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Judge to allow cameras at next court hearing on...Jussie Smollett's criminal charges

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posted on Mar, 12 2019 @ 01:15 PM
Title truncated to fit, original title, "Judge to allow cameras at next court hearing on 'Empire' actor Jussie Smollett's criminal charges."

As of now, he presiding judge of Cook County's criminal division has agreed to allow cameras in the court room in what is sure to be a high profile case. That decision could be rescinded or modified depending upon a further decision from whichever judge is chosen to preside over the case.

The presiding judge of Cook County’s criminal division decided Tuesday to allow cameras in the courtroom at “Empire” actor Jussie Smollett’s next appearance Thursday on criminal charges he faces.

But Judge LeRoy Martin Jr. said he will let whomever is appointed Thursday to preside over the high-profile case to ultimately decide if cameras will be allowed in the courtroom to capture the proceedings beyond Thursday.

Source Link Chicago Tribune

What's odd about this decision is that the defense attorney has agreed with the request and thinks it is a good move.

Smollett’s attorney, Tina Glandian, took the somewhat unusual position of favoring cameras in the courtroom, saying the defense wants the public to see what happens in court.

“In light of the substantial amount of misinformation in the case, the defense actually welcomes cameras in the courtroom,” she said.

Personally, I think this is Smollett himself succumbing to the lure of the bright lights and cameras along with the driving need to feed his ego. Up until the massive amounts of press given to the attack, he was a relatively no name actor on a relatively unknown TV series.

For those who may be unaware of what the hub bub is all about, here is a bullet point summary of the events in question:

12:30 a.m.

Smollett arrives at O'Hare International Airport on a flight from New York after a four-hour delay.

12:49 a.m.

Smollett calls Abimbola "Abel" Osundairo and tells him the "attack" would take place at 2 a.m. at the corner of New and North Water streets, a predetermined location.

Minutes later

Abel's brother, Olabinjo Osundairo, orders an Uber ride share, which picks the brothers up at their Lakeview apartment and drops them in the 1400 block of North Wells Street. They hail a cab, which takes them to within three blocks of the meeting site.

1:22 a.m. until 2:03 a.m.

Surveillance video shows the Osundairo brothers on foot in an area bordered on the north by Illinois Street, south by the Chicago River, west to Columbus Drive and east to Lake Shore Drive.

1:30 a.m.

Smollett arrives at his Streeterville apartment from O'Hare airport.

1:45 a.m.

Smollett leaves his apartment building to walk to a nearby Subway restaurant in the 500 block of McClurg Court.

2 a.m.

The Osundairo brothers arrive at the intersection of New and North Water streets, but Smollett is not there. They walk a quarter-block north and wait near a bench.

2:04 a.m.

Smollett arrives and the attack is staged just outside the view of a nearby surveillance camera. He'll later claim two men approached him, shouted slurs at him, struck him in the face and poured an "unknown substance" on him before one of them wrapped a rope around his neck. While the 45-second incident occurs, an employee of nearby NBC News Chicago observes it and later tells police she heard nothing. Smollett also says he was on the phone with his manager at the time of the attack.

After the attack

Video evidence shows the brothers running south toward the Chicago River and west toward Columbus Drive.

2:10 a.m.

Video shows the brothers entering a taxi at the Hyatt Regency hotel, south of the river at 151 E. Wacker Drive.

2:25 a.m.

The Osundairo brothers exit the taxi in the 3600 block of North Marshfield Avenue, just a few blocks from their Lakeview apartment, and walk north.

2:27 a.m.

Smollett's business manager, Frank Gatson, calls police from the actor's apartment in the 300 block of East North Water Street. Surveillance camera footage shows the actor still had a rope around his neck when he returned to the building.

2:42 a.m.

Officers arrive at Smollett's apartment building to interview him. They observe cuts and scrapes on the actor's face and notice a small rope around his neck. At Smollett's request, the officers then turn off their body cameras. According to Chicago police spokesman Anthony Guglielmi, Smollett told them the attackers yelled he was in "MAGA country," an apparent reference to the Donald Trump campaign's "Make America Great Again" slogan.

