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Girlfriend sees UFO and now has a dream.

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posted on Mar, 1 2005 @ 03:58 PM
Ok.. So, to start things off, my girlfriend is a very gifted person. Ever since she had a dream when she was little (5 or 6) about a train wreck and then when she woke and saw on the news the next day there was a train wreck exactly how she had dreamed the night before. Then about a year ago before she moved she would see shadows and had numerous experiences in her house with her tv's turning on and off repetitively. I've noticed that she's had quite a few weird happenings. She seems to just pass them off and forget. However, she is a normal girl, works at a resuraunt and goes to college. I know that she's not a liar nor would she make up stories, she's just not like that kind of person. So I trust her. She's also afraid to tell anyone else most of these things, but she confides in me because I've always been into aliens, bigfoot and all that kind of stuff.

So on with the story. I thought about posting this the other night when it happened, but I felt it wasnt anything special just a normal UFO sighting. She was driving home from work Sunday night, ok well actually before I get into this. I was out getting ice cream for my mom and I get back and my mom tells me that I have to call Amanda and to listen the message she juts left on the machine. So I play the message and its her frantically trying to tell me that she just saw something in the sky, she seemed to be at a loss for words and couldnt form a complete sentence, she was excited and confused basically.

So she was driving home from work Sunday taking the usual wooded back roads around 9:30 in Massachusettes, there were a couple cars in front and behind her, so she wasnt alone. She then saw this light out of the corner of her eye, right above a telephone pole and by the time she looked at it, it shot away at a great speed leaving a trail of light. She said from what she saw, it was bright white lights with a red line in the middle. She said it was the size of a car and it was low, like to the top of the telephone pole. She didnt get any shapes. I tried to ask her every kind of descriptive question I could. With the related speed, she said it was faster than any jet she's seen in the sky. I asked her if it shot into the sky, she said no It shot into the woods out of sight. My guess is above the tree line. So she was a little shaken up. So thats the end of that, I decided not to post this then becuase it was nothing spectacular since she didnt get a real good look.

But then today I get a call around 9 with her telling me she had a nightmare and she was scared. You know, typical girlfriend stuff
So I ask her what her dream was... She said she awoke to her very dark room, feeling like a force was taking her body, she was getting pulled off the bed and she felt like she was floating. So I thought to myself, wow this is really weird after what she saw the other night! She said she was trying to scream for her mom but her voice didnt work. However she wasnt paralyzed. She remembers trying to pull herself back down by grabbing the sheets. She remembers seeing a tall dark really skinny being standing at the end of her bed. However, it was to dark to see anything else. Then she remembers nothing else of her room. She then skipped to this part of her being in an unkown house, it was bright as day. She described it having a huge window that overlooked a mountain. Her and her mom were hugging each other as they looked out the window watching a ship of some sort take off and fly off out of sight behind the mountain.

Ok so, she thinks this was all a dream. However, I find it very interesting seeing as how she had the UFO sighting the other night. She said she's never had this type of dream before. I've tried looking up any mention of a tall black skinny figure, but could find nothing. The normal abduction stories do mention a floating of the bed and not being able to scream, but I find the beings that are seen are usually short... Well, what do you all think?
Like I said, I had to post this after hearing about her dream. What could all this mean. Was it real or just a dream?

[edit on 1-3-2005 by porschedrifter]

posted on Mar, 1 2005 @ 04:34 PM
strange... a tall dark figure is still possibly an alien, a short one is a very sterotypical and i think that possibly she had the dream concerning her mom that something will or has happened. i dunno, very weird put a camera by her bed tonight and run it all night long, if you catch something on it that would be amazing.

posted on Mar, 1 2005 @ 06:00 PM
There could be many theories to what had happened to your girlfriend.The majority of these theories could be natural occurences.Say sleep paralysis, mispercieved dreams,even something cause by a bad cause of events.There are many who report the same occurences in their lives as your girlfriend.Many of these are often hard to come up with any reasonable conclusives.Although what you just discribed there are typical sightings a dream occurences.They are reported many times.

The light,that your girlfriend saw,is a sighting more commonly known as an orb.There is obviously not much known about these objects besides the fact that they are bright yellowish/white and red,and are sphere shaped.Many or all of them are reported to shoot off at an extreme speed when people ever find the chance to see them do so.Quite amazing objects.They are responsible for "causing gaps in time" but sometimes they are just there moving.Personally i believe their monitering devices but many others have other opinions.

