screenshot of a Russian Pantsir in Libya, now it looks like the LNA pose with these systems freely.

Oded Berkowitz
It's funny how OPSEC changes.
Less then a year ago, this was the best kept secret in #Libya, barely a couple of hidden shots (that means a lot in Libya)

Now people post so many photos with it like it's a tourist attraction.

Purportedly new Pantsir S-1/SA-22 Greyhound with #LNA

posted on May, 28 2020 @ 03:11 PM
Well the Government of National Accord, which as we remember is the UN installed government currently supported mostly by Turkey, recently made some gains south of Tripoli at a town called Ain Zara. Left behind by the Libyan National Army was a T-55 main battle Tank which the analyst cites Egypt as the likely source. The LNA are the opposing side made up of what was leftover of the previous government and military currently supported by the UAE, Russia, and even France to an extent but also assisted by Egypt and Jordan as well.

The analyst notes that a German made searchlight seen equipped has not been spotted in Libya before, but is currently installed as an upgrade on Egyptian T-55 variants.

the battle tank can be seen equipped with a German AEG infrared searchlight. This type was not spotted in Libya before. However, it is installed on several Egyptian variants of the tank, mainly the T-55E Mark 0, T-55E MK I and T-55E MK II.

A local news covers several topics on the Russian presence in Libya, including recent images of PMC's driving through a town after a hasty retreat and images from a recent report about deliveries of Russian fighter/bomber jets to the Libyan National Army.

I thought the commentary was pretty funny.

That clean new 120mm mortar box at center appears to be from Rheinmetall Denel Munition, a German-South African joint venture. The M111A5 fuzes are from Junghans, also German. There have been too many arms embargo violations in Libya-we have some questions for Germany & S Africa

Some folks identified a fake propaganda piece about the sinking of a Turkish Frigate by a Mig-29 using photo shopped archived images in the RT Arabic feed, that was interesting.

There is quite a bit more escalating right now between Syria and Libya. Fighters are going back and forth between Libya and Syria, apparently on both sides.

posted on May, 28 2020 @ 04:07 PM
Thank you for putting in the effort to keep us updated... I for one appreciate it.

posted on May, 28 2020 @ 04:38 PM

originally posted by: 727Sky

The whole situation is so pretzelised and convoluted we would all be extremely surprised if we knew who the real players were.

Given everything that's "happened" in the last 96 hours, I think we can all guess who is behind this. Since getting cut off by the whole Synarchist core, these Trotskyists are trying everything they can to not get dragged out in the street and publicly done away with. Let's see how long it takes for anyone here to make the Soros connection with what's Russia is doing (after all Russia is one of the few countries to publicly go to war with Soros)

posted on May, 28 2020 @ 05:23 PM
a reply to: 727Sky
yea I like documenting it. I come by and read it now and then kind of like a book. But don't let your guard down during WW3, the Embassy in Colombia also mentioned an imminent deployment of Security Force Assistance Brigade (SFAB) to help Colombia in its fight against drug trafficking. .

I bet there is a story there mate

posted on Jun, 14 2020 @ 10:25 PM
Egypt intercepted two Russian flights from syria to libya this week. Strange as both sides are backing the LNA and egypt is a good customer of Russian defense equipment.

Avia.Pro (translated with google services)

The Egyptian military for the second time in the last 48 hours intercepted a Russian military aircraft flying from the Khmeimim airbase to the Libyan national army airbase in Libya. The reasons for the denial of the passage of Egyptian airspace by the Russian military side are still unknown, however, the last time, according to the audio recording of the radio interception, the ban on entering Egyptian airspace was associated with the lack of diplomatic permission.

It should be clarified that earlier Russia and Egypt actively supported the Libyan national army, however, under unknown circumstances, Egypt began to restrict the movement of Russian military in this direction, while official Cairo does not comment on the incidents.

The Russian military does not report the purpose of sending a military transport aircraft to Libya, although information about any presence of the Russian military in this North African country was previously officially denied.

Anybody got any idea what that would be about???
edit on 6-14-2020 by worldstarcountry because: (no reason given)

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