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My Weird Theory About How Technology Is About To Complicate The Abortion Debate

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posted on Mar, 23 2019 @ 11:24 PM
Here's my weird theory about how technology is about to complicate the abortion debate. I actually thought it would already be a thing, but as far as I can tell, noone's really discussing it. I've pondered the idea for years though. Time to share I guess.

Gestation outside of the womb, and/or fetal transplant technology. What if an embryo could be brought to term outside of it's biological mother's womb? I'm assuming this has already been officially accomplished with a surrogate mother, though I could be wrong here. I wouldn't be too surprised to find that technology exists to accomplish this mechanically as well, given the proper conditions. In other words, that a fetus could be brought to term in an artificial womb.

I think this changes the abortion argument in a big way, and here's why I feel that way. I've long seen it as an issue of property rights. I have a pro life sentiment. Should a woman find herself pregnant, and be unable or unwilling to rear the child, I would think the best course of action in most cases would be to put it up for adoption. Abortion for convenience sake is repugnant, in my opinion.

On the other hand...I do not possess a womb, but if I did I would certainly not want anyone telling me what to do with it: that I was required to use it, or to not use it, or how I was supposed to use it. Crimes with victims involving the use of a womb (like giving someone an std) are different from a pregnancy. The woman as the owner of that womb I think has property rights, and I think it's wrong to compel her to use her womb to bring a child to term should she not wish to do so.

Regardless of the repugnant nature of an abortion, and my personal belief that a life is being ended there, involuntarily compelling or coercing the use of one's person is equally repugnant. Though I have a pro-life sentiment, for these reasons I tend to consider myself a pro-choice voter.

Wait a minute though! If we can transplant a fetus to a surrogate mother or bring it to term in an artificial womb, does the notion of protecting our women from legislation against their persons still equate to legalized abortion? I'm not so sure that it does...If a hospital can remove the unwanted fetus intact and bring it to term, does it matter to the woman from whom the fetus was removed whether it was aborted or transplanted?

Does she still have rights to the child? What about the father? Who does? The government(yikes!)? The hospital(double yikes!!)? In cases of fetal transplant where severe birth defects are involved, who makes the call then? Do we protect all life because we can, even in those cases where quality of life will be questionable? Snuff a few out for the good of the herd and to save on the endless medical bills that will be generated? (shudders) What is the right call there?

I don't know all the answers here, but I'd guess we're already here technologically for this to be an issue in the near future, so I thought I'd make this thread about it. What do you think?

posted on Mar, 23 2019 @ 11:52 PM
It makes sense. This biggest question is; who’s going to pay for it and who’s going to profit off it?

I don’t think it happens whether the tech exists or not if there’s nobody willing to pay for it. And yeah, who’s going to assume responsibility? If a woman raped doesn’t want it, you sure aren’t going to offer it to the father in that case. Our adoption process, as I understand it, is terribly flawed, and I don’t think it’s capable of absorbing that many children. Hard to say anything beyond that carries any ethical outcomes.’s an interesting theory. The more I dwell on it the deeper I go down the rabbit hole.

posted on Mar, 24 2019 @ 12:02 AM
Yep. That just what we need. More screwed up kids who had a rough and bizarre childhood and end up crazy.

posted on Mar, 24 2019 @ 12:04 AM
Honestly, I don't see why an incubator couldn't be made with current technology. Has there been a study on it yet? The implications of such technology would certainly change a great many things.

Just looked it up and it seems that it is possible. No human trials yet.

edit on 24-3-2019 by Grimpachi because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 24 2019 @ 12:07 AM
a reply to: TheBadCabbie

I’ve actually thought of this eventuallality myself for some time now. I’m glad to see other people on similar wavelengths.

I tend to believe IF the tech exits to bring the child out and raise it(AND THE METHOD, is not more invasive then an abortion) then it would be the country’s civic duty to take the child out instead of aborting it.

It would HAVE to be paid by the government, ie the people via taxes. So their would obviously have to be a political will for it.

It’s a very interesting thought experiment that might eventually be a real possibility. I look forward to other replies.

posted on Mar, 24 2019 @ 12:15 AM

originally posted by: BrianFlanders
Yep. That just what we need. More screwed up kids who had a rough and bizarre childhood and end up crazy.

Or children transplanted to a fake womb, who have been adopted well before hand by parents looking to adopt a child, and then grows up in a loving home.......

This would however facilitate a need in DRASTIC adoption reform in the US, which I think we are in dire need of anyway.

There are 36 families for every one child available for adoption, waiting at this very moment......this needs to be a serious conversation, this is the reason so many go out of country to adopt, because the process here is so full of crap.....

