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Orwellian Social rules given to Facebook and Google by the UK

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posted on Mar, 2 2019 @ 04:18 AM

originally posted by: Ohanka
a reply to: OtherSideOfTheCoin

Seems like they should report the child groomers to the police so they can be arrested instead of paying a fine.

That’s basically what they want to do, force these huge tech companies to make it harder for sexual predators to groom victims and report them. If the companies fail to do this they face huge fines, there are even talks of prison fir CEOs who fail to meet the standards. If you read the report that came out yesterday 4 massive firms make up the most used sites for online grooming. Instagram being number one. Why is it wrong for the government to take steps to force these companies to stamp this sick behaviour out of there platforms??

It’s the same for platforms where cyber bullies are not dealt with, suicde and self harm is encouraged or actual racist and hateful language is used. The examples of this are not instances that cause offence but that are criminal ie. encouraging the deaths of racial groups, spreading terrorist material etc.

The OP has grossly misrepresented what this is actually about in the never ending quest to hate in th UK that is sadly spreading on these boards
edit on 2-3-2019 by OtherSideOfTheCoin because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 2 2019 @ 04:19 AM
edit on 2-3-2019 by OtherSideOfTheCoin because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 2 2019 @ 04:44 AM
a reply to: Justoneman

You are being totally over dramatic here. They are not Orwellian at all. I do hope you have actually read Orwell when you use him to peddle your own propaganda. What are your motives for calling Britain trying to protect itself as Orwellian?

I am in British society and I know exactly why they are telling Facebook and Google to better monitor what they broadcast from their servers. Yes, it is their servers so they are accountable and responsibile.

Our young people are being led into crazy places of grooming, suicide, gang culture, murder, falling for enemy lies about their leaders and important people, coaxed into is a long list.

Google and Facebook were making lots of money out of trashing their own democracies. Mark Z was making a "killing" out of killing us.

This is just the usual application of laws relating to broadcasters which we have had since media began to be broadcast. We have to have standards. I'll call them standards. You can pretend they are Orwellian, but you disgrace his work when you use him to tell lies like this.

Ifv we do not have standards then we might as well let it all descend into one giant slithering orgy of snake mating, which is what Facebook were becoming.

If Mark Z will listen and stop being such a stubborn young man it may actually help Facebook to survive. It was heading to the bin real fast before. It looked like something vile and disgusting. i could not even cope with one minute on it without feeling nauseous.

No, you can't get away with grooming kids. No, you can't be racist and an antsemite in public. No, you can't behave like a thug and engage in criminal activities and terrorism in public. "No, Caesar, NO!"

We really do need to edit ourselves. This humanity needs some very good editors to make sure we don't end up turning the place into the deepest circle of hell. Right now, we are only in the fifth circle. Let's keep it that way.

Every media requires monitors and editors to keep it at a level of civility. If ever I stepped out of that I would want to be corrected. You don't call the moderators on ATS Orwellian? They are much more strict than the British government in what they allow and don't allow here. Look what good quality it is. That is why I come here because it is relatively civilized. Even when we are dealing with all the juiciest gossip of conspiracy civilization is maintained.

It is all medicine that humans need to take to stay something like healthy. Even the Bible tell us we must edit ourselves and our behaviour. We can't just let every foul thought from the human brain to be allowed to infect us. The young especially, because they do not know any other reality than what they are learning online, must be "educated" and protected from the Zombie Net.

I do not think that Google or Facebook can carry on existing as they do. I have hopes that the search engines will be run by academics like the dictionaries are. Search engines have become as important as the dictionary. Think about that. We can't just let any old person write our dictionaries for us. Imagine what a mess it would end up. Language would be totally polluted and become nonsense, with words no longer meaning the same to people. That is how important this all is.

We have a lot to learn and become conscious of relating to digital technology and its potential. This is a good place to start by making sure the internet maintains a minimum of civilized standards, to reflect the human jouney of ever progressing civility. That is the direction the good ship Evolution is sailing us toward.

edit on 2-3-2019 by Malak777 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 2 2019 @ 05:13 AM

Social media firms to face huge fines for failing to keep children safe

This is not Orwellian. It is common sense. Only a child groomer would want us to let this mess continue the way it has done.

Antisemitic posts claiming that the Holocaust is a lie and that Jews are “barbaric and unsanitary” remain on Facebook despite being flagged to the social media company, an investigation by The Times has found.

I know for a fact that if people are left unchecked then it descends into a pit of hate. People would start lynching in the streets very quickly if we did not have the checks and balances of government and authority. I wish it was not so, but it is.

