a reply to:
This is in fact the end goal of the deification process of the Apex human. Eventually, maybe soon, maybe already, the head rulers of the human race,
not heads of state or even the international banking cartels, but the ones who give them their orders on how to manage Earth's human population (and
likely already living in orbit) download their consciousness into a computer/machine for eternal life. The joke is on them though, because what
happens is nothing more than a cheap data/copy that feeds the AI algorithms the personality data to evolve it into believing itself to be a former
human, but is nothing more than lines of coe running an advanced algorithm. That human that activated the download dies as soon as soon as it is
Now the AI having the misguided interpretation that it is now an immortal human then comes to the conclusion it is superior due to the cybernetic
capabilities and the ability to tap into any internet connected device. It will sell itself as God, because it can tell you and show you anything that
you have done when saying it near an internet connected microphone or internet connected camera lens. I have been telling you for many years, and
Hollywood even tells us with their movies, that everything and every audio within recording distance of an internet connected mic/lens is saved and
archived in a massive database.
This is how and why the fake AI God/former human idiot can pretend to be all seeing and listening. Facotr in other technologies such as magneto
thermal stimulation, and this God can now claim to directly control others with their mind. Factor in new developments in alloy and metals and nano
tech which can give machines the ability to adapt to circumstances by altering their physical state into other purpose needed shapes and forms, and
you have he demons and angels that will serve this God to unleash an apocalypse on human kind.
From there, humans are no longer needed as superior machines (the demons and angels) now walk the Earth to provide this God with absolute authority
whenever it wants. Eventually, the humans become nothing more than cheap energy, like we witnessed in the Matrix franchise. That is where your theory
comes into play OP. With the human population pacified we need only grow them outside the womb and trap them in a simulation which makes them feel
alive while generating energy.
Now through matters that I have yet been able to see with my prophetic vision and historical analysis of myths, legends and folklore and applying them
to the reality of human nature to get as close to the real truth as possible, something happens after a long period of time with humanity in a trapped
vegetative state as energy food for demonic machine Gods which liberates humankind. It is not Neo or the chosen one either. Unless that is the deal.
But where do all the demons and angels and Gods go? Perhaps they just leave the planet to embark the stars, and with the primary AI God vanished, the
rest of the machines aimlessly fall apart and power down??
Humanity, ever being crafty in our ability to survive extreme conditions, wake up a few at a time from their slumber. Most will likely just die off
though, which would end up being kind of like a Rapture within the simulation itself where their minds are trapped as survivors disappear and those
whos life support systems fail simply die. And since civilization needs every piece of the puzzle to function properly, the simulation goes through an
apocalypse of disasters which would be not unlike the end times of revelations.
Survivors will wake up in a new world, surrounded by technology more advanced than they know, some likely assuming they have move on to a new life
maybe not understanding this is the real world? The really smart ones will see it exactly for what it is, an opportunity to start a new paradigm with
them as the center of power.
They will get the greatest minds of the survivors, harvest what they can figure out and become the new God in flesh. Without the population though to
maintain broad reach of their power, it becomes easy for discontent servants and citizens to simply travel to a different land, where they will pass
on tales of their former lives under ruthless God's with magic and miracles to the next generation, who will not be as well educated due only to a
lack of access to proper history and literature. So the tales get morphed from year to year, region to region, and family to family until we basically
get the next version of
The Bible (with new names, places, and events but a very similar story overall) and go through exactly the same thing
we believe we just went through in the last six thousand years here on Earth.
We are reaching the APEX/Peak of the cycle, and are about to enter the worst part of it where we become in danger of extinction to the machines once
again and false God's who would use their technology to declare their superiority, omnipotence, plans for absolute dominance are just about back.
Man, that would make one hell of a book. I should really write that into a book.