The experience your girlfriend had in her room is similar to many abductions reported although one must not be so conclusive to something like this for it could be anything else besides that.The tall figure that was discribed does indeed resemble the reported "grey" or "gray" in english terms.The have been reported to range from 4 to 7 feet although the short ones are most commonly reported.

Although that all could of been a dream for many of her discribed experience could be explained due to newly scientific research.The reason why your girlfreind could not move could have well been cause by a rare occurence in sleeping.The same with her not being able to scream.As a matter of fact i experience not being able to move or scream at all.I was even awake acouple of times when it happened. Sometimes your body does react like that,its natural.I saw a documentary on the very occurrence in sleeping.Many scientist who researched on this say it could easily be mistaken for any alien abduction.Most of this is natural but sometimes it is cause by pasttime problems.Maby you should talk to her about any situations or problems that may have effected her deeply in the pass.This is just a suggestion,not an conclusion,and it is very common amongst people.

As for many of her other dreams.It is hard to come up with possibilities for something like that.It is very hard to seperate dreams from reality abductions.The majority of reported abductions are in actual fact common natural sleep problems.

It would be reasonable to say that it was a possible abduction although iv seen toomany conclusions been made too fast without greatly looking into experiences.The natural world has a habit of mixing the real,and the unreal together.I hope i gave you some idea.

The only way to deal with this and find the truth is to talk to your girlfriend more about her experiences.Measure the time lengths it happend in,ask about the settings/environments she was in when these happend.Even phone your nearest UFO report center.If you truely want to find out what happend,the majority of your findings will have to be made by your own will.Maby many ATS members might beable to help you further.

posted on Mar, 1 2005 @ 06:01 PM
It was probably just a dream. She saw, or thinks she saw, a UFO. When she was dreaming, her brain put the UFO sighting with something similar, an abduction. Her brain must have been thinking: UFO=abduction. Traumatic situations can bring on strange dreams.

posted on Mar, 1 2005 @ 06:30 PM
Awesome! I've never heard of UFO sightings in Ma. I live in MA and I've never seen one.I also thought I was the only MA Ats member around here.

posted on Mar, 1 2005 @ 06:59 PM
It was probably just a dream. While the possibility exists that it may be an abduction I dont think it was. For some people if you are thinking about something before you go to sleep you sometimes dream about what you are thinking. She was probably scared after seeing that UFO and was thinking of all sorts alien stuff right before bed and ended up dreaming something about it. Ive had many UFO dreams and I am quite certain that they were just dreams because they were connected with other dreams and often morphed into some other situation. This could be an abduction though. Thanks for posting!

posted on Mar, 1 2005 @ 07:27 PM
Sometime's when you see somethng amazing or are looking forward to something or something that has created a strong emotional response you dream about this sort of stuff. Or it could of been a real experience.

Look for any marks that weren't there before on your girlfriends body (you should know her body pretty well, if you don't get working!
. Ask her to go over her dream slowly and listen.

I think you should tell her it was just a dream and she has nothing to be worried about and that you're here for her. If it continues to happen on occasions then it may be real.

Don't do hypnosis or anything, because it can bring up things that she would never want to have to remember or relive. With luck she won't remember anything and she'll lead a full, happy life. Ignorance is bliss in these sort of things.


posted on Mar, 1 2005 @ 07:46 PM
As mentioned, could be a number of things....

One possibility....genuine abduction. Probably NOT the one to hope for...

But, there are plenty of others, such as sleep paralysis, misperceived dreams, etc.

Even hypnotic regression could be clouded if the dreams (if they were dreams) SEEMED real to the dreamer. So there's many different possibilities here.

I wish we could give you definite answers, but we can't. I suppose some angles would be to have you quietly poke around, see if others had the same sighting at the same time. At least that could rule out the sighting being part of the dream.

Perhaps her association with you and the knowledge of what you're into, frightens her more than she'll admit to herself, and so she deals with that fear of the unknown in her dreams?

