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FINALLY EXPOSED! Exactly what “To The Stars”, Delong, the spooks and scientists are up to.

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posted on Mar, 2 2019 @ 06:47 PM
Is anyone else a little frustrated that Delong’s “To The Stars Academy...” has been operational for over a year, promising astounding revelations almost weekly by Delong, and yet after careful scrutiny and analysis (here and elsewhere) no one really seems to know what these spies, clowns, scientists and “artists” are actually up to??? Given the way this has unfolded, from the bizarre introduction to a bunch of coalesced government spooks, promises of aerospace science, UFO info “declassification”, tic tacos and Delong’s somewhat exhausting narcissism, it is reasonable anyone and everyone interested in UFOs must be somewhat frustrated by this point. Nonetheless, this is NOT an attack piece. I have no axe to grind here, but it is high time for these guys to become subject to a little exposure NOT under their self-serving control (given the long-standing obfuscation to date).

Welcome to human ecology, a remote whole systems analysis — the type of analysis championed by the CIA in the 1970s and 1980s before mass data stealing, accumulating and crunching became the fad of the day. Using the CIAs own analytical methodologies (albeit in a unique and refined form) there are finally enough evidentiary bits to put together a complete whole system analysis of EXACTLY what is happening with “To The Stars...”(TTS). This analysis could probably be book-length if detailed, but enough footwork has already been done in previous threads on ATS regarding the key players, the corporation, Tic tacs, etc. that it is unnecessary to recap what has already been written (I suggest reading the most recent thread on the subject here at ATS as background for those unfamiliar with the overview). The goal here will be limited to filling in the vast gaps TTS has left in exposing themselves and their plans, rather than covering what is already known.

First, there are several things to consider: #1: Delong, the spooks and scientists.
Delong, an ex “rock star”, has certain personality traits that led to the forming of this organization and its perpetration. Delong is clearly a product of his formative years...who wouldn’t be impacted by being an internationally recognized rock star at an early age? Any analysis of Delong’s fan base, a random grouping of girly girls who thumbs-up vids of his mediocre band running around streets naked, and the huge crowds of sensitive millennial boys in skinny pants that follow these girls around, is eye opening. The devotion is real. To the fan base, Delong really is some sort of Godlike poet songster hero. The memes of his music flow through the fondest memories of their formative millenial years partying and romancing and gaining social understandings of the world. Punk scene is so wow. And Tom is the bestest if he would just get back in the band. I am joking about the fan base here somewhat, but there is no joke at all regarding the grand megalomania and extreme narcissism such fawning and devotion can create in a kid who bathed infrequently but played some guitar. There are a few key points here — FIRST, Delong’s frequent announcements of his “government connections, secret knowledge, great creative talent, business acumen, international support, aerospace technology innovations that will be coming from TTS, promised media magic, UFO disclosure, how damn successful he is, and great things will be coming, etc.” all perfectly reflect his personality. SECOND, Delong sees himself as a promoter. He promotes himself and what he does. it is important to be aware that the government spooks who partnered with Delong are careful people, and they have partnered with Delong fully aware of his unique quirks as they apply to “promotion” and millennials. The spooks also CHOSE partnering with Delong based upon their backgrounds, training and motivation steming from the black budget world they grew up in. This is an important point we will touch upon later. THIRD, a stated goal of TTS is their “target audience”...of yes...”millennials”. This is also a very important point we will come back to.

Speaking of spies, spooks, and quarky scientists, let’s take a peek at them. First, we know the intelligence community by virtue of Security Clearances, becomes an extremely isolated and closed community...we can’t have leaks or leakers. There is a good old boy network that inevitably develops when a community is isolated in this way. Add to that picture the ego development of a spook. Spooks are “special”, they are told. Not everyone can be a spook. It’s a closed club with limited access and unique training and responsibility. Although Being a “spy” is usually bureaucratic desk work, trust me these guys have egos that reach the moon. “We are James Bond; we have the best minds; we are the patriots that save your lame butts; our tech is the best; we have connections with the rich and powerful; we are above the law because we have to be, etc. etc. (ad nauseum)”. Spooks also have spook procedures. Like the scientific method, spooks have developed and tested methodology to apply to everything they do. I am partly joking about spooks, but there are important points here: FIRST, CIA alum will use CIA styles and procedure when doing private practice. If a former CIA bureaucrat were to form a corporation with a purpose, they would use CIA standard methodology and practice and standard operating procedure. SECOND, spooks are hugely compartmentalized. The typical spook lacks completely any wholistic overview of anything outside their narrow classification, and most hide a great unknowing while parading a slim understanding...specialists. THIRD, most spooks keep connections in their narrow community. They feel they are a special tribe, not one of “us”, the people via perceived access, status, and power connection. These points will tie in later.

