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Bizarre Secret Files Released on Lost Ancient Human Civilizations

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posted on Mar, 30 2019 @ 10:34 AM
a reply to: All Seeing Eye

Granite isn’t magnetic for starters, so we can rule maglev out. But let’s say there was some kind of anti gravity tech they could use or knew about, how would you transport and sustain millions until conditions on earth were habitable again?

I’m don’t know what you’re referring to by “the cookbook”

posted on Mar, 30 2019 @ 10:44 AM
a reply to: stonerwilliam

I have read about the Washington D.C. Tornado of 1812, but nothing else.

Do you have a link to this?

Better to start with recent history and the WARS of 1812 and what both sides in that conflict witnessed and wrote about in letters and journals .

The bright light that appeared brighter than the sun burning stone and making it melt like butter

posted on Mar, 30 2019 @ 10:45 AM

originally posted by: surfer_soul
a reply to: All Seeing Eye

Granite isn’t magnetic for starters, so we can rule maglev out. But let’s say there was some kind of anti gravity tech they could use or knew about, how would you transport and sustain millions until conditions on earth were habitable again?

I’m don’t know what you’re referring to by “the cookbook”

And if they had that sort of gravity tech, why would they choose something so heavy to build out of when theres plenty of lighter more malleable material.
edit on 30-3-2019 by Whatthedoctorordered because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 30 2019 @ 10:49 AM

originally posted by: AndyMayhew

originally posted by: TheGreatWork

He talks about Atlantis and Mu and how they were destroyed by periodic cataclysms coming not from outer space from from the Earths internal processes

This quote threatens "space". By saying threats do not come from it almost sounds like space is not what we were told it is?

Well considering Atlantis and Mu are as real as Narnia and Middle Earth ...... does it really matter? We're talking a book that makes a bug's bunny cartoon look like serious modern drama.

Sorry got to correct you, Middle earth is most certainly real it is the old SAXON name for England.

Narnia is as you well know a made up location created for a Childrens fantasy book the lion the witch and the wardrobe.

But Mu or Lemuria, well prove it did NOT exist please, explain how so many closely (genetically) related species of Lemur are distributed around the pacific and yes we are well aware of the frankly stupid explanation given that they were taken there as food when in fact Lemurs are notoriously difficult to transport and die easily in captivity so how did a bunch of stone age guy's in dug out canoes get them there.

Then sticking with Lemuria a name given to a hypothetical based on the study of these lemur's or Mu a legendary continent supposedly mentioned in several ancient Asian sources including claim's that it was recorded in some Tibetan scripture now possibly lost since the Chinese annexation of that nation.

So given that one of your Location's is actually a genuine location which JR Tolkien based his fantasy world upon (though he may have expanded it a bit to include western Europe and no English Channel - the guy was an expert on Norse Mythology after all, another of your locations MAY actually be based on a real site which would have indeed existed if the Indian subcontinent was tilted just a little down at the Himalayas were it's plate is riding over the Asian plate (and in fact it once was, indeed the Himalaya's are the location of the Tethis Sea now pushed up as the mountain's we know of today but believed to be one potential candidate location for the hypothesized amphibious cloven hoofed but wolf/pig - hunted like a wolf, looked like a pig with cloven hooves and was semi aquatic - like ancestors of the Whale species).

Well overall your argument actually works in favor of this being correct and not as you tried so poorly for it to be incorrect.

With only the Narnia comparison holding any water on your side and that one being exceptionally poor as it was based solely upon a fictitious creation which is actually as real as it was supposed to be a place in the imagination of children hidden in a magical door in a magical wardrobe.

Actually I really want to see the reason for NOT releasing the rest of this book, did the guy base it on something they had classified perhaps NAZI document's as they too believed in a previous super age led by a super race of blond blue eye's men they regarded as there ancestors - when in fact the German's are mongrel's with absolutely no pure blood whatsoever.

