Hey im new and i'll get right to the point. I believe some of my sources i've obtained doing research over the net has unbelievable credentials.
I'm simply typing this to speak to someone who might not be sure on what to think on this subject. I would just like to enlighten a few people like
myself who are searching for knowledge. Anyone who wants to contact me you can respond by sending me an email or replying to this message.
Thanks, but I really don't believe I need to be told what to think. If I may make a recommendation, it would be to present solid evidence, thorough
reasoning and unbiased judgement, and do your audience the courtesy of letting them make up their own minds.
well honestly im not telling anyone what to think.. I go by timothy leary's quote "think for yourself, question authority." I don't neccessarily
want to talk about what I think, although if anyone wanted to throw ideas back and forth that's cool. But I really just wanted to share some
websites and some figures who (you can judge for yourself) might be what people are searching for.
Well I really like talking about subjects that have an extremely hard time getting debunked even by the sincere skeptics. I believe I do have some
info that i researched that does have a hard time getting debunked. Anyone interested, ill start off with crop circles. Anyone interested should
check this website out
I heard from a friend that crop circles can be translated into a musical language, like a musician’s sheet music. Don’t know if that’s true or
not. Has anyone ever heard of that theory before?
Well, sorry but already have my points of view on this subject. But I'm sure there are some good people here who will help you and you may be able
to help them too.