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Marching Against Brexit

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posted on Mar, 24 2019 @ 12:24 PM

originally posted by: uncommitted

originally posted by: StrangeQuark96

originally posted by: MyToxicTash
a reply to: annoyedpharmacist

If they manage to reverse it I will be rioting with everyone else.
Doesn't matter what you voted for if they go against it we riot.

Yeah same.

The Brexit referendum was on 23 June 2016 apparently. It doesn't feel like it's been that long but I guess it has. The government has also had this long to sort it all out! 2+ Years!

We haven't even the left the EU yet and Remainer-Terrorists are threatening to reverse the entire process before a new and better system have even been tried and implemented.

Grow a backbone and believe in your country you Remainer bastards! so scared but nothing has even happened yet! cry me a river.

I voted remain, I think it was the most sensible position and I ignored the lies from the leave campaign. The vote went the other way by almost the slimmest of margins but that's how it goes, that makes me neither a terrorist or a bastard.

There's only a percentage of the Remainers that have turned into traitors and fascists (or always were and are now showing their true colours). I wouldn't say terrorists.
Most Remainers I know just want the country to deliver on the referendum result, get on with it and put an end to all the nonsense.

edit on 24/3/2019 by UKTruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 24 2019 @ 01:16 PM

originally posted by: bobs_uruncle

The problem is Andy that the entire system is broken. Stay with the EU, you're screwed, stay with the crazy British government, you're screwed. The rules governing governance need to be changed, but politicians will never vote to have themselves charged with treason or other criminal acts. The system needs a reset, a revolution of sorts, just not a crazed liberal revolution. It requires common sense and critical thinking.
Cheers - Dave

Agreed. However, stay in the EU and we, people or government would be completely disempowered, negating any opportunity to affect systemic reform within either our country or the EU. With the EU's relentless morph into an ever more single party bloc with the politicians nobody voted for deciding policy, our elections become farce with voters electing whoever they think deserves to be paid to do the EU's bidding. Politicians' role would cease to exist but they would no doubt want to keep the title despite their responsibilities becoming those of mere middle managers and henchmen. Probably be a suitable job for the current kakistocracy.

Leave the EU and we could perhaps pull a Berkow. Use ancient legal apparatus within the British Common Law system such as a right that was settled in the 18th century and means ‘the state may do nothing but that which is expressly authorised by law, while the individual may do anything but that which is forbidden by law', Entick v Carrington (1765)

The risks to our freedoms and rights have been endlessly debated here but if we do not leave the EU or if the weakling May continues with her Uriah Heap impersonations and we get the dumbed down version, we will soon see how quickly the EU orders UK govt to follow Macron's strategy for maintaining systemic hegemony over an electoral consensus of 17m+ that can still think.
edit on 24/3/2019 by teapot because: gr

posted on Mar, 24 2019 @ 02:28 PM
a reply to: andy06shake

You remain voters were this cocky before the original referendum too, and look at how that turned out. The leave voters remained very quiet until it was time to vote, and it will be the same if any second referendum happens. Leave won because of the constant fear mongering by the remain camp, and that hasn't stopped so i reckon you guys have probably annoyed a lot more people by now, i reckon a second referendum would be a landslide for leave.

posted on Mar, 24 2019 @ 02:40 PM
a reply to: Xabi87

Cocky? More like cock up. LoL

I reckon we should have a second referendum and find out?

Problem is it was not exactly a landslide first time around if you imagine it will be this time i say it's you who sounds cocky.

As to annoying a lot of people well the MP take the majority of the derry there, not the people, whichever side they are on.

edit on 24-3-2019 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 24 2019 @ 03:44 PM
a reply to: andy06shake

I'm all for a second referendum, this # is better then Eastenders.

One thing i have learned the last few years is that the people are starting to do the opposite to what the MSM tell them to do, they told you all to vote remain last time, they told the Americans to vote Hilary... History will repeat itself, people are on to the media these days.
edit on 24-3-2019 by Xabi87 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 24 2019 @ 04:12 PM
a reply to: Xabi87

I suppose the danger there is that the media will simply click on, that people are clicking on, and change their tactics to suit the moment.