Then (no time given)

Smollett goes to Northwestern Memorial Hospital after being advised to do so by police. He's later reported to be in good condition, treated for scrapes and bruises and then released.

7:45 p.m.

Eighteen hours after the alleged attack, Smollett places a five-second call to Abel Osundairo.

7:47 p.m.

Before the brothers board a flight at O'Hare with the eventual destination of Nigeria, Abel Osundairo places a 94-second call to Smollett.

The Jussie Smollett incident: Minute-by-minute of that cold January night - Chicago Tribune

Immediately, many media outlets, celebrities, and politicians all jumped on the bandwagon in order to use this incident to push the narrative that Trump supporters are uneducated, evil, racist, homophobic degenerates who all deserve to be tarred and feathered.

Police initially treated Smollett as a victim of a hate crime, but that was soon changed as more details were learned. Smollett has since been handed a 16 count indictment for disorderly conduct in filing a false police report and also could face separate federal charges related to the mailing of a letter to the studio at which the TV series of which he used to be a cast member; he has since been written out of the show.

Related ATS threads:

Empire star involved in possible hate hoax?

BREAKING: Smollett Orchestrated Attack, Sources Say,

The Latest: Smollett charged with filing false police report

Jusse Smollett has been Indicted on 16 Counts by Cook County Grand Jury

Possible Connection of Senators BOOKER and HARRIS to the SMOLLETT Lynching Hoax.

Considering the amount of discussion this topic has generated both here and other locations across the Internet, if cameras are allowed to be present throughout the hearings, this has the potential to be a major media event on par with the OJ Simpson trial.

What says ATS?
edit on 12-3-2019 by jadedANDcynical because: removed extraneous text from bullet point summary

posted on Mar, 12 2019 @ 01:20 PM
O.J. trial 2.0?
"If the Noose Doesn't Fit...You MUST Acquit!"

posted on Mar, 12 2019 @ 01:21 PM
a reply to: jadedANDcynical

It's pathetic that Hollyweird and many well-known figures still have been defending this racist Jussie Smollett character... Queen Latifah was even defending him last week.

I saw a story about how "Jussie Smollett shows up to court... even though he doesn't have to" talking about this camera decision today. So we are supposed to be impressed that he showed his face for this? Even though he perpetrated a hoaxed hate crime on himself? And a bunch of democrats and acting figures were defending him from the jump and calling out Trump supporters before they had all the facts... only to crawl back under their rocks and move on to the next subject after learning he was a fraud?

Stupid on all fronts. The saddest part is Jussie Smollett will likely still have a platform and get a book deal and other opportunities even after all of this. Welcome to bizarro world..

ETA: Here ya go (just one of many articles): 'Empire' actor Jussie Smollett makes court appearance 'to show confidence in his innocence'

With a photo of him stoically strutting into the courthouse...

He was not required to appear, but a representative told NBC News that Smollett chose to do so “to show confidence in his innocence.”

“He will do everything he needs to do,” Anne Kavanagh said. “He will go the extra mile to cooperate with the process.”

Neither the state nor Smollett's defense team objected to cameras being allowed in court.

So now he is a hero for being so brave and doing "whatever he can" to cooperate with the process... and of COURSE they won't object to cameras being in the courtroom... he STILL has idiots who defend him and consider him a role model. Absolutely ridiculous

edit on 12-3-2019 by FamCore because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 12 2019 @ 01:28 PM
It's the best medium (TV) for psyops...

posted on Mar, 12 2019 @ 01:32 PM
a reply to: FamCore

Well, here's the thing. If he is found guilty on these counts, it's an all or nothing deal. He will face from 1 to 4 years per count meaning he would have between 16 and 64 years of time sentenced, on top of hefty fines. These fines would eat in to whatever income he managed to scrape out of this assuming he was able to finagle something.

Now, all of the above does not even take into account potential federal charges he could face if it is found he was complicit in the sending of the letter to Fox studios. For the powder alone he could face up to 5 years in federal prison, whereas the threatening letter could land him up to 20 years plus applicable fines.

If he is evasive or lies to the FBI/USPS inspectors, those would be additional charges on top of the charges for the letter and hoaxed terrorist threat.