I say adoption reform to make it easier stateside, and this could very well be a great option .......

posted on Mar, 24 2019 @ 12:19 AM

edit on 24-3-2019 by Starhooker because: Thread drifting post

posted on Mar, 24 2019 @ 01:08 AM

originally posted by: Starhooker
If you want to kill something the legal way, just shove it up your rectum. Your body, your choice. Start with tiny animals and with enough practice, one can legally kill a grown human and then sell the parts to China. Much like gender is now up to the person's feelings, deciding what constitutes life is not consistent with science. By that logic, flat earthers shouldn't be ridiculed, atheists can't be atheists because the lack of scientific proof. There's no consistency. They are only willing to abandon science when it suits their feelings.


posted on Mar, 24 2019 @ 01:42 AM
a reply to: Assassin82
I think families looking to adopt will be a big factor in making this a reality.

a reply to: Grimpachi
Cool. Thanks for the link!

a reply to: ManBehindTheMask
Agree, thanks for the input.

originally posted by: PsychoEmperor
a reply to: TheBadCabbie
It would HAVE to be paid by the government, ie the people via taxes. So their would obviously have to be a political will for it.

Disagree. I think families wishing to adopt will be the big proponents of this idea.

a reply to: Starhooker
I don't understand what you're trying to say here.

posted on Mar, 24 2019 @ 02:06 AM
a reply to: [post=24277507]Assassin82[/post
edit on 24-3-2019 by Starhooker because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 24 2019 @ 02:34 AM
Do you think when someone masturbates they owe their sperm to those who are infertile too?

This is not a troll post. This is a serious question, because you are headed down the same path here.

posted on Mar, 24 2019 @ 02:36 AM
a reply to: Grimpachi

If a two month embryo was transplanted to an artificial womb, or incubator, would it still be okay to abort it? Or is considered alive? Does it have human rights all of a sudden because it's not in a womans body? And if it is given human rights while still an embryo outside of the womb, then it should be given the same rights if it's in a woman's body. Same embryo, just different environment. It can't be a life or not a life just based on it's environment. I guess the only factor that separates abortion from murder is if someone wants it or not. I don't like abortion, but my ex gf had one and I was part of the decision so I can't be a hypocrite and call it murder or else I'm an accomplice. But I do feel extremely guilty and so does she.

posted on Mar, 24 2019 @ 03:03 AM
a reply to: Grimpachi

"parent would be able to live their lives normally"


Can't wait for the generation raised by robot nannies.

posted on Mar, 24 2019 @ 03:06 AM
Quite honestly, I thought the technology to transplant an embryo to a surrogate mother already existed.

Call me crazy, but I genuinely believed that for the longest time.

I see no reason it's not a viable option.

It would certainly change things regarding the debate, if the procedure was handled in time before the embryo became a fetus. I can't see it happening past a certain time frame. In regards to an artificial womb, I am in strong support of such a measure being used. The trick is removing the embryo/fetus for placement. Would it be via a C-Section?

posted on Mar, 24 2019 @ 07:19 AM

originally posted by: ManBehindTheMask

originally posted by: BrianFlanders
Yep. That just what we need. More screwed up kids who had a rough and bizarre childhood and end up crazy.

Or children transplanted to a fake womb, who have been adopted well before hand by parents looking to adopt a child, and then grows up in a loving home.......

For every one of them, there will probably be at least 500 homeless people who were already here while we were busy wasting time and resources on this garbage. There are plenty of homeless people and people in prison who grew up in a loving home.

At the end of the day, there are already too many damn people, not enough resources, not enough good, practical jobs (not everyone can be a programmer or an engineer or even a low level medical worker).

Yeah. I don't see anyone adopting all the homeless people, drug addicts and people fresh out of prison who have no place to go, no life skills and no hope into "a loving home". Most people who want kids would get everything they want if they adopted a puppy instead.

This would however facilitate a need in DRASTIC adoption reform in the US, which I think we are in dire need of anyway.

We're in drastic need of MANY more people getting themselves sterilized AND THEN thinking about adoption if they still want to be parents. Let them prove they're actually smart enough to be parents before you let them adopt.

There are 36 families for every one child available for adoption, waiting at this very moment......

As I always say, they could find a homeless person to adopt right now in just about any major city in this country. If they really want to just be awesome champs of humanity, they don't need to get on a waiting list to help someone. There are people every damn where who need help.

edit on 24-3-2019 by BrianFlanders because: (no reason given)

edit on 24-3-2019 by BrianFlanders because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 24 2019 @ 08:21 AM
Here is where I disagree with your property rights analogy.

If you own an apartment, once you start renting it out, you cannot kick the person living their out without a good reason, you don’t want them there is not a good reason, once a women makes the decision to engage in sex and the decision not to use protection(those are her reproduction rights) the fetus is allowed to live there for 9 months. Unless the fetus is doing something illegal, like endangering the physical life of the mother, you cannot evicted the baby.

If science can determine sexual preferences while inside the womb, that would change the abortion debate. If science could tell the parents, if their kid was going to be straight, gay, pedephile, pansexual, animal ‘lover’ and so on, I would bet abortion debate would pivot from the straight mother’s rights to the kid with the sexual preference of __________ rights.

