Just some advice here:
Points - They don't mean anything anymore. They used to, in an ATS from a long, long time ago. But they don't now. So don't worry about them.
Warnings is what people should be concerned about.
Here is how it works - When you get a post removed because it's Off Topic, that's not concerned anything serious. If you get a thread removed, again,
most times we just remove it for one reason or another, but in most cases it won't dish out a warning.
However...... personally insult someone......post something that is against our rules in a big way (like a link to certain "adult" sites or other
places that are a big no-no), and you'll get a warning.
Political Trolling outside of the Mud Pit forum is not allowed, and if you get a post removed for that: You get 2 warnings automatically.
Here is why that's a big deal: Get 5 or more warnings in a 24 hour period and the system will
automatically post ban you.
We may not even be aware that they system has done that until who ever it affected sends us a message asking what is going on.
Believe it or not, we (staff) are really not blood thirsty, power tripping, evil people. We really don't like banning someone if we can help it. We
really don't like having to Post Ban someone. It happens, but it a lot of cases it's a big headache for us.
Best advice I can give anyone here: Don't make angry posts. It's all just pixels on a screen. If you read something that makes you really angry at
that poster or upset: STOP. GET UP....walk away for a bit. Take a break. Get a drink/coffee/soda/good meal. Go walk that dog or play with your cat.
Call up a friend or family member and have a nice chat.
Come back after you've had a chance to calm down. If after you've read it again, it does the same thing to you: DO NOT REPLY.
Seriously, there is no rule that says you HAVE to reply. Let it slide by.
Unless, of course, what you read violates our Terms and Conditions. Then what you do is report it to us.......
and you let us deal with it. Not
I think the most common thing I've seen here on ATS is instead of reporting something to us, a member decides to take it on themselves and declare war
or something. And while the post they are replying to might indeed be a problem....they themselves then get in trouble for posting in kind.
There are some that think we pander to the Right back here. There are some that think we pander to the Left back here (seriously....which is it?). The
reality is: We pander to the ATS Terms and Conditions.
I know we have some staff that love to talk politics in threads......of course they do! We (staff) are MEMBERS first....Staff SECOND. Each and
everyone of us were told that we can continue to post on the boards just as any other member after becoming staff. Most of us would not have agreed to
becoming staff other wise.
But believe it or not, just because some of us post passionately in some subjects, we are very objective when it comes to issues talked about back
here. We even recluse ourselves if we feel to strongly about it, or are involved in the thread being talked about.
But the main thing to remember on here is: It's great to be passionate about something. Just remember that we don't allow personal insults anywhere on
ATS. Not even in the Pit. So read over what you're posting before you hit that button.....and if you're doing it in anger........don't do it. Just
take a quick break. We'll still be here when you get back from playing with some kittens or something.