The brothers might also face similar charges on the federal level as well even though they aren't being charged for the state level offenses.


Absolutely ridiculous


He allegedly started the whole things and is even now attempting to capitalize on it with willing accomplices in the media.
edit on 12-3-2019 by jadedANDcynical because: fixe dminor typos and added reposnse to FamCore's edited additional commentary

posted on Mar, 12 2019 @ 02:02 PM

originally posted by: jadedANDcynical
a reply to: FamCore

Well, here's the thing. If he is found guilty on these counts, it's an all or nothing deal. He will face from 1 to 4 years per count meaning he would have between 16 and 64 years of time sentenced, on top of hefty fines. These fines would eat in to whatever income he managed to scrape out of this assuming he was able to finagle something.

Now, all of the above does not even take into account potential federal charges he could face if it is found he was complicit in the sending of the letter to Fox studios. For the powder alone he could face up to 5 years in federal prison, whereas the threatening letter could land him up to 20 years plus applicable fines.

If he is evasive or lies to the FBI/USPS inspectors, those would be additional charges on top of the charges for the letter and hoaxed terrorist threat.

The brothers might also face similar charges on the federal level as well even though they aren't being charged for the state level offenses.


Absolutely ridiculous


He allegedly started the whole things and is even now attempting to capitalize on it with willing accomplices in the media.

Unfortunately, in cases like this the judge will often order the sentences to run concurrently, meaning that if he is found guilty and gets 1 year for each of the 16 counts, he'll serve 1 year total (one year for each of the counts, served concurrently as opposed to consecutively).

In reality, he'd serve much less if he behaves in prison and agrees to terms of parole/probation.

Usually it's 85% of the sentence for major offenses and about 50% for everything else (or less). The rest of a convict's time is "served" under parole/probation. There is also "good" time that can generally be 6 months or so and is pretty much automatically given unless you stab somebody, commit more crimes or whatever while in prison.

posted on Mar, 12 2019 @ 02:07 PM
a reply to: 35Foxtrot

Ah, yeah I had forgotten about concurrent sentencing. So he could indeed end up only going in for a short period of time. At least on the state level charges. Still doesn't affect any potential federal charges though, unless I'm mistaken which I could be.

posted on Mar, 12 2019 @ 02:15 PM

originally posted by: jadedANDcynical
a reply to: 35Foxtrot

Ah, yeah I had forgotten about concurrent sentencing. So he could indeed end up only going in for a short period of time. At least on the state level charges. Still doesn't affect any potential federal charges though, unless I'm mistaken which I could be.

Yeah. Sentences under Fed charges are often mandated and/or judges have less leeway or wiggle room outside of any pre-trial plea deals. Especially drug stuff which I suppose they could piggyback on to him with the X the brothers sold him. MDMA carries some stiff penalties.

They can still order Federal sentences to run concurrent with any state sentences though. In my opinion, it's wrong-headed but that's the way it is.

If he did what he is accused of, I hope he gets a hanging judge. He really should be tried for a hate crime just so we can show the idiocy of "hate" crimes in general. But, yeah. Won't happen.

posted on Mar, 12 2019 @ 02:25 PM
a reply to: jadedANDcynical

I think you done a good op.

Of coarse i disagree with your sources claims.

posted on Mar, 12 2019 @ 02:27 PM
Judge to allow cameras at next court hearing on...Jussie Smollett's criminal charges

I can see it now.

On the next episode of the worlds stupidest criminals.

posted on Mar, 12 2019 @ 02:27 PM
a reply to: 35Foxtrot

He'll probably do 6 months.

posted on Mar, 12 2019 @ 02:41 PM
a reply to: jadedANDcynical

12:49 a.m. Smollett calls Abimbola "Abel" Osundairo and tells him the "attack" would take place at 2 a.m. at the corner of New and North Water streets, a predetermined location.

Only the brothers statements say this. There is no way to know what was discussed.

Keep in mind these three were friends and it would be interesting to know the amount of communication they had in the past. Making such call could be very routine especially if someone was chemically dependent on the brothers friendship.

posted on Mar, 12 2019 @ 02:48 PM
a reply to: jadedANDcynical

Video evidence shows the brothers running south toward the Chicago River and west toward Columbus Drive.