There are simply a ton of possibilities here.....

posted on Mar, 1 2005 @ 08:15 PM
I think it was probably a dream too. If it really is an abduction, then I am sure she will begin to show signs of it later, reoccurring dreams, repressed memories awakening, flash backs etc. I wouldn't recommend making the suggestions of abduction to her. Just leave it as it is, allow it to pan out, and if such kind of experiences persist, then the best course of action is regression - even though I don't believe in hypnosis much, because it doesn't work for me..

posted on Mar, 1 2005 @ 08:17 PM
Yes, I will definitely monitor her for the next week. If this keeps happening on a basis I will know for myself whats up. Hopefully not. I just thought it was a really odd dream for her to be having. She usually has nothing to do with aliens and ufos, I'm pretty sure she doesnt even know about how abductions happen. Just struck me as odd. Thanks for all the comments so far, they are helping

And as for the marks on the body and bruising, I'm in Jersey and she's in Mass so I cant look for myself(damn
) but i told her to take notice of anything abnormal and any strange cuts or anything out of the ordinary. Is there any place in particular that she should look?

[edit on 1-3-2005 by porschedrifter]

[edit on 1-3-2005 by porschedrifter]

posted on Mar, 1 2005 @ 08:33 PM

Originally posted by porschedrifter
Yes, I will definitely monitor her for the next week. If this keeps happening on a basis I will know for myself whats up. Hopefully not. I just thought it was a really odd dream for her to be having. She usually has nothing to do with aliens and ufos, I'm pretty sure she doesnt even know about how abductions happen. Just struck me as odd. Thanks for all the comments so far, they are helping

And as for the marks on the body and bruising, I'm in Jersey and she's in Mass so I cant look for myself(damn
) but i told her to take notice of anything abnormal and any strange cuts or anything out of the ordinary. Is there any place in particular that she should look?

If she has a full length mirror, ask her to step completely naked in front of it and look at herself for any strange recent scarring or marks. The usual places to check are behind the head, ears, chest and sexual regions.

[edit on 1-3-2005 by Indigo_Child]

posted on Mar, 1 2005 @ 08:43 PM

Going just by what you said, it sounds to me that something happened, but it was not exactly the way your girlfriend remembers it by dream. Her spiritual abilities indicate her advanced ability to be aware of both ordinary and extraordinary spiritual events. Alien experiences are always spiritual events, and also sometimes physical. That is why most humans who have alien contact remain unaware of it, and why most who become aware of it will go believing all the wrong things about it.

Most likely your girlfriend had an alien experience. If so, the aliens wanted her to remember it, and it's not her first experience and it won't be her last, but she was not abducted, even if she was brought onto an alien craft. She has nothing to fear, but fear "of the unknowns" is natural by instinct and will be difficult to get rid of until she learns more for herself about her alien contacts. Please tell her not to believe all the horror and hype available all over, but to think for herself and base her wise, thoughtful opinions strictly on her own experiences. Also encourage her to try to communicate with her alien contacts. She can do that just by thinking.

I live in Massachusetts also, and have had alien experiences my whole life, and so has my husband. Our contact is personal, professional and ongoing. We help people like your girlfriend find the truth about the alien races on their own from the aliens.

If I can be of any help to you, please let me know.

posted on Mar, 2 2005 @ 12:10 AM

Originally posted by porschedrifter
And as for the marks on the body and bruising, I'm in Jersey and she's in Mass so I cant look for myself(damn
) but i told her to take notice of anything abnormal and any strange cuts or anything out of the ordinary. Is there any place in particular that she should look?

If you are not exactly that close to be with and support her, I would try as hard as you can to make it in her mind that it only was a dream. Do not encourage her to look for marks on her body etc or put it in the head that she has been abducted or put any stresses on her whatsoever about it, cause it could make things pretty unbearable and scary for her IMO.

Only approach her about these things if it happens again. Try not to talk about it much.

I say this because abduction can be one of the most scariest things to ever happen to someone and could make her depressed and unhappy because she has no control over it and the thing is it might of only just been a dream. The best thing you can do I reckon is let time take its course and if it happens again, then there may be something happening.


[edit on 2-3-2005 by drfunk]

posted on Mar, 2 2005 @ 02:58 AM
Very Intresting Indeed well first thing first does your girlfriend have a name since it seems improper!!!! Anyways have you ask your girlfriend or has she mentioned anything about any type of communication between her and the dark figure?

I asked since I had an episode once and here is my thread:

My Thread

You see I herd like a whisper calling me but this whisper was like musical a flute like sound but it was a multiple group of voices, weird and this same night my brother had his own episode and so did my mom... I myself didn't see any ET's but they've spoke to me....

