posted on Dec, 6 2023 @ 11:27 AM
a reply to:
Hope you don't mind if I revive this thread, there is something about Hefner that seems a candidate for CT discussion.
I mean, who was Hugh Hefner? Who was he,
A guy born in 1926, spends two years as enlisted in the army in the war, then gets a BA degree from the University of Illinois. Goes on to
Northwestern but drops out after the first semester.
Not too long thereafter, as the legend goes, he raised some money to print the first issue of
And suddenly, Hugh, who was a nobody until that point, is a celebrity and very quickly a highly wealthy person.
A guy whose upbringing did not seem particularly "liberal" as we think of the term today ... yet he was an advocate for social issues, some of which
have only become recently well known.
But I don't want to make this a political discussion. What strikes me about his sudden emergence ... his almost insane success ... the divisiveness
of his "product" ... and his acts of agency for various social causes ... all make me think
agent. Agent for someone or some group. Was his
fund raising for the first issue of
Playboy simply fund raising, or was it partially or mostly funded by backers ?
Was he really the success story he was sold to be, or was he
made into a success by others who had "jobs" for him to perform ? You mentioned R
Kelly; in some ways, Hefner seems like an earlier version of Epstein.