Seems odd that they would run so far for 5 minutes givin that the claim is that the event was staged.

Smollett's business manager, Frank Gatson, calls police from the actor's apartment in the 300 block of East North Water Street. Surveillance camera footage shows the actor still had a rope around his neck when he returned to the building.

Sounds like jussie had reservations about reporting this but was talked into it givin that he did not automatically report it and his manager likely did overhear the attack since he showed up so quick.

posted on Mar, 12 2019 @ 02:56 PM
a reply to: UncleTomahawk

Making such call could be very routine especially if someone was chemically dependent on the brothers friendship

So you are endorsing the idea that Jussie Smollett did this because of a drug problem.... and want to justify his actions. Good, at least we know where you stand on this topic

posted on Mar, 12 2019 @ 02:59 PM
a reply to: 35Foxtrot

Whatever sentence he is given if he is found guilty, he will still have those who don't think he could ever be responsible for staging the attack.

a reply to: neo96

Yeah, anyone who would think that this is a believable story is pretty far to the left on the human intelligence bell curve.

a reply to: vonclod

The cynic in me tends to agree with you.

a reply to: FamCore

I've come to the conclusion that there are some posts that aren't worth the electricity wasted to render them much less respond to. They're good for a thread bump, but that's about the limit of their value; yours does not fall into that category.

posted on Mar, 12 2019 @ 03:00 PM

originally posted by: FamCore
a reply to: UncleTomahawk

Making such call could be very routine especially if someone was chemically dependent on the brothers friendship

So you are endorsing the idea that Jussie Smollett did this because of a drug problem.... and want to justify his actions. Good, at least we know where you stand on this topic

No he has admitted to having a drug problem and they have admitted to selling him drugs.

I am telling you they had a relationship and contact is not out of the ordinary.

I am telling you that he did not do this and there is no solid evidence and everything is circumstantial at best.

Notice there is no longer mention of payment even though that detail was presented as evidence to the grand jury.

posted on Mar, 12 2019 @ 05:09 PM
Everyone should boycott anything he is in from now on and see how many jobs he gets after this BS.
This should be his last time in the spotlight.

posted on Mar, 12 2019 @ 05:51 PM

originally posted by: UncleTomahawk
a reply to: jadedANDcynical

Sounds like jussie had reservations about reporting this but was talked into it givin that he did not automatically report it and his manager likely did overhear the attack since he showed up so quick.

So why did Jussie leave the 'noose' on? Why did he walk all the way home with it around his neck, and leave it on for nearly an hour while he ate his Subway if he wasn't going to report it?

posted on Mar, 12 2019 @ 06:05 PM

originally posted by: Rewey

originally posted by: UncleTomahawk
a reply to: jadedANDcynical

Sounds like jussie had reservations about reporting this but was talked into it givin that he did not automatically report it and his manager likely did overhear the attack since he showed up so quick.

So why did Jussie leave the 'noose' on? Why did he walk all the way home with it around his neck, and leave it on for nearly an hour while he ate his Subway if he wasn't going to report it?

You’re asking those questions of somebody who has repeatedly presented opinions as incontestable fact, so it’s pretty pointless. Another good question would be “why are we pretending that Gatson must have overheard the attack and that’s why he showed up so quickly when the reality is, according to Gatson himself, he was already at the apartment and waiting for Smollett to return from subway?”

And that’s not even getting into the tiny detail that Gatson isn’t Smollett’s manager, and Smollett wasn’t on the phone with Gatson at the time of the “attack.”

“I went to the Subway, got my order,” Smollett continued. “During that time I texted my manager, thinking that he was still in Australia… I said, ‘Call me when you can.’ He called me immediately and while he was on the phone, I heard as I was crossing the intersection, ‘Empire!’ And I don’t answer to Empire, my name ain’t Empire.

edit on 12-3-2019 by Shamrock6 because: (no reason given)

edit on 12-3-2019 by Shamrock6 because: Interview quote added...finally.

posted on Mar, 12 2019 @ 06:47 PM
How else are you going to have show trials without cameras?

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