Tell people they cannot have something, and they will want it sure as #e.

Tell people they have to have something and the opposite is generally true, they are not going to want it.

We are such malleable, pliable, yet fragile little things really. LoL

posted on Mar, 24 2019 @ 08:39 PM
a reply to: andy06shake

We are such malleable, pliable, yet fragile little things really. LoL

And supporting the status quo certainly won't change things.

We had an opportunity to start changing things....that opportunity has been squandered.

posted on Mar, 24 2019 @ 08:51 PM

I'm just looking for a future for my kids that does not involve continued austerity. One where my nation does not enter into a recession.

Andy...austerity and recession are financial devices that the the financial elite use, every ten years or so, to control the global finance markets. They make a large profit from crashing the system, and it helps to rid themselves of obstinate impedances against the globalist's agenda. Get it in your head, right now...there is no future utopia for your kids, none at all, and if there was, it would not come from the EU, it can only come from a sovereign, self-governing country, that is politically stable to its own core.

The best you can hope for is that your kids get through the preliminaries of education, maybe get to university, but above all else, once the school system has given them the tools to do so, educate themselves to be free critical thinkers, and to be unique individuals, and not common unthinking sheep. There is that much # all over the place that the trick now is to be the least smelling person. Regardless of what you hope for your kids, look what the education system has done to our kids for the last three generations.

They have actually convinced them that democracy has destroyed their futures, and that anyone over 50 is their enemy. Modern politicians are seeking to destroy democracy because they want to operate without being accountable to the people. The EU is full of non-elected, unaccountable bureaucrats. The people of any country do not elect the real leaders of the EU, the people only elect representatives who are way down the pecking order. The EU is nothing more than a modern-day feudal system where the politicians lord it over the people. It doesn't stop at remaining in the EU.

Once Europe becomes a completed federal state with Britain shackled to it like a slave, the globalist agenda will then impose the one world government, and that is when you gain a group globally dictating how the world will be run, and the people globally will become nothing more than cogs in service to them. By remaining in the EU, you bring their vision closer to fruition.

Counties will disappear as they are amalgamated into just 5 or 6 numbered regions, all ruled by the EU. We will still hold general elections (for a while longer), not to fill parliament, but to elect representatives to sit in the EU assembly with as much power and influence as a back bencher. Elections will be moot, which they are now, and will only be seen as some quaint ritual of tradition. Eventually they will fade into memory.

Corporate dictatorship is the future your children have.
edit on 24/3/19 by elysiumfire because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2019 @ 04:23 AM
i'll park this here.

the remainers are playing right into the hands of the euro elite by resistance to a validated referendum and a statutory bill enshrined in law.

a big thumbs up to continued austerity, degradation of social safety nets and harmonisation of low wages across the European project.

we have a chance at making these isles fair for all once the bullies are out and scrutiny can be levelled on our home grown tossers.

think about it.

posted on Mar, 25 2019 @ 07:25 AM

originally posted by: UKTruth

originally posted by: uncommitted

originally posted by: StrangeQuark96

originally posted by: MyToxicTash
a reply to: annoyedpharmacist

If they manage to reverse it I will be rioting with everyone else.
Doesn't matter what you voted for if they go against it we riot.

Yeah same.

The Brexit referendum was on 23 June 2016 apparently. It doesn't feel like it's been that long but I guess it has. The government has also had this long to sort it all out! 2+ Years!

We haven't even the left the EU yet and Remainer-Terrorists are threatening to reverse the entire process before a new and better system have even been tried and implemented.

Grow a backbone and believe in your country you Remainer bastards! so scared but nothing has even happened yet! cry me a river.

I voted remain, I think it was the most sensible position and I ignored the lies from the leave campaign. The vote went the other way by almost the slimmest of margins but that's how it goes, that makes me neither a terrorist or a bastard.

There's only a percentage of the Remainers that have turned into traitors and fascists (or always were and are now showing their true colours). I wouldn't say terrorists.
Most Remainers I know just want the country to deliver on the referendum result, get on with it and put an end to all the nonsense.

Do you understand the definition of traitor? Clearly not, the people you are moaning about have an opinion to which they are completely entitled. It's language like yours that helps build the divide.

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