posted on Mar, 27 2019 @ 08:46 PM
After hearing about the laws being passed in NZ for even possessing the manifesto (are you telling me you can't even read it!!?) I thought I would
see how hard it was to find it online and what I found is a little alarming. Most of the links that mentioned "NZ shooter manifesto PDF text
download" or some combination there of, went to sites that simply talked about the manifesto, that there was one. Out of about 40-50 sites I went
to there was only one that had it online and it was in a difficult to use format, an embedded PDF viewer that reduced quality and size (to fit in the
small PDF screen) and no option to save or download. Well the file has to be SOMEWHERE on the site or a link to where it really is hosted, so after a
little digging through the element inspection and source code, I finally found the source document.
So I looked some more, thinking that there had to be more news sites that had this online, but I haven't found more than one source (and I'm not
naming it b/c I don't want it taken down b/c of harassment). Even file hosting sites meant to allow for the dissemination of controversial stuff,
have removed the content, though the links are still active, the pages come up with some odd "access denied" to the file or some similar message.
So who is behind shutting down all of these media sources from publishing this manifesto? Has this ever been done before? Even gruesome video's of
ISIS were openly hosted by news agencies.
I think they are hiding the manifesto because if people actually read it they would instantly realize they are being lied to by the MSM about this buy
being a ultra-right (or just right wing) white national / conservative. That is the BS the media is pushing and it is the exact opposite of what
independent journalists are reporting - I have yet to make a decision b/c I haven't read the manifesto. Supposedly he is more extreme leftist if
anything and he is anti gun and he used guns b/c he wanted to cause outrage about access to guns. It was all manipulation.
I think this was a false flag, yet again, or a coordinated attack by a group (read - conspiracy) and not the actions of a "lone wolf" which is what
the media SOOO wants it to be and they will push that till their last breath before the floor falls out from under the gibbet/gallows for actively
subverting the Republic.
So why are file hosting sites removing this? Is it an algorithm that is doing it? If so, that could be gotten around fairly easily. I did read that
it has been added to some encrypted blockchain which makes it impossible to remove or alter. I wonder how the government feels about that. Also, if
someone in NZ uses that currency which has this file in the blockchain, can they be put in jail? I see this as a great marketing strategy for that
currency b/c it could be seen as a form of rebellion and if 500,000 people in NZ decide to use it, would the be jailed for possessing the manifesto?