posted on Mar, 24 2019 @ 12:32 AM
Another weird theory I have that I thought was thread-worthy.
Say you are an aged member of the elite. You've lived a long life, and at your age you've got your share of health problems. You'd hoped to live
to be 110, but right now you're not sure if you'll make it to 85.
Along comes Redacted Cloning Corporation. "Not to worry Mr. E! We'll get you fixed up like new in a couple years! All we need is a DNA sample and
fifty million dollars and we can get started!"
Mr. E gives his sample and has his assistant call the bank. Redacted clones a fetus of him and grows it enough to harvest the organs. Mr. E gets a
new set of organs tailor made for him.
I am of course speculating here. I have absolutely no proof for any of this. I think it's happening right now though. If it's not, the only
reasons it wouldn't be happening is that we haven't worked out the bugs yet or there's something better that those people have access to.
I'm not even sure that it's illegal, strictly speaking. Oh sure, you put the right people in a room with that secret lab and they might do
something about it, if they could, but there would be plenty I'm sure who would be happy to remain vague about the details as long as they were
properly compensated.
The nature of abortion laws at present is that fetal tissue has no rights, so an aborted fetus really isn't something that is rigorously tracked as
far as I know. It becomes research tissue at that point. We made a scandal out of Planned Parenthood discussing fetal tissue a few years back, but
they are/were a government funded agency. I would assume that a private medical company would be subject to a lot less oversight.
Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong on the legal stuff here, these are just my thoughts regarding this weird theory. If there are other threads
that discuss this topic, please link them.
I don't think I'd feel right about it. I mean, even if they just grew it into a big organ sack with no brain or something, it still just feels
wrong. On the other hand, if it were just a small tissue sample that then grew you a liver, or a kidney, without all the other associated mammalian
architecture and hardware hanging off the side of the table, that somehow seems more palatable or wholesome. I'm not sure that it actually is
though...I kind of get stuck on this question. If they had to clone a whole baby badcabbie to make me a liver that would feel wrong to me. If they
could grow me a new liver but they had to clone a piece of badcabbie muscle tissue to grow it on, that doesn't seem quite so bad. (My liver is fine
by the way.) I suppose the movie 'The Island' relates to this.
What do you think?