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The White People Problem

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posted on Mar, 15 2019 @ 11:08 AM

originally posted by: Boadicea
a reply to: ker2010

Could it be because 13% of the population commits over 50% of homicides in this country?

Oh dear... here we go again...

So you really believe that 13% of the population commits over 50% of homicides in this country. Hmmm... and of course that "13%" would be the Black population, right?

So are you telling me that every single solitary Black person has killed someone? The old lady in a wheelchair sitting in her porch? Is she blasting her shotgun at every car that drives by? Every other car? And how about those oh-so-scary babies in their strollers? Do they have a glock they pull out for such occasions?

Oh wait... that can't be, because there are literally more Black people than there are murders every year.... so even if every single solitary murder was committed by a Black person, it would still mean that not every single Black person committed murder... but we also know that other people commit murder too, so that means even fewer Black people actually committed murder. Oh my golly gee! That must mean that White people commit murder too!!! And other races and colors!!!

And ya know what else we know? The overwhelmingly vast majority of ALL murders are committed by men. Yup. Men. Not women, but men. So it is just as true to say that 96% of murders are committed by that 50% of the population. Should I take your lead and condemn ALL men because of the depraved acts of the few? Or should I assume that every other man is an aspiring murderer just waiting for his time to kill?

Or should I be thoughtful and reasonable and understand that people are individuals, that there are good and bad in every bunch, and that it is absolutely impossible to judge the many according to the few? And that this kind of crap is grossly unfair and hateful and hurtful, and only leads to fearmongering and more hate, and actually plays into the divide-and-conquer campaign being waged against us by the PTB?

I don't want to be a foot soldier for them. Do you?

That's not what he is saying. Statistics are not your strength.

Crime is highly concentrated within the black community. This is a fact. In fact, we the black community, even glorify street life. To deny this, is to deny reality. So no, it is not a surprise if some people act a little scared or shook around young black males, particularly if they carry themselves in a way that mirrors how thugs might.

Is it fair? No. But it is reality.

posted on Mar, 15 2019 @ 11:16 AM
a reply to: dfnj2015

Yep I'm that muzungu , but sorry here I'm missing the point. Could you elaborate. My own 'expertize' is that i lived with an Mbote tribe for 3 months. There was no racism , tried to explain the concept to a man from congo (not mbote). Couldn't understand the concept at first. I assume I was that 'muzungu' that thaught him racism. Western people invented many things he said...

However I don't exactly understand your point is here.
Funny vid Though !

posted on Mar, 15 2019 @ 11:45 AM
The very idea of race – that the species can be divided into races – sets the stage for any subsequent racism. This belief is, of course, a mental division, not an actual one. Once we do away with that belief we will be no longer able to find community and affinity with people on the basis of their skin color.

posted on Mar, 15 2019 @ 12:13 PM
a reply to: Edumakated

That's not what he is saying.

That's exactly what he said.

...13% of the population commits over 50% of homicides in this country...

Is it possible to represent that statistic more accurately? It sure is. For example, "50% of all homicides are committed by Black people, of which Black people represent 13% of the total population.

Statistics are not your strength.

I'll stand behind Mark Twain.

Crime is highly concentrated within the black community. This is a fact.

Yes, it is... just not the way you mean. Crime within the Black community is committed by a highly concentrated segment within that Black community.

In fact, we the black community, even glorify street life.

No, not the entire Black community. Especially not mothers. Especially not the inner-city mothers who have been trying so hard to protect their children from gang violence and drug violence. But they're pretty much ignored, as are their efforts.

Do you glorify "street life"? Or violence of any kind? Of course not.

I am well aware that street life and gangbanging have been glorified, especially in the rap music industry, and too many movies, etc. I am not saying that no one glorifies this life. I am saying not everyone glorifies this life.

In your opinion, and I understand this is just your opinion, of the Black population, what percent would you say are violent criminals? And of that number, what percent would you say are gangbangers/drug dealers/similar? And of that number, what percent would you say are inner-city kids?

posted on Mar, 15 2019 @ 01:47 PM

originally posted by: Edumakated

Many black people do not know anything about their reality in that they don't recognize or accept they are responsible for how they live their lives whether bad or good. They are so blinded by victimization and the racist boogeyman that in some ways we are like a dog trained with an invisible fence. After a while, you don't even need to actually turn the fence on as the dog is trained to not leave the yard.