[edit on 2-3-2005 by 2ndSEED]

posted on Mar, 2 2005 @ 08:10 AM

If she has a full length mirror, ask her to step completely naked in front of it and look at herself for any strange recent scarring or marks. The usual places to check are behind the head, ears, chest and sexual regions.

If nothing else...could at least be fun to help her do this, hehe....

Seriously though, IF she was abducted, she's probably better off NOT knowing if you ask me...(if even a fraction of the stories are to be believed..) You should ask yourselves if you even want to go there....

[edit on 2-3-2005 by Gazrok]

posted on Mar, 2 2005 @ 08:20 AM
You should take care of your girlfriend. She is a brilliant creature and she needs you to take the time to go to her. This is a very frightening thing. Her life has been invaded by something she doesn't yet understand and above all things she will be wanting you close in such times. Dont worry about the markings, they mean nothing yet. Dont trouble her with such things as she knows of them already.

posted on Mar, 2 2005 @ 08:51 AM
I am curious as to why it wold be better off not knowing if one was abducted. Is it perhaps a horror to scary to recall and better off forgotten?
The reason I ask is because I had an experience as a child, and what I believe was a ufo sighting ( which other people saw too, next day newspaper said weather balloons).

In my "experience" I was awake and my grandparent was asleep.
Creatures that remind me of seals,(all smooth like and dark) came and took me on numerous occasions to what seemed to be underground.
There were 3 of them , one was smaller than the others.
I don't believe they actually hurt me ,however I can only clearly remember going , seeing this place, and being brought back.

I mentioned this on board before, however someone said perhaps I had an imaginary set of playmates. Just thought it worth mentioning again anyway. Back to my question.. Why fear abduction memorys?

posted on Mar, 2 2005 @ 08:51 AM

Originally posted by Gazrok
If nothing else...could at least be fun to help her do this, hehe....

Seriously though, IF she was abducted, she's probably better off NOT knowing if you ask me...(if even a fraction of the stories are to be believed..) You should ask yourselves if you even want to go there....
[edit on 2-3-2005 by Gazrok]

I agree with him man, it's pretty scary #.


posted on Mar, 2 2005 @ 09:54 AM

Why fear abduction memorys

Because the majority of those who recall or end up recalling these experiences have developed severe psychological trauma, or at least constant nightmares. I don't know about you, but I've got enough crap in my life to deal with without going there. I've had ONE UFO sighting when I was a kid....a rather spectacular one, that I've detailed more than a couple times here, but suffice to say, I have a certain memory gap that I'd still rather not explore, and I'm more or less fine with never going nightmares, no vague memories, etc. IF I was ever abducted, then they did a good job of "smooting out my meat...see joke thread", i.e. erasing it, and I'm more than content to let it stay that way.

Besides, one can't be sure of the hypnotist's aims if going that route, or if what's "recalled" was real or imaginary...the mind certainly can blend the two, especially when in a hypnotic state....

Go ahead, read up on some of the more known "abductees"...see if that's really what you want to be.... No thanks....

posted on Mar, 2 2005 @ 12:03 PM

Originally posted by Tomorrow
I am curious as to why it wold be better off not knowing if one was abducted. Is it perhaps a horror to scary to recall and better off forgotten?
The reason I ask is because I had an experience as a child, and what I believe was a ufo sighting ( which other people saw too, next day newspaper said weather balloons).

In my "experience" I was awake and my grandparent was asleep.
Creatures that remind me of seals,(all smooth like and dark) came and took me on numerous occasions to what seemed to be underground.
There were 3 of them , one was smaller than the others.
I don't believe they actually hurt me ,however I can only clearly remember going , seeing this place, and being brought back.

I mentioned this on board before, however someone said perhaps I had an imaginary set of playmates. Just thought it worth mentioning again anyway. Back to my question.. Why fear abduction memorys?

Good post, Tomorrow. Your description is similar to the typical kinds of things most people initially recall of alien experiences. The horror that follows for many, comes from natural fear upon realization, then perpetuated and compounded by media sensationalism and propaganda.

All or any alien contact can be quite frightening to a human. However, among the vast amount of personal contact between us and all our visiting races, actual "abduction" of humans by alien life was at one time rare and done by a few races, and is now non-existent. Still, perceptions persist.

Your integrity is commendable.

[edit on 2-3-2005 by EarthSister]

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