The better we can behave will make for a better deregulated future when we are evolved enough to handle it.

posted on Mar, 2 2019 @ 06:10 AM

originally posted by: Malak777
a reply to: Justoneman

You are being totally over dramatic here. They are not Orwellian at all. I do hope you have actually read Orwell when you use him to peddle your own propaganda. What are your motives for calling Britain trying to protect itself as Orwellian?

I am in British society and I know exactly why they are telling Facebook and Google to better monitor what they broadcast from their servers. Yes, it is their servers so they are accountable and responsibile.

Our young people are being led into crazy places of grooming, suicide, gang culture, murder, falling for enemy lies about their leaders and important people, coaxed into is a long list.

Google and Facebook were making lots of money out of trashing their own democracies. Mark Z was making a "killing" out of killing us.

This is just the usual application of laws relating to broadcasters which we have had since media began to be broadcast. We have to have standards. I'll call them standards. You can pretend they are Orwellian, but you disgrace his work when you use him to tell lies like this.

Ifv we do not have standards then we might as well let it all descend into one giant slithering orgy of snake mating, which is what Facebook were becoming.

If Mark Z will listen and stop being such a stubborn young man it may actually help Facebook to survive. It was heading to the bin real fast before. It looked like something vile and disgusting. i could not even cope with one minute on it without feeling nauseous.

No, you can't get away with grooming kids. No, you can't be racist and an antsemite in public. No, you can't behave like a thug and engage in criminal activities and terrorism in public. "No, Caesar, NO!"

We really do need to edit ourselves. This humanity needs some very good editors to make sure we don't end up turning the place into the deepest circle of hell. Right now, we are only in the fifth circle. Let's keep it that way.

Every media requires monitors and editors to keep it at a level of civility. If ever I stepped out of that I would want to be corrected. You don't call the moderators on ATS Orwellian? They are much more strict than the British government in what they allow and don't allow here. Look what good quality it is. That is why I come here because it is relatively civilized. Even when we are dealing with all the juiciest gossip of conspiracy civilization is maintained.

It is all medicine that humans need to take to stay something like healthy. Even the Bible tell us we must edit ourselves and our behaviour. We can't just let every foul thought from the human brain to be allowed to infect us. The young especially, because they do not know any other reality than what they are learning online, must be "educated" and protected from the Zombie Net.

I do not think that Google or Facebook can carry on existing as they do. I have hopes that the search engines will be run by academics like the dictionaries are. Search engines have become as important as the dictionary. Think about that. We can't just let any old person write our dictionaries for us. Imagine what a mess it would end up. Language would be totally polluted and become nonsense, with words no longer meaning the same to people. That is how important this all is.

We have a lot to learn and become conscious of relating to digital technology and its potential. This is a good place to start by making sure the internet maintains a minimum of civilized standards, to reflect the human jouney of ever progressing civility. That is the direction the good ship Evolution is sailing us toward.

I am going to guess you don't know who Pol Pot, Mao and Stalin were and how they got their way.

They dictated what could be SAID and what could be done.

If you can't see that dictating what people can say is over the line, please leave for China now.

posted on Mar, 2 2019 @ 06:13 AM
a reply to: OtherSideOfTheCoin

They always start out saying the right things OSTC.


Then it is you or I can't tell off the lovers of Sharia approved rape and torture laws. Next they will kill 1 day old baby's and arrest anyone who complains. MARK my words and remind yourself you heard it here 1st.

edit on 2-3-2019 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 2 2019 @ 06:15 AM

originally posted by: Malak777

Social media firms to face huge fines for failing to keep children safe

This is not Orwellian. It is common sense. Only a child groomer would want us to let this mess continue the way it has done.

Antisemitic posts claiming that the Holocaust is a lie and that Jews are “barbaric and unsanitary” remain on Facebook despite being flagged to the social media company, an investigation by The Times has found.

I know for a fact that if people are left unchecked then it descends into a pit of hate. People would start lynching in the streets very quickly if we did not have the checks and balances of government and authority. I wish it was not so, but it is.

The better we can behave will make for a better deregulated future when we are evolved enough to handle it.

So gov takes out the haters when the act violently or discriminate, end of problem. Right now they let those guys walk and call us racist even if it is a religion we are being "racist against".
Don't you get it?

Or suffer the consequences of that.
edit on 2-3-2019 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 2 2019 @ 06:26 AM
Government puts too much responsibility on tech companies while ignoring the abdication of responsibility by parents , it's easier to blame the suppliers of a service than it is to blame parents who allow their children to use the services unsupervised.

Governments want control of the internet and legislation penned in the name of "protecting children" is the easