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Knife Crime A growing social disease within the UK

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posted on Mar, 7 2019 @ 09:08 AM
The UK has been shocked by yet more seemingly random and senseless knife crime against innocent people and children.

A young and innocent lad by the name of Jaden Moodie of just 14 years of age no link's to any gang's and a good student ran down by a gang in a car and knifed to death - perhaps as some form of sick gang initiation.

Two 17 year old teenagers, both described as kind and generous by nature and neither with any gang affiliation in two parts of the country over the past two week's, one was a 17 year old girl by the name of Jodie Chesney whose murder may also have been a Gang initiation with police at first looking for two men and now looking for four of them, a random stranger walked up behind her while she was playing music and chatting with her friends in a park and then without a word stabbed her in the back breaking the blade off of his knife and leaving it in her body before fleeing with his accomplice or accomplices, at first police were reticent to release detail's of the attackers description as it may have sparked up racial tensions as the attacker is described as a black man perhaps in his teen's or early twenty's and there are too many whom will tar and feather the entire black community for the crimes of the type of scum that did this in there blind rage at this senseless act.
(But these gang's are from all ethnicity's and often include people from all ethnicity's so such a view is simply wrong and indeed there are many cases over the past thirty years at least of white gang's murdering black teenagers such as the Stephen Lawrence case - a streight 'A' student black teenager waiting at a London bus stop for his bus whom was set upon by a gang of white yobbo's and knifed to death).

So is this partially a case of Dirty Scum Bag Gang Bangers choosing soft targets for random gang initiation murders and if so have we got a far worse problem in the UK than the government is ever willing to admit.

Social deprivation leads to increased crime and under the Tory government we have seen increasing social deprivation, a radical and severe increase in homelessness in the UK were before David Cameron's coalition with the Liberal Democrat's it was almost unheard of - there were still homeless but most of those were runaway's rather than people whom simply had no were to go.

We have seen the Condem's (as we called the coalition) and the Tory's once they were in power on there own deprive the local authority's, police and the poor in the country like at no time since the end of the second world war and along with this an escalation in violent crime.

So I do blame our politician's of ALL our main political party's but it is more than worthy to mention that letting migrants that have fled from war torn country's many of whom are murderous rapists and criminals into our nation has also not been helpful as indeed has the disastrous policy of the EU to expand into eastern Europe bringing all of eastern Europe's problems into the west simply because they feared that if they did not then those nation's which were formerly part of the Warsaw Pact might become realigned with Russia and create a competing economic block and all the while the real reason they do not want Russia to join the EU being that because it's population which is at least twice as large as Germany's - whom are currently top dog in the EU due to there population - would give Russia a veto power and a controlling and very powerful seat at the Brussels parliament - knocking Germany off it's perch - due to the supposedly democratic rules of the EU - not that the member states of the EU parliament have ever honored those rules.

So Knife crime in the UK is every bit as bad as Donald Trump the American President once claimed it was, if not in fact worse and we only ever hear of the fatality's but how many near misses have there been.

The Tory's in particular have blood on there hand's as there welfare cuts, closure of local youth scheme's and cut's to funding of necessary social venues and programs' to help vulnerable and impoverished young and the Tory's economically (not the nation but the rich only this benefit's) destruction of affordable housing have driven many in impoverished areas of the UK where there is insufficient employment opportunity's for the young and were wages are inordinately low and zero hours contracts are now the normal to turn to crime after feeling excluded by there poverty AND many of these young have also turned to gang's to seek a place to belong and to empower themselves BUT it still takes a special kind of evil at anyone's core to randomly knife a young boy or girl to death for no other reason than to join a gang and for that kind of individual I would even bring back the death penalty since if anyone does deserve to die they most certainly do every bit as much as there victim's did not.

edit on 7-3-2019 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 7 2019 @ 09:23 AM
a reply to: LABTECH767

The idiots in government are either stupid or wilfully ignorant as to the problem they alone are creating. By bringing in criminality to the country and giving it "racial" protections, all other criminality increases to catch up with or exceed the protected class of criminals.

It is happening everywhere illegals and others from rabid countries are being force migrated or imported. Lone fanatics, cells and gangs crop up and then the turf wars start with innocent citizens caught in the crossfire or as sacrificial lambs. It's long past time to stop this crap.

Cheers - Dave

posted on Mar, 7 2019 @ 09:29 AM
a reply to: LABTECH767

D-rugs mate are the big change in British society over the last thirty years. I reckon they have changed the inner workings of the brain of a good section of our your youth and those at the lower rungs of the ladder are particularly vulnerable, add that to a disintegration of the traditional family and you get a blot of young lads introduced to a lifestyle with no dad but loads of c-oke.

