Dyphoria: A state of unease or generalized dissatisfaction with life.
Considered a mental illness. It effects many aspects of ones life and isn’t limited to ones sexual desires or feelings.
Life isn’t always satisfactory. There are many problems and issues that arise simply by living that can result in these feelings. I will always wish
the best to those seeking to better their quality of life but in doing so I think it’s best to confront ones issues and illusions and understand the
underlying causes.
How ones psyche has been formed by the subjective reality they experienced as well as their physical make up and genetics result in the individual.
How they interpret and react to the collective reality we share will likely differ from our own interpretations.
At what point we draw the line to dictate what is considered typical or not is blurry. For me it’s a live and let live policy.
I am willing to tolerate pretty much every life style that is none violent and dosent intrude into the lives of other just trying to live.
In saying all that I also don’t like playing into what I see as delusions. Anyone is free to dress and believe they are what ever they believe they
want to be. Just don’t expect me to believe it.
I have my own stuff to sort out leaving me with little time to figure out what the heck is going on is some one else’s skull.
Race is just another division tactic, people have been mixing for a very long time and sure there are populations with disproportionate
representations of colours. But what’s it matter really?
Is race just black,white, brown? Is it your location at birth? Is it the values you hold when being raised? Is a black man from Ghana the same as a
black man from Michigan? My bet is that only their skin colour would be the same. Same analogy with a white guy from Russia and a white guy from
Australia? They all would be very different.
Rambling and getting off topic but I closeing so I can try and make some sense of this rant. Race is just a term used to identify an individual much
like hight or eye colour. It has no bearing on how that person is.
How black do you have to be black? Will smith or Wesley Snipes? Is it more about where your from and how you act? Or is simply the shade of your skin
that dictates your group?
It’s a convoluted post I know. I don’t have the answers but I am guessing the problems arise with race definition based on legal ramifications. Do
you meet the crieria to be consider a minority,could effect job opportunity’s. Is it time to do away with the concept of race all together? Pretty
sure we figured it out long ago we are all human.
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