Now, eventually when broaching any analysis of TTS, we must approach the issue of UFOs and “disclosure”. Outside of Delong and spooks, The subject of UFOs is essentially, in and of itself, the other reason everything with TTS seems to be smoke and mirrors. For this analysis, because the ufo issue is so murky, we must stick to known facts and differentiate between “UFO LORE”, and TTS facts. Has the government recovered a downed UFO craft? Unknown. Classify that as UFO lore. Is there a video of a tic tac? Yes. Classify that as fact. Now many are angry at TTS because Delong’s implied UFO disclosure never happened. Promises...promises. Those who study the UFO phenomena must accept the fact that since the phenomena is apparently real, government disclosure may not apply, since the government isn’t the UFOs. Is government disclosure required to validate the existance of raccoons? Raccoons apparently exist and are observed, but do they not exist unless the government says they do? Who in the government is in charge of declassifying and disclosing the existance of the sky? There are a few points here. FIRST, the government cannot disclose something that exists but the government does not create or own. The government could disclose black budget studies on genetic manipulation of raccoons into bioweapons if such a study exists, but government is not the entity to disclose if raccoons or the sky exists. SECOND, due to security compartmentalization, if the government has been back engineering UFO tech (per UFO LORE), would Senator Reid be the in the know guy? Probably not. (Cont.)

posted on Mar, 2 2019 @ 06:47 PM
(Please hold comments til the post is finished, thanks).

posted on Mar, 2 2019 @ 07:23 PM
Did “Zondo’s” program funded by Reid have full access? Probably not. In fact, Zondo has stated that we know the UFOs are there and real, we know they follow a,science hidden in new physics, we just don’t have the science to understand them yet, and apparently have no proof other than possible ufo “slag” metal pieces that test out as unusual. UFO lore aside, it seems apparent that Delong, politicians, Zondo, Bigelo, etc. are not in the know at all, especially if the government knows itself knows not a darn thing about UFOs at all, and realistically...they may not. Apprently Zondo’s Was a fringe program with knowledge based largely on their own data.

So what is going on here? Enter Hal the fringe scientist. Hal Puthoff commissioned a bunch of fringe “new science” papers centering on UFO theory and new physics. The papers appear in outline on TTS’s site. These papers are likely scientific reviews of potential emerging technologies based on known science and theories with some speculation added in. These are not discoveries. Some of these papers are obviously based upon theory arising from observed UFO flight data or just speculation upon UFO lore. The papers in themselves, now declassified, represent little more that budget wasted on speculative science, but they are important to TTS Corp. in the same way the insignificant tic tac video is.

This is getting lengthy and I am tired, so let’s pull the pieces together early so I can eat. What the heck is TTS up to? First, there will be NO UFO DISCLOSURE. They cannot disclose what they do not know. Forest fairies may be real, but don’t count on The government or Delong to inform you about them. Maybe there will be more tic tacs, maybe not. We do know TTS calls themselves and entertainment corporation. They are not joking on that one. We know there is a spy tie in. We know they are touting AErospace development. So they believe one of Hal’s commissioned papers has some developable scientific merit. Look to them trying to develop a,prototype of laser assisted space flight that they may be able to patent and sell seeking to fund future ventures (this is why the skunkworks guy is there). But that’s the small stuff.

Here is what they are really up to — BRANDING. The CIA guys like the BRANDING concept, they like Delong (the outsider) as millenial promoter (business as usual CIA style). Many in the UFO community have come to understand that the UFO phenomena is etheric in the sense you can’t pin it down. It’s always been here, like forest fairies, but we have no fairies in our zoos. That is why, from a CIA and business perspective BRANDING is so important on something with no nuts and bolts potential for firm, current validation. Let’s say this group, slowly and over time, through media and STATUS as in the know technocrat spies, became THE RESPECTED AND ACCEPTED BRAND for ALL UFO would any private researcher compete for fan base? Who else has government scientists, respected professional UFO Spies and rock stars? Who else would be THE BRAND on this very popular subject? And when you control the brand, even if you don’t know jackshiz about UFOs more that anyone else, who profits? Worse, when you are THE UFO BRAND, who controls the ufo narrative from that point forward? That’s how spies roll reflexively, with an obvious self defined elitism that is dis Luis Enrique of the common man. ....even fringe retired spies honestly interested in the subject seek profit, fame, control and a nice retirement.