I mean let's be fair, Chinese pyramid's build by the Sky God's whom had eye's like the sky (blue) and hair like the sun (golden), A city in south american whose stone's were thrown all over the place as if by a huge earthquake reconstructed very badly in the 20th century by local and western archaeologists whom cause whom know's what damage to any in situ evidence called TiaHuanaco/tiwanaku and a harbor that was probably part of the same complex a few miles away called Puma Punku built of megalithic stone's so high that the air is rarefied and there are rumors of terraced field's nearby above the permanent frost line with a lake beside it that has rapidly adapted but still genetically extremely closely related to the sea level flore and fauna almost identical to that found a few hundred miles to it's west on the pacific coast as if the whole site was lifted cataclysmic from sea level in a huge tilting of the south american plate in that region which god know's how big a tsunami such an event would have caused on both the pacific and Atlantic sea boards as equally a down-tilting of the atlantic sea board must have taken place as possibly evidenced by this weird anomaly.
If it's a city and it damn well looks like it then this was not gradually sunken over 50.000 years or it would have eroded completely away as the waters washed over it so it's submersion had to be rapid.

posted on Mar, 30 2019 @ 10:53 AM
a reply to: surfer_soul

I’m don’t know what you’re referring to by “the cookbook”

An episode of the Twilight Zone.

posted on Mar, 30 2019 @ 11:14 AM

originally posted by: Whatthedoctorordered

originally posted by: surfer_soul
a reply to: All Seeing Eye

Granite isn’t magnetic for starters, so we can rule maglev out. But let’s say there was some kind of anti gravity tech they could use or knew about, how would you transport and sustain millions until conditions on earth were habitable again?

I’m don’t know what you’re referring to by “the cookbook”

And if they had that sort of gravity tech, why would they choose something so heavy to build out of when theres plenty of lighter more malleable material.

I think the weight is of no consequence, gravity, may not play a role. It may be more like reversing the static charge of, anything. Hair is not magnetic but reacts to a static charge.

posted on Mar, 30 2019 @ 12:46 PM

For anyone wanting to read the adam and eve story

This is what the vid is based on

I found it entertaining
edit on 30-3-2019 by NAVO66 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 30 2019 @ 01:06 PM
a reply to: All Seeing Eye

Or they may not have had space ships at all, but instead took refuge in underground man made cave systems like the ones in Turkey and other regions. Perhaps there is something to the Native American legend that the first people came from under the ground?

Ah the twilight zone, I used to like that program but I much prefer Blackmirror at least it’s topics are more likely.

posted on Mar, 30 2019 @ 01:52 PM
I believe it. And I hope continued research can definitely prove it. We aren’t the first and we won’t be the last.

+1 more 
posted on Mar, 30 2019 @ 01:56 PM
Hmmmm....a very deep rabbit hole indeed!! Wow!! Great topic, OP!!

From what I can gather the reason the book was classified (in short) was due to the pole shift topic .

Likely unbeknownst to Thomas, secret meetings were being held at the Pentagon in early 1948 (the year of release of Thomas' Book). It seems Thomas' theories closely matched theories which were being secretly discussed by scientists at the Pentagon in 1948. These theories were a result of findings from Maj. Maynard White's earlier polar expeditions and showed evidence of previous rapid polar shifts. The theory holds that the poles flipped nearly 90 degrees in a matter of hours, but then would slowly return to their original positions over time. Therefore archeological and scientific extrapolations of pole movement over the centuries were in error. These rapid polar shifts wreaked havoc on Earth, causing among other things the last Ice Age.

Thomas' pole shift theory closely matched White's observations which were the subject of the secret Pentagon meetings. These theories posited that the causation was internal, not external as had been thought previously. Einstein was even involved at one point to make calculations about for Hapgood's book The Earth's Shifting Crust published in 1958 (ten years later). It was a dumbed down version of Thomas' book with a lot of details along with most of the calculations missing. Einstein would later refute some of his calculations as being in error, lending even more credence to White's observations and Thomas' book 1948 book.

So what was it that was being secretly discussed at the Pentagon? Well it seems, after the evidence was provided, the discussion evolved into whether or not the public should be notified as a pole shift of this nature would be an ELE (Extinction Level Event). The concern was it would create worldwide chaos and anarchy. Some test articles were trotted out in various publications to gauge the public's reaction. These publications went largely unnoticed. They felt like the public needed to be notified (somehow), but were unable to decide how. This led to Hapgood's 1958 book which was basically a sanitized version of Thomas' original theories. Much of the redacted portions of Thomas' book are the calculations and backup.

What's interesting here is, why did the CIA choose to declassify parts of the book in 2013? And, what did Thomas' redacted calculations conclude? They were apparently strikingly similar to previous calculations by others, perhaps even more accurate. Is a pole shift right around the corner?

