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Soros now found to elicit acts against the U.S. and its president

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posted on Mar, 19 2019 @ 04:56 AM
So what? his a billionaire he can do whatever he wants.

posted on Mar, 19 2019 @ 05:40 AM
a reply to: LSU2018

Soros has been at his game for a lot longer than 12 years. Back in the mid-90's he crushed SE Asian economies with his currency speculation...just for fun.

This dude needs to be behind bars!

posted on Mar, 19 2019 @ 07:26 PM
Had a 2 day ciesta.. sorry!

Just not sure if either our government forgot about the lil thing called treason....

Or...most if not all of our Reps would be included with said issue!
edit on 19-3-2019 by kingsquirel because: phone

posted on Mar, 22 2019 @ 08:53 AM
a reply to: MetalThunder
Thank you for posting. For some reason, many people do not want to accept that he is a purely evil and selfish person. He does have an agenda. He does use his wealth to further the socialist dream, but in his case I think that he is devoted to garnering as much power as possible. It is hard for people to understand it. Contrast that with Prince Siddharth who gave up all his fortune and title to find a way out of grief for the whole world.

posted on Mar, 22 2019 @ 08:59 AM

originally posted by: AtlasHawk
So what? his a billionaire he can do whatever he wants.
His karma will be unbelievable, because of the devastation he is causing. Socialism does not work, and the things he has done to achieve it will reap negative karma. He may to date think he has avoided that karma, he will not.
The rest of us still saying, how long oh Lord.

posted on Mar, 22 2019 @ 09:11 AM
Heres some more about our good buddy George Soros and his partner in crime Rob Reiner:

This article is important!! Now we know definitively that Soros and Reiner are behind the daily, monotonous "muh Russia" stories in the MSM. They are manufactured by this shady ass group of seditious "people" TDIP or The Democracy Integrity Project. They even hired Fusion GPS and Chris Steele to continue their works of fiction to this day!!

If there is any justice in this world, these peoples time in the sun is coming. The truth shall set you free.

posted on Mar, 22 2019 @ 09:22 AM
a reply to: PokeyJoe

I wonder what Rob Reiner is worried about.

posted on Mar, 22 2019 @ 09:23 AM
a reply to: pteridine

I dont know, but he sure does hate Trump. He is one of the most unhinged Trump bashers out there on Twitter. Hes probably knee deep in the Hollywood elite craziness that we've discussed here and in the other RATS thread, if you catch my drift.

posted on Mar, 22 2019 @ 04:07 PM

originally posted by: PokeyJoe
a reply to: pteridine

I dont know, but he sure does hate Trump. He is one of the most unhinged Trump bashers out there on Twitter. Hes probably knee deep in the Hollywood elite craziness that we've discussed here and in the other RATS thread, if you catch my drift.

Maybe he and Schiff are pals.

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