TTS has in my opinion, honest men...good men, with a real interest in the subject and fringe science development. But they don’t know anymore than we do, and they are into promoting LONG TERM, through entertainment, their UFO brand for profit and narrative control, and there really isn’t much more to it than that. That’s why it all seems like smoke and mirrors.

posted on Mar, 2 2019 @ 07:54 PM
I think the most valid point you made is “the government cannot disclose something that exists that the government does not create or own.”

I’ve never looked at it from the angle before.
Sort of gives things a different perspective.

posted on Mar, 2 2019 @ 08:59 PM
a reply to: Cology

He's not the first ufology spokes person we've had.
In May 2001 we had Dr. Steven Greer and his 500 expert witnesses testifying about their UFO experiences in front of the National Press Club...but then 9-11 happened...and after all the dust had settled, Dr. Greer had turned into a joke with no credibility...despite the credible testimonies he had assembled previously.
And then we had Stephen Bassett with his Paradigm Research Group and X-Pac, the official UFO lobbying group and petitions to Obama asking for disclosure. Mr. Bassett was official and credible and yet where is he today? Perhaps Dr. Greer and Mr. Bassett wouldn't tow the company line. Or more likely tptb find it more effective to just hand select their own guy to release their chosen narrative. As you said.
edit on 3/2/2019 by MissSmartypants because: Edit

posted on Mar, 2 2019 @ 10:02 PM
I won’t denigrate Greer or others (including TTS) because I feel they add insight to the mystery of the UFO phenomena subject through any effort they produce. Did Greer run astray...probably. Will TTS run astray, again, probably. I do hope they add to the knowledge base (as Greer did) to the best of their abilities nonetheless. What I don’t appreciate is the elitism. The concept that only government bureaucracy or military conscripts or scientists are the only legitimate witnesses or interpreters of the ufo phenomena (when it is actually is a part of the human consciousness and condition throughout millenia) is repugnant. I want to alert people that TTS is literally trying to grab a significant market share of the public’s natural interest in UFO phenomena. This phenomena BELONGS TO US ALL as it is a much a part of our collective consciousness as our collective unconscious (jung). What is important enough for me to write this exposure/analysis is that we avoid what i’d Call the “mystic priestess” cult phenomena, and I believe these guys, through future media (like Greer) are setting themselves up to be the branded mystic priestesses of the ufo phenomena to control market share. The oracle of Delphi, in ancient times, became the mystic priestess and that temple prospered when all other oracles (remote viewers or psychics) were marginalized. Yet this subject belongs to our collective consciousness. It belongs to All of us equally in essence, and no CIA bureaucrat, despite any methodology, owns the insight Or right to integrate understanding of these larger paradigms. This belongs to us all. The UFOs are OURS, and we are theirs, just like the sky and universe paradoxically, so no mystic priestess intermediaries are required. We will watch TTS promote themselves into the future, and hope they stay humble and realize their elitism is unfounded, despite any attempt at controlling market share on this public subject. No scientist has more soul or connection to all that is than any common man, and it is rude to imply otherwise. Hence, this analysis and post. The physics of this stuff touches the root of consciousness, physics and reality in ways that no insider bureaucrat can ever own.

edit on 2-3-2019 by Cology because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 2 2019 @ 10:05 PM
Cology wrote:

Has the government recovered a downed UFO craft? Unknown.

B...B...But the newly 'reformed' Richard Doty says it HAS.

Can Doty even spell "reformed"?

All good points, Cology. I recommend adding them to the existing TTSA thread which already began its second chapter this week after literally THOUSANDS of posts, setting out the facts about past, present and future TTSA activity. I'm sure it would welcome your energetic input; not really sure another thread is needed - for the sake of tidiness and focus, if you know what I mean.

Welcome to ATS, by the way.
You seem nicely geared-up!

posted on Mar, 2 2019 @ 10:10 PM

originally posted by: Macenroe82
I think the most valid point you made is “the government cannot disclose something that exists that the government does not create or own.”

I’ve never looked at it from the angle before.
Sort of gives things a different perspective.

Kinda the definition of fascism innit?

posted on Mar, 2 2019 @ 10:15 PM
a reply to: ConfusedBrit
My take on this subject via this analysis lifts a veil that imo indeed is complex enough and relevant enough to deserve its own thread, although I more than welcome anyone linking all relevant threads here, since they covered the basics before this exposure, but left the mystery of “what are these spooks up to” intact. Indeed I have stated I abbreviated what could have been a full book for brevity sake.

