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Why did the left just attack one of their own?

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posted on Apr, 2 2019 @ 03:00 AM
Some might argue that Joe Biden has as good of a chance as any to dethrone President Trump. He’s got the prestige, knows how to raise money, and seems able to handle a campaign capable of beating Trump. Yet here they are, eating him alive.

Now the news of Biden’s indecent approach towards women and young girls isn’t new to ATS. But watching the media circle the waters as it seems inevitable that they’re going to chew him to pieces is what’s strange. He’s a top notch leftist with major power in DC. What’s going on here?

I got to thinking....and the pieces don’t add up quite yet But maybe they don’t want him to run because he would prevent any chance of a minority winning the democratic nomination. He’s not a female (though by some democratic standards he may relate to one before it’s all said and done...because you know...#metoo). He’s not black, Asian, Muslim or socialist. He’s not fringy enough.

It doesn’t add up quite yet because of all the candidates. Bernie is also old and white, but he may represent enough socialism to get by. Andrew Wang is a man, but he’s Asian and represents the under represented Asian community and comes from the tech industry. Cory Booker is certainly a minority male. Neither O’Rourke or Hickenlooper seem like a legitimate challenge. Ole Beta Male couldn’t even beat Cruz in Texas.

Inslee, nope. Pete Buttigieg, nope. That leaves Bernie as the only white male candidate who has a chance. Which leads me to believe they will attack him next, or within due time. He’s like a cute old puppy who you let have a fun couple days before you take him to the vet one last time.

This years list of Democratic nominees, I believe, will be filled with women and minority males. The evil white man is out. Maybe guys like Inslee and Hickenlooper will be allowed to tag along as fodder but the power structure on the left seems to be set up with the intent of stacking the deck against them.

This is, of course, a theory. I have no proof other than observation and assumption. And it’s really all relying on Bernie getting pushed out sometime in the coming months. But, it fits the #metoo narrative. And it fits the new age progressive narrative also.


posted on Apr, 2 2019 @ 03:20 AM
There is the left and the extreme left. Biden is like a conservative to the extreme left. This extreme left are the ones killing careers over #metoo allegations. So I think it is not the left doing this, it is the extreme left.

If they had anything on Sanders, I think the Hillbeast would have used it in 2016. Or they are actually going to make things up again. So you might be right on that one!
edit on 2-4-2019 by Goedhardt because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 2 2019 @ 03:36 AM
a reply to: Assassin82

From what I've heard, Obama's people are behind O'Rourke and Clinton is behind Harris.

Maybe that leaves old pokey Joe twisting in the wind?

posted on Apr, 2 2019 @ 03:37 AM
This is only the start of this little circus.

Wait to see who comes out with buckets of cash to spend. That will be the candidate.

They may try to pull an unknown up or someone unexpected from another field.

It is far too early to tell.


posted on Apr, 2 2019 @ 05:12 AM
Simple- he's old and white.

Yes he's also a creep, but they don't actually care about that.

Their base even has white men hating on people for just being white. Insanity has taken over. They'll denounce racism in the same breath they denounce white people.

posted on Apr, 2 2019 @ 05:20 AM
Joe Biden is the person responsible for these attacks; he's getting these allegations out of the way early so that he has a better chance of getting them behind him.

posted on Apr, 2 2019 @ 05:22 AM
are they though?
I'm yet to see the media of democrats jump on him the way they did Kavanaugh.,
if anything it seems they're taking it easy

posted on Apr, 2 2019 @ 06:21 AM
a reply to: Assassin82

He’s not a female (though by some democratic standards he may relate to one before it’s all said and done...because you know...#metoo). He’s not black, Asian, Muslim or socialist. He’s not fringy enough.

Seriously, you nailed it right there. He is an "old "caucasian, old guard hetero' guy and that is the new enemy, lol, so it's time to release the sluice gates of dirt they have been storing up against him, saved up for "a rainy day" as useful weaponry for character assassination, as a new fad comes from the fashion columns of the media. Just so happens the biggest chunks of the represented to be are caucasian, heterosexual males and females. That is why Trump is President and will be next term too. What replaces him by then will not be what the left wants now. You know how faddy they are, in today and out tomorrow! Will those guys ever wise up that they can't go alienating the majority of the electorate and expect to gain power just by socially engineering the electorate through the media, hoping they will be brainwashed in sufficent numbers to go to the polls zombie like, vote for something that alienates them and does not represent their interests.