As a conservative, I am telling them to leave the yard. The electricity is off but they don't want to believe it...
I am black. Grew up in the south in 70s/80s. I can assure you that racism is pretty low down on the list of things that affect my life. Yes, I have experienced it, but racism today is nothing like it used to be. To even cry racism today compared to what my parents and my grandparents went through is disrespectful imho.

To be frank, the civil rights movement was too successful. It was so successful, that many black folks don't even realize that white folks are not out to get us. The change happened so fast that we the victims have not realized we are no longer victims.

Great Post ..... Much respect!

posted on Mar, 15 2019 @ 02:11 PM
a reply to: Boadicea

You want some truth? Here is some truth:

1. By all the research kids do better when they grow up in intact, two parent homes with parents of both biological sexes.

2. By all the research, children are negatively affected by broken homes, but boys are especially sensitive to it.

3. The destruction of the black family begun decades ago. This can be charted statistically to around the time we declared War on Poverty.

4. We have young black men who have grown up in generations of broken, fatherless homes.

Put all these things together, and what do you expect the effects on the black community have been? How many of those young black men even have a single male role model in their extended family, let alone a father in their home? After all, more black children are born out of wedlock these days then in it by a pretty fair margin.

Edumakated, like my neighbor across the street, are anomalies - minorities of a minority - in today's world. They represent the best chance and where the black community need to go if we are to start trying to heal what's wrong with so much of where we are today.

We have to start to understand that some basic needs are universal regardless of your skin color. A family is a family, and that's the basis where it all starts and society grows.

posted on Mar, 15 2019 @ 03:00 PM
a reply to: Boadicea

I never said ALL, nor did I even say MOST. Of course, not all black folks are criminals. That isn't the point.

The point is that crime is rampant enough within the community (even if it isn't the majority) that young black males have that stereotype. To deny it is to deny reality. Even the master race baiter himself, Jesse Jackson said:

"There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps and start thinking about robbery. Then (I) look around and see someone white and feel relieved."

So was Jesse just making sh*t up? No. He knows the reality and the statistics. This was from 1993 mind you....

posted on Mar, 15 2019 @ 03:03 PM
a reply to: ker2010

To be fair, everything you described is a symptom, not a root cause.

Every society needs three basic things to remain stable:


Economic Liberty.

Quality Healthcare.

Look at any society that is thriving and those three things will be priorities in terms of policy making domestically. We have it backward in the US. Instead, we do the 3 things that are guaranteed to destabilize society, and we've been doing it to black people in the US for centuries:

Economic dependence.

Poor education.

Poor access to quality healthcare.

Of course, this is the product of Progressive policy for the last 115 years. A policy of subjugation and genocide that was never stopped and reversed. Many of the policies that came about in the early 20th Century are still with us today, and as another poster blames the devaluation of the dollar on Republicans, history tends to betray his conceit as the Federal Reserve was a Progressive Democrat monster.

Don't fool yourselves into thinking that there can't be Progressive Republicans, however. John McCain and George W. Bush were Progressives. So was Teddy Roosevelt and he was a Republican and the father of American Progressivism. Progressivism is a cancer that has been allowed to metastasize to every corner of America, dragging with it the racism and institutionalized corruption it promised so long ago. Now it's after white Americans.

edit on 15 3 19 by projectvxn because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 15 2019 @ 03:04 PM
a reply to: Edumakated

He won't have to worry for long. The white family is following right along, and if the effects are the same, we'll have the same problems with young white men before too much longer. However, it could be that young white men are simply more prone to get themselves drug addicted and die of overdose which we seeing an alarming rate of.

Either way, young men of any type are suffering and we need to figure out how to heal it.

posted on Mar, 15 2019 @ 03:29 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

Of course you're right about all of that. But it's not the whole truth. There's a whole lot more to it. Such as post-civil war laws and regulations that guaranteed that Black people were "kept down," as well as social efforts (KKK for example) to do the same. We also know that too many Black people have basically been trapped in inner city poverty, and all that entails -- including generational lead poisoning by various means, which we know causes autism, increased violence, and other detrimental factors. We know the drug and gang culture in the inner cities (often protected by dirty cops) means that young Black males are more likely to be killed than to kill anyone. We also know that shop classes and other junior high and high school courses which actually taught marketable skills have been largely removed from public education, taking away what few options they had to better their situation. And today, as even the middle class is struggling to keep their heads above water, especially with affordable housing, they have even less hope of rising above their circumstances.