Hey it was no different back in our day late 80's but more kids had fathers around back then and who was gonna put a knife in the back of an innocent back then on a couple of Dove's

Co-caine needs driving out of our island if we are to get things back to the way things were back in the day. Also drive out gangsta type music, it isn't helping the brains of these nippers who are already lost to society.

posted on Mar, 7 2019 @ 09:39 AM
a reply to: bobs_uruncle

Migration is fine when it is at sustainable level's and only when those migrant's are of a high enough mental and social capacity to integrate themselves into the society of there new host nation, it is even good for the gene pool.
But open the flood gates and let anyone in and - well I never used to believe Enoch Powell but sadly everything that he said would happen did in fact come true.
As an island nation though remember we were always married to the world one way or another and have always been something of an international nation.
You are certainly correct though even if I would have toned it down just a tad as I do not like to throw the baby out with the bathwater and there are also many good migrant's - but overall are we worse off because of the bad one's? - that would be a very interesting and also extremely controversial study that would probably cause uproar if it some professor somewhere made one and then stuck his neck out with his results.

posted on Mar, 7 2019 @ 09:45 AM
Well the solution is obvious, you brits can’t be trusted with sharp things, your government should step in and protect you from yourself.

Your gonna have a real dilemma on your hands when the criminals start using forks, not many foods out there for exclusively spoons.

posted on Mar, 7 2019 @ 09:47 AM
a reply to: ufoorbhunter

They certainly play a big part, they destroyed the Black American community's and ruined there growing aspiration's when they were illegally funneled into them.

In the UK smack was the big problem going back but even the recently more regulated legal high's were almost as bad, people fed into there own brain's in states of stupor to escape a world that was so grim it seemed to close in around them leaving them feeling like they were lost down a deep hole and no one was there to come and save them, so they turned to drug's.
Others tried them as peer pressure made them decide to give them a go and it #ed up there neurochemistry often for good.

In the body as a whole and the brain itself there is an extremely delicate balance of natural endorphins and other chemical's which is regulated and balances itself out, when people then induce a new and often dangerous balance by introducing artificial endorphins into there system that balance tried to adjust and then they feel a come down so have to get more to get a high, they keep doing this and to keep that high they have to take a stronger and stronger dose until there body's and brain's become completely reliant upon the crap they have put into themselves, meanwhile there is a greasy drug kingpin who would NEVER take his own crap somewhere making and selling it to the sap's and idiot's that want to poison themselves leaching off of there suffering and making themselves rich while there product destroy's lives, family's, neighborhood's and even nation's.

But it is only a part of the equation, still a very notable mention and a great post.

posted on Mar, 7 2019 @ 09:48 AM
a reply to: LABTECH767

I don't think "race" is relevant in cases like these.

If there was a referendum on concealed carry laws in this country, I would vote aye.

Sorry but these kids have a very limited deterrent to do harm to others.

posted on Mar, 7 2019 @ 09:50 AM
Ten years from now, these "paltry" crime stats you are suffering from today will seem like unobtainable utopia.

Everyone can sit and try to find a "reason", gangs, initiations, just "random" acts of violence.

It's just plain old invasion/terrorism. The goal isn't anyone in particular, just anyone that isn't them. Only a matter of time before larger attacks(car bombs) become as common in the UK as they are in the south.

posted on Mar, 7 2019 @ 09:53 AM
a reply to: Quantumgamer1776

Seriously have you ever tried to butter your bread with a rubber knife.

It's a social problem, remember every nation has a unique situation which often seems' completely alien to other nation's whom simply do not understand how thing's work in the other nation.

Here since the 1950's and 60's we have had a strong welfare state and until Thatcher laid the groundwork to demolish it we also used to strongly subsidize industry to enable it to compete on the world stage even when it was no longer truly competitive, the removal of these subsidies from industry and the destruction of the welfare state has led to an entire generation - more than two in fact - that has suffered increasing poverty and a rapid and destructive shift of the balance of wealth in the nation away from the population into the hand's of an 'extreme' minority - this has been most notable in runaway wages for management staff and almost no wage rise for the shop floor workers and this in turn has impoverished our retail economy while our government willfully blames internet shopping for our high street's demise as the center of our economy.

posted on Mar, 7 2019 @ 09:53 AM
a reply to: ufoorbhunter

What if the drugs are prescription drugs?

