Here's a video series part 4. Exploring with Josh. Josh enters Chernobyl and finds secret base with extremely large radar antenna. This is some
real cold war history from the inside.
I believe that is what was known as the "Russian Woodpecker", or Duga radar. This was the bane of many Ham radio enthusiasts for years. There are a
couple of them.
They were early versions of over the horizon radars and were in operation until 1989.
This particular site is hardly a secret. It has been explored many times by various people and there are numerous videos of these exploits out there.
It always amazes me how much of the Chernobyl mythology is inspired by a book written 15 years before/movie filmed seven years before the disaster
ever happened.
For anyone that hasn't seen Stalker I highly recommend checking it out. It easily competes with Battleship Potemkin for the greatest Russian movie
ever made.
The reactor was going to be used for a Russian star wars style weapon, or so says rumors.
It was a closed city so something military was going on there and this radar dish proves as much.
I always found it interesting that the fire on the night of the explosion was said to have very vibrant colors associated with it. Obviously it was
from the energy leaking from the reactor but the way it was said to look sounds amazing and I've never been able to find a picture