What I didn’t cover is — are these CIA guys in it to control the public narrative for market share, or for nefarious CIA purposes? Many probabilities exist. My analysis therefore, for brevity’s sake, didn’t delve into all possibilities.

An usual CIA operation wouldn’t contain outed CIA personal, so I believe the former (retired) government players here are just running their usual methodologies, rather than propagating a spy scam on the American people. This is a capitalist endeavor.

This exposure is absolute and not a subtitle to a confused thread of 1000s of basics. This is the end game with what’s happening with TTS and people should note it, not derail it. The future will verify this analysis intact. We will see media from TTS promoting their brand, expertise, elite (sic) knowledge for ufo/fringe market share (which is hugely popular). But in effect “mystic priestess” methodology.

edit on 2-3-2019 by Cology because: (no reason given)

edit on 2-3-2019 by Cology because: (no reason given)

edit on 2-3-2019 by Cology because: (no reason given)

edit on 2-3-2019 by Cology because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 2 2019 @ 10:19 PM
a reply to: TzarChasm

These guys are retired government, but living capitalists. What they are NOT is the sole experts on the Great Unknown of unrealized science and human consciousness, Which is exactly where this ends up.
edit on 2-3-2019 by Cology because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 2 2019 @ 10:26 PM
I wonder if Hal Puthoff laughs when he is remote viewed...and then he

posted on Mar, 2 2019 @ 11:24 PM
The basic issue is that these people: APRO, Greer, Bassett, Moore, Dolan, Delonge, etc. are put in place as a distraction for your frustration. That's it. The M.O. is always the same. It goes something like this:

We certain people in government and "in the know" want very much to Disclose everything to the public. But the time is not quite right. We are fighting an internal battle. We have chosen YOU to help us plan for Disclosure. So play along here and maybe we can finally break this thing open.

And nothing ever happens. The question is, why do we keep falling for this?

posted on Mar, 3 2019 @ 12:01 AM
a reply to: schuyler

My guess is because, in a world that can be somewhat chaotic, the notion that there is something that there is somewhere, somehow, some sort of purpose to the chaos is important.

That requires belief. In something. Anything. Even the belief that something very, very important is being hidden. By someone.

posted on Mar, 3 2019 @ 12:54 AM
a reply to: schuyler
I wonder if people who have interest put in the hard work and actually offer what they can, but sometimes they go so far in that the paycheck, the brand sales, leads some astray from their original aspirations and motivations.

posted on Mar, 3 2019 @ 01:00 AM
a reply to: Phage

Belief is definitely the subject of philosophy, sociology, consciousness and perception...and perhaps something more... belief in my mind is conscious creativity. Which is why narrow belief creates narrow reality. But that’s all the philosophy of consciousness I suppose. The ufo angle that TTS based...sells imo. I hope they contribute something in the long run. Although whether it’s more that philosophers of UFOs and consciousness disclose...I have my

posted on Mar, 3 2019 @ 02:50 AM
a reply to: Phage

Well put and I'll throw in an example-rachael Nevada.

Belief often overrides rationality, we all know that area 51 is just an aircraft proving ground, then one day a nighthawk does a training run at night then BANG! suddenly it's aliens, which leads to the little ale'inn, guided tours etc.

Belief in disclosure is no different. Stephen Greer has been saying for years upon years disclosure is coming and people still believe him despite the fact he is pretty much saying 'disclosure is coming...nnnnnnnow! No wait-its coming... nnnnnnnow! give it a few years!

Belief gave us the geocentric solar system, I probably should've started with that.

posted on Mar, 3 2019 @ 03:14 AM
a reply to: Cology

Disclosure is where you find it .
This video , although long , contains it ....

posted on Mar, 3 2019 @ 05:35 AM

You've just described the TTSA bus.

Obviously the bus here is a metaphor for the UFO narrative. A narrative TTSA are determined to control and drive as far as they can.

posted on Mar, 3 2019 @ 08:08 AM
a reply to: Cology

Never put any stock in anything the bloke said. I watched him ramble on in interviews time and time again when he first started and he didn't say anything that made me think he might be telling the truth. He seems to be another Nick Pope to me or a Greer, both people I do not trust and in Pope's case I think he might be a disinformation agent rather than a truth seeker, in Delongs case, charleton is the only thing I can think of to describe him. I'll stick to reading research into classic UFO claims and abduction stories from decades ago than now.
edit on 3-3-2019 by Dwoodward85 because: Missed words.

posted on Mar, 3 2019 @ 09:09 AM
a reply to: radarloveguy

Cool video...some interesting stuff.

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