There is zero chance of another Obama, certainly less than zero for even more liberal extremes, ever. Obama was extreme. It horrified people in the U.S when they became conscious of it. This liberal agenda has been rejected the world over pretty much, except for competitive wailer at the funeral Jacinda who was even more grief stricken than then Muslim citizens and showed it in photo opportunities whenever the occasion presented itself, to boot. That is the cringe factor of everything liberal to me. Yucky, as it stands. The only difference with liberalism is that say smile as they kill without accepting any accountability and pretending they are hip, kinda like Hitler pulling the blinds down on his train because he did not want to look over the tracks to those his policies were slaughtering by the train load.

edit on 2-4-2019 by Malak777 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 2 2019 @ 06:22 AM
a reply to: Assassin82

The Republican owned media does not have a left or right wing agenda. The Republican media will say anything for ratings. Ratings equals money. Politics are irrelevant.

The billionaires who own the media outlets got their big tax break and deregulation of consumer protections. All is good in the World!

So now that the billionaires are happy it's time for a big recession just to put the screws to the American people again!

edit on 2-4-2019 by dfnj2015 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 2 2019 @ 06:51 AM

originally posted by: pheonix358
This is only the start of this little circus.

Wait to see who comes out with buckets of cash to spend. That will be the candidate.

They may try to pull an unknown up or someone unexpected from another field.

It is far too early to tell.


Fair enough. We haven’t even had a debate yet. I do wonder who else might jump in to the mix. Dwayne Johnson and Oprah Winfrey perhaps? Lol.

posted on Apr, 2 2019 @ 06:53 AM

originally posted by: DanDanDat
Joe Biden is the person responsible for these attacks; he's getting these allegations out of the way early so that he has a better chance of getting them behind him.

That’s entirely possible. And it could be a smart move on his part.

posted on Apr, 2 2019 @ 06:57 AM
a reply to: DanDanDat

I somehow don't think so.

posted on Apr, 2 2019 @ 06:59 AM

originally posted by: Agit8dChop
are they though?
I'm yet to see the media of democrats jump on him the way they did Kavanaugh.,
if anything it seems they're taking it easy

They certainly aren’t running non-stop headlines with shocking allegations about it like they do with other events. But the simple fact that it was a lead story on GMA yesterday (my wife watched it...not me) was very unexpected. Interestingly, I showed my wife all the pictures and videos of his creepy ways and she was shocked she had never heard anything about it before. Wha that tells me is running these stories is getting it the information to people who would not otherwise have known.

And there’s enough pictures and videos to make people cringe all through the campaign trail. Two women have come forward against him in just 2 days. Anyone looking for a payout can follow suit. I agree as of now it’s a soft hit for him, but it’s gonna be hard to ignore it going forward.

posted on Apr, 2 2019 @ 07:05 AM
a reply to: Assassin82

he's too white...and that's not the biggest of his problems.

I'm willing to bet, the DNC choice will be someone not white. The "mad" left voters will demand it.

posted on Apr, 2 2019 @ 07:10 AM

originally posted by: Malak777
a reply to: Assassin82

He’s not a female (though by some democratic standards he may relate to one before it’s all said and done...because you know...#metoo). He’s not black, Asian, Muslim or socialist. He’s not fringy enough.

Seriously, you nailed it right there. He is an "old "caucasian, old guard hetero' guy and that is the new enemy, lol, so it's time to release the sluice gates of dirt they have been storing up against him, saved up for "a rainy day" as useful weaponry for character assassination, as a new fad comes from the fashion columns of the media. Just so happens the biggest chunks of the represented to be are caucasian, heterosexual males and females. That is why Trump is President and will be next term too. What replaces him by then will not be what the left wants now. You know how faddy they are, in today and out tomorrow! Will those guys ever wise up that they can't go alienating the majority of the electorate and expect to gain power just by socially engineering the electorate through the media, hoping they will be brainwashed in sufficent numbers to go to the polls zombie like, vote for something that alienates them and does not represent their interests.

