posted on Mar, 12 2019 @ 03:00 PM
I try to avoid going to the doctors unless I need to. I have medicare and part D and do not care if I am paying and not using it, I would rather just
find natural ways to stay healthy. I went to see my new doctor and he said my blood pressure is high, so was my cholesterol. I asked him if meds for
blood pressure would moderate it so I wouldn't get the lows all the time, it is about ninety over sixty many mornings, that is too low for me with my
tachychardia, I get a headache and light headed. He said that they only bring it down, which would help is going too low going to help me?
According to all the charts for my age, my blood pressure should be around one forty over eighty and no action should be taken at all unless it is
over one sixty over ninety. When I was there, I may have been a little anxious, it always jumps up when I am anxious, it one sixty five over ninety
five, If he would take it when I stand it is around one thirty over seventy five when sitting it is what I had there. It used to go up when I stand,
now it drops a lot. It also drops when I lay down meaning it must have something to do with legs bent or sitting.