posted on Mar, 21 2019 @ 08:05 PM
a reply to:
I couldn't agree more about the AI problem... particularly in forums such as this one. To deny that ATS is free of A.I. itself would be improper. I
am sure I am not the only one whom gets bombarded with ads that magically know on ATS what I clicked on elsewhere outside of ATS. Hell, I'd go ahead
and guess that the site remains unsecure (http), rather than go the secure (https) route that 99% of the rest of the web uses, for purposes of AI.
Keeping the site 's' free surely enables AI to do a better job I am sure.
Let's think about it for a minute, shall we? If you were to implement AI into usage, would you implement it into say a church group or the fringe
theorists outside the status quo? The mere probability that the masses don't question things further and that they are more than likely to fall in
line so to speak is enough reason for me to not waste my money on AI implementation... with the easily manipulated anyway. If I were to implement an
AI source, I'd find the biggest group of conspiracy theorists and kick back while the best AI input data is put to work.
It's my presumption that the AI debate within forums falls on deaf ears so much around here due to the high probability that ATS sold out to the AI
meta data beast long ago. Most people feel as if all the good ATS members went extinct, when it just may be that those members didn't want to deal
with the A.I. instead. Had it not felt as if I am watching A.I. destroy a good human concoction, gut instinct tells me to stop posting here all the
time. For me, it's kind of a twisted comedy to watch people fight a computer as if they are really a person.
Regardless of what I post here, I've already concluded that indicating that AI is a cancer in ATS is like walking into a church and telling the whole
congregation that all they knew and believed may source from a different entity/person/thing/diety. A.I. will build the herding of support... ATS
posters have been the guinea pigs for it for longer than we may like to admit.
Just like you said... follow the money. We should keep in mind that ATS is a business first... denial of ignorance second. Seriously... how does one
the biggest conspiracy theory promoters sell out to a non human entity while teaching others to deny ignorance at the same time?
A bot is a bot is a bot kind of view point, from an administrator of all people, may not be looking at OP concerns from a consequential standpoint, or
rests on a manipulated opinion for other reasons. If anything, that comment stands as a testament of ignorance. Let us not question A.I. and their
admirers any... instead we shall find a settled feeling that a bot is a bot is a bot? Wow! Not even A.I. controllers are to be questioned? One
thing is certain, crap has yet to start rolling uphill.
Is it sad that I hope to see an A.I. vs. alien war due to people's ignorance of AI?