There is zero chance of another Obama, certainly less than zero for even more liberal extremes, ever. Obama was extreme. It horrified people in the U.S when they became conscious of it. This liberal agenda has been rejected the world over pretty much, except for competitive wailer at the funeral Jacinda who was even more grief stricken than then Muslim citizens and showed it in photo opportunities whenever the occasion presented itself, to boot. That is the cringe factor of everything liberal to me. Yucky, as it stands. The only difference with liberalism is that say smile as they kill without accepting any accountability and pretending they are hip, kinda like Hitler pulling the blinds down on his train because he did not want to look over the tracks to those his policies were slaughtering by the train load.

In 10-20 years when the baby boomers have died off or become too old to care to vote, I would wager money we start to see a new form of government that represents more like what we see in Europe. They’re the only ones holding on to the traditional style.

Younger millennials and Gen z’s will rule the roost in due time and when their not admiring themselves on social media they’re looking more and more like a progressive generation. President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho is entirely possible. That or they’ll hand over the keys of humanity to Artificial Intelligence willingly in return for unlimited free stuff.

Gen X’ers, I don’t believe, are as traditional about governing as baby boomers. They respect the ways but are open to new ideas. They will lean towards conservatism and traditionalism but they are more accepting of progressive ideology than their predecessors. By 2032 I think our governing style will start to drastically change.
edit on 2-4-2019 by Assassin82 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 2 2019 @ 07:38 AM
I’m more right leaning. Isn’t it crazy how Biden seems the most moderate out of the whole group? Never would have thought that 4 years ago.

posted on Apr, 2 2019 @ 07:42 AM
a reply to: Assassin82

My thoughts are that they made there bed, now they have to lie in it. This was inevitable. But LET THE HYPOCRISY BEGIN!

He is done before he starts.

posted on Apr, 2 2019 @ 08:23 AM
Per Wikileaks, Hillary did have stuff in Sanders, that’s why he played nice

Probably Hillary has photos of Booker getting gay with multiple people.

It’s simple

Liberal republicans > republicans
Democrats > liberal republicans
Liberal democrat > democrat
Socialist > liberal

It keeps moving politicians to the left

Beto was a hacker and in a band, next day, abortions for 9 months

posted on Apr, 2 2019 @ 08:29 AM
a reply to: Assassin82

And there’s enough pictures and videos to make people cringe all through the campaign trail. Two women have come forward against him in just 2 days. Anyone looking for a payout can follow suit. I agree as of now it’s a soft hit for him, but it’s gonna be hard to ignore it going forward.

And imagine if he did get elected, out there on the world stage, sniffing and hair kissing various women and people’s daughters.....that’s just....a bit of an embarrassment. Imagine the memes
I wonder if anyone has talked to him about it. I don’t think he even knows how creepy he behaves

posted on Apr, 2 2019 @ 08:29 AM
a reply to: Assassin82

He’s got the prestige, knows how to raise money, and seems able to handle a campaign capable of beating Trump. Yet here they are, eating him alive.

Biden is probably as close to a literal political "tool" as one can get. I first heard what a creeper Biden is during the Iran Contra hearings.... where he was quite the pitbull. More recently, he and his son Beau were responsible for protecting Obama from the Larry Sinclair scandal in the months before the 2008 election. Biden was protected because Biden was willing to do whatever to protect himself. For freaking decades!!!

The left has been divided to one extent or another for some time. Especially since the 08 elections when Hillary was screwed royally. They pretend to play nice, but behind the scenes it's a whole 'nother story! And there's no doubt that just as Obama "weaponized" the office (and intelligence) against Trump, he has done the same to Dems. Everyone knows better than to openly cross Team Obama. Those 900+ FBI files the Clintons obtained are nothing compared to what Obama was able to do!

Apparently Biden has outlived his usefulness. On the other hand, Obama is still quite influential and still "organizing." Pay close attention to the freshman Democrats like AOC and Tlaib...

‘I’m proud of you’: Some freshman Democrats geek out over meeting Obama

The former party leader described new class as ‘stocked with a bunch of my campaign and administration alums’

My best guess is that IF the civil war gets serious -- and public -- that it will manifest in the transgender war and the debate for the newly re-introduced Equality Act. It will be a war between the sexes... or genders... or whatever nonsense language they come up with. In other words, real women vs wannabe women (and those who pretend the wannabes are "real" women).

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