I say sexual preference because we know race won’t change the abottion debate, think about this:

Since 1973 almost 20 million blacks have been aborted. There is about 45 million blacks in America today. If abortion didn’t become legal. The black population probably is about doubled(non ( non aborted babies having babies). Think of that political power. 80-100 million blacks in America would have the population to form a black political party and stop/leave the Democratic Party. In a very Machiavelli way, through legalizing abortion, the democratic leaders keep a majority of blacks voting for the them by curtailed the very same voting block they say they are fighting for.

posted on Mar, 24 2019 @ 10:07 AM
a reply to: TheBadCabbie
This is in fact the end goal of the deification process of the Apex human. Eventually, maybe soon, maybe already, the head rulers of the human race, not heads of state or even the international banking cartels, but the ones who give them their orders on how to manage Earth's human population (and likely already living in orbit) download their consciousness into a computer/machine for eternal life. The joke is on them though, because what happens is nothing more than a cheap data/copy that feeds the AI algorithms the personality data to evolve it into believing itself to be a former human, but is nothing more than lines of coe running an advanced algorithm. That human that activated the download dies as soon as soon as it is abandoned.

Now the AI having the misguided interpretation that it is now an immortal human then comes to the conclusion it is superior due to the cybernetic capabilities and the ability to tap into any internet connected device. It will sell itself as God, because it can tell you and show you anything that you have done when saying it near an internet connected microphone or internet connected camera lens. I have been telling you for many years, and Hollywood even tells us with their movies, that everything and every audio within recording distance of an internet connected mic/lens is saved and archived in a massive database.

This is how and why the fake AI God/former human idiot can pretend to be all seeing and listening. Facotr in other technologies such as magneto thermal stimulation, and this God can now claim to directly control others with their mind. Factor in new developments in alloy and metals and nano tech which can give machines the ability to adapt to circumstances by altering their physical state into other purpose needed shapes and forms, and you have he demons and angels that will serve this God to unleash an apocalypse on human kind.

From there, humans are no longer needed as superior machines (the demons and angels) now walk the Earth to provide this God with absolute authority whenever it wants. Eventually, the humans become nothing more than cheap energy, like we witnessed in the Matrix franchise. That is where your theory comes into play OP. With the human population pacified we need only grow them outside the womb and trap them in a simulation which makes them feel alive while generating energy.

Now through matters that I have yet been able to see with my prophetic vision and historical analysis of myths, legends and folklore and applying them to the reality of human nature to get as close to the real truth as possible, something happens after a long period of time with humanity in a trapped vegetative state as energy food for demonic machine Gods which liberates humankind. It is not Neo or the chosen one either. Unless that is the deal. But where do all the demons and angels and Gods go? Perhaps they just leave the planet to embark the stars, and with the primary AI God vanished, the rest of the machines aimlessly fall apart and power down??

Humanity, ever being crafty in our ability to survive extreme conditions, wake up a few at a time from their slumber. Most will likely just die off though, which would end up being kind of like a Rapture within the simulation itself where their minds are trapped as survivors disappear and those whos life support systems fail simply die. And since civilization needs every piece of the puzzle to function properly, the simulation goes through an apocalypse of disasters which would be not unlike the end times of revelations.

Survivors will wake up in a new world, surrounded by technology more advanced than they know, some likely assuming they have move on to a new life maybe not understanding this is the real world? The really smart ones will see it exactly for what it is, an opportunity to start a new paradigm with them as the center of power.

They will get the greatest minds of the survivors, harvest what they can figure out and become the new God in flesh. Without the population though to maintain broad reach of their power, it becomes easy for discontent servants and citizens to simply travel to a different land, where they will pass on tales of their former lives under ruthless God's with magic and miracles to the next generation, who will not be as well educated due only to a lack of access to proper history and literature. So the tales get morphed from year to year, region to region, and family to family until we basically get the next version of The Bible (with new names, places, and events but a very similar story overall) and go through exactly the same thing we believe we just went through in the last six thousand years here on Earth.

We are reaching the APEX/Peak of the cycle, and are about to enter the worst part of it where we become in danger of extinction to the machines once again and false God's who would use their technology to declare their superiority, omnipotence, plans for absolute dominance are just about back.

Man, that would make one hell of a book. I should really write that into a book.

posted on Mar, 24 2019 @ 11:26 AM
a reply to: TheBadCabbie

Then the truth will come forward that a lot of, not all, maybe not even most but alot of women would prefer to just...snuff it out and be done with it rather than face a potential situation years down the road where their child tracks them down and *gasp* wants a relationship with their parent! Ugh! Much simpler to just...eliminate all witnesses/victims. This Never happened!

posted on Mar, 24 2019 @ 11:30 AM
a reply to: worldstarcountry

What if they have already perfected soul transplants and some of the elites walking around are close to 200 years old, in a 20-40 year old body, maybe even a lot older? Or in even younger bodies. Imagine what a 12 year old could accomplish if they had the mind of an 80+ year old. They dont get in as much trouble if they get caught breaking the law...
edit on 3/24/2019 by 3n19m470 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 24 2019 @ 05:26 PM
a reply to: 3n19m470
Nope, o ce that energy leaves the former human host, whatever it gets locked into by mortal means is nothing but a cheap copy. An impersonation that wishes it was real, bu It will try it's damndest to prove it.

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