I wonder how many of the youngsters that are stabbing people are on anti depressants or ritalin (or any other phycoactive drug) .... now or in the past?

edit on 7-3-2019 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 7 2019 @ 09:54 AM
a reply to: Wide-Eyes

I think Race also has very little to do with it but CULTURE is another matter so that is a very long debate that has gone on back and for for decades now and is still ongoing.

posted on Mar, 7 2019 @ 09:56 AM
a reply to: MisterSpock

Sadly all too likely, many of the better off the way thing's are going will end up living in gated community's with private security all the hours and day's of the week.

posted on Mar, 7 2019 @ 09:56 AM
NO....its murder that is growing in the hearts of the citizens of this world. they take away the guns...they will use knives, they will use axes, they will use swords, they will use cars , they will use bombs.. T

posted on Mar, 7 2019 @ 09:59 AM
a reply to: Itisnowagain

I would suggest only if they are abusing those drug's or buying them off of the internet or from someone that has been prescribed them, a doctor only prescribes such drug's in order to try to restore the brain's balance were the imbalance in the brain causing depression or mood swing's is seen as a neurological condition which can often be corrected by using the correct dosage of certain prescription drug's.

But like I say once they are out of the doctors hand's and either the patient or a bootleg dealer gets them they are open to abuse, still in this overall problem they are most likely a minuscule feature of the problem.
And MEDIA, violent computer Game's played by the weak minded and impressionable or the unformed mind's of children warping there imagination's into very dark avenues of growth, TV violence and of course also SOCIAL exposure to violent areas will also drive this societal illness perhaps even more than the drug's do or at least as much.

edit on 7-3-2019 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 7 2019 @ 10:02 AM

originally posted by: daboxfan
NO....its murder that is growing in the hearts of the citizens of this world. they take away the guns...they will use knives, they will use axes, they will use swords, they will use cars , they will use bombs.. T

The ugly side effects of a Nanny state...

posted on Mar, 7 2019 @ 10:02 AM

originally posted by: Itisnowagain
a reply to: ufoorbhunter

What if the drugs are prescription drugs?

I wonder how many of the youngsters that are stabbing people are on anti depressants or ritalin (or any other phycoactive drug) .... now or in the past?

Too right, everyone round the streets where I work is off there heads, it's honest to god like a scene from Thriller. The real weird thing is back in the 80's I don't remember drugs being a big thing in our country towns, nowadays even in the sticks Gogaine is like everywhere and that is eating into society. Monkey dust is the new thing round here, even a trip ito Home Bargains to get me dindins sarny is a bit of a risky venture.

posted on Mar, 7 2019 @ 10:04 AM
a reply to: ufoorbhunter

Is monkey dust a presciption drug?

posted on Mar, 7 2019 @ 10:06 AM

originally posted by: ufoorbhunter

originally posted by: Itisnowagain
a reply to: ufoorbhunter

What if the drugs are prescription drugs?

I wonder how many of the youngsters that are stabbing people are on anti depressants or ritalin (or any other phycoactive drug) .... now or in the past?

Too right, everyone round the streets where I work is off there heads, it's honest to god like a scene from Thriller. The real weird thing is back in the 80's I don't remember drugs being a big thing in our country towns, nowadays even in the sticks Gogaine is like everywhere and that is eating into society. Monkey dust is the new thing round here, even a trip ito Home Bargains to get me dindins sarny is a bit of a risky venture.

Coke heads are the most arrogant, emotionally and morally corrupt people I have ever encountered.

I would trust a heroine addict before I trust a coke head.

posted on Mar, 7 2019 @ 10:06 AM
Going to throw the bad-parenting card here. Back when kids were disciplined and learned how to face adversity appropriately, they didn't grow up bit%@es that would pull weapons into the mix.

Gangs and mafia have always used weapons, but it has been normalized now for a kid to bring a weapon (outside of gang activity) to solve a social dispute. Back in the day, you would have been ostracized and called out for even considering bringing a weapon into a dispute. Kids knew how to face adversity and weren't coddled and babied. Fisticuffs happened and there was honor in it. Most kids I knew who fought went home friends that day.

Today's kids are mostly a bunch of scared, insecure bit%@es that have normalized weapon culture and are too afraid to settle things mano y mano. This just carries on up to adulthood and stupider activity that rears it's head in the form of crybaby SJW types that still have no ability to face adversity.

TL/DR - bad parenting and sheltered from adversity lead to scared, weak, kids who need weapons

posted on Mar, 7 2019 @ 10:07 AM
There's mountains of coke, crack and heroin, an absence of police and broken homes and communities that fail to teach kids right from wrong or beat bad behaviour out of them. It's been gradually occurring for 40 years or so in neglected communities but austerity has made it a widespread feature that doesn't seem curable now the cat's out the bag.

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