ETA - I guess it should come as no surprise that Hapgood was a former member of the OSS (predecessor to the CIA)

edit on 3/30/2019 by Flyingclaydisk because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 30 2019 @ 02:42 PM

originally posted by: Whatthedoctorordered
a reply to: one4all

for example David Hamel taught us to build massive GRANITE CRAFT capable of saving MILLIONS per build them easily quickly and for little cost.

Not sure if youre aware but granite isnt exactly the optimal weight and aerodynamics for flying craft

Its really easy to make all sorts of claims

People shouldnt believe everything they hear on the internet.

The Egyptian hieroglyphs give all the data needed.Davids material was enough for me to learn so it should be enough for anyone else.

Granite is optimal for a variety of reasons....its mass is not a factor in terms of viability for flying...however there are other considerations where the mass is a weighted factor so to speak.

posted on Mar, 30 2019 @ 02:47 PM

originally posted by: surfer_soul
a reply to: one4all

Mass migration by billions is easily possible you claim. To where exactly?

Millions escaping on massive GRANITE craft? Really? I have more faith of surviving a global catastrophe with a bug out bag, and I have no faith in that.

The stampedes on Black Friday tell me all I need to know about where humanity’s at.

Yes its possible...there are many Planets that we can live on.Well considering they suppressed David and ANY MANY others from teaching us how to use these technologies to build different types of I wouldn't count on it unless say an Elon Musk went ape-crap and built one. You will need a J-shaped underground shelter rmbedded 25 feet into the bedrock to go along with your BOB.
edit on 30-3-2019 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 30 2019 @ 03:53 PM
Very interesting topic for a change and to my surprise the youtuber does not sound like a total crackpot for once
The CIA and his previous video about Atlantis being the Eye of Sahara ( pretty convincing coincidences though I have not double checked them yet) were very informative and entertaining. So if anybody has about 1h to spare, grab a cup of tea and go check them out

Thank You for posting, this reminds me a bit of the god old days of ATS

posted on Mar, 30 2019 @ 04:00 PM
a reply to: IkNOwSTuff

We need to get this thread to the top

This is incredible... and the CIA's own website verifies it was indeed classified

What in the hell? This is the only answer I can muster at this point. I have some reading to do

Sincerely, thank you for the much needed distraction from politics
edit on 3/30/2019 by JBurns because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 30 2019 @ 04:44 PM
a reply to: IkNOwSTuff

Yes I have been getting in to the new discoveries and watched this doc, good stuff. We are living in an age where history is being rewritten thanks to new discoveries!

posted on Mar, 30 2019 @ 06:19 PM

posted on Mar, 30 2019 @ 06:50 PM
a reply to: stonerwilliam

I've been watching vids on tataria as well, has anyone ever made a thread about this mud flood myth? Some of those theories seem a little far-fetched. One of the said that buildings and architecture from St Petersburg Russia were really built by an older pre mud flood civilization. Fake timelines and such. My BS detecting meter was going off hard watching some of those videos.
edit on 30-3-2019 by conspiracy nut because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 30 2019 @ 07:39 PM
a reply to: conspiracy nut

I can still remember the elephant pulling the cart poster from 40+ years ago but i am scratching my head as to what i did this week
summer of 75 it still bugs me today what the elephant was pulling , was it stone or metal ! .

The things they find in mines from times past from a time when the earth was in upheaval , books were being banned and burned as well as people

We stand on the shoulders of Giants , Men of renown
edit on 30/3/2019 by stonerwilliam because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 30 2019 @ 07:53 PM
a reply to: surfer_soul

Remember me and you probably helped pay for that said bunker

posted on Mar, 30 2019 @ 08:39 PM

originally posted by: conspiracy nut
a reply to: stonerwilliam

I've been watching vids on tataria as well, has anyone ever made a thread about this mud flood myth? Some of those theories seem a little far-fetched. One of the said that buildings and architecture from St Petersburg Russia were really built by an older pre mud flood civilization. Fake timelines and such. My BS detecting meter was going off hard watching some of those videos.

No disrespect to the great work on Mudflood evidence because it is OUTSTANDING and synonymous in focus with Mudfossil University ...however....the Events leaving these evidences are not called Mudfloods they are called...Vlar Global Continental Displacement Wave Events....and because of the Global scope of the top end scale of destruction caused by this Event there are many layers of different cultures mixed and intermingled upon the Earths surface and subsurface available to be parsed post VGCDW Event,however defining an exact sequential linear timeline Model is extremely difficult....but doable.

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