We also know that under all the same circumstances, that White kids and Brown kids and Purple Polka Dot kids would do just as poorly. So the problem is not Black people, the problem is the conditions and circumstances that have largely been imposed on a significant portion of the Black population. Problems that are known and can be addressed. Rather than blame "13%" of the population -- and the entire Black population -- for issues they did not create, and literally cannot correct themselves.

And if we really thought about it, we would realize that the same exact way Black people were historically and traditionally prevented from equal opportunities and a level playing field via legislation and regulations, the middle class is likewise being prevented from equal opportunities and a level playing field via legislation and regulations. Black people were denigrated and vilified and disenfranchised to justify unfair laws against them then... White people are being denigrated and vilified and disenfranchised to justify unfair laws against them now. It's about power and money for the few at the expense of the many.

The ONLY way to fix anything for anyone is to do everything to empower and enable our fellow men and women -- each and every one -- to be as independent, resourceful and self-sufficient as possible.

posted on Mar, 15 2019 @ 06:01 PM
a reply to: Boadicea

If that was all the reason that blacks cannot get ahead, then you would expect that as soon as those laws lifted, they would have lifted themselves up.

Be honest, how many generations does it take for poor immigrants with nothing on their backs to come to this country and turn things around? It doesn't take as many as it seems to be taking for black Americans to get out of poverty from those laws. Are Chinese Americans mired in poverty still? Remember, they were targeted by discriminatory laws just like blacks for a good long time too ... but I don't see Asian populations mired in generational poverty despite also facing discriminatory laws and racial prejudice.

In fact, they're doing so well they've eclipsed whites academically and are suing because they're too well off on the academic totem poll.

posted on Mar, 15 2019 @ 06:06 PM
The ideology was there already when I was in college in early to mid 2000’s, but it was less widespread even amongst liberals. I was around it because I worked as an RA in a social justice/anti poverty research group.

However, it’s spread beyond a few activist, program, and academic circles to encompass far more.
a reply to: randomtangentsrme

edit on 15-3-2019 by Quetzalcoatl14 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 15 2019 @ 07:00 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: Boadicea

If that was all the reason that blacks cannot get ahead, then you would expect that as soon as those laws lifted, they would have lifted themselves up.

Be honest, how many generations does it take for poor immigrants with nothing on their backs to come to this country and turn things around? It doesn't take as many as it seems to be taking for black Americans to get out of poverty from those laws. Are Chinese Americans mired in poverty still? Remember, they were targeted by discriminatory laws just like blacks for a good long time too ... but I don't see Asian populations mired in generational poverty despite also facing discriminatory laws and racial prejudice.

In fact, they're doing so well they've eclipsed whites academically and are suing because they're too well off on the academic totem poll.

The most successful immigrant group is actually Nigerians... this alone proves it has more to do with cultural upbringing than anything else. It is not solely skin color as I am sure racists and even the much vaunted institutional racist systems can't distinguish Nigerians from good ole' regular American born black folks...

What is funny is that there is now a movement called ADOS where American Blacks are trying to separate themselves from immigrant blacks. In regards to Affirmative Action, some black students actually started protesting because so many of the "black students" are actually immigrants.

posted on Mar, 15 2019 @ 08:13 PM
From our resident far-left reporter, Miles McInnes (wink, wink).

edit on 15-3-2019 by halfoldman because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 16 2019 @ 11:09 AM
Who was the racist Asian girl on the NYT editorial board and tweets about how much pleasure she takes in hurting old white men and how white people are like dogs pissing their opinions everywhere? NYT said she was just imitating the same kind of language as those who offended her.

Let that sink in, NYT said it's ok for her because she was imitating a real racist?

This # is disgusting and people will justify their hate however they want to, it's why I left the democrats.

a reply to: projectvxn

posted on Mar, 18 2019 @ 07:25 AM
a reply to: Breakthestreak

just to clarify there are no biological races !

race is a fallacy , we are divided by our phenotypical gene expressions based on society and cultural ethnic groups !

posted on Mar, 19 2019 @ 04:47 AM
Good to see so many white people explaining racism as it really is.

posted on Mar, 19 2019 @ 07:38 AM
a reply to: Whodathunkdatcheese

Are white people not able to explain or discuss racism like ?

posted on Mar, 19 2019 @ 07:41 AM

edit on 19 3 19 by projectvxn because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 19 2019 @ 08:27 AM
I see white people at a black live matter spouting communism, all the while to scared to go into the hoods of the capitalist mind set. All the while I don't see single black person at any of these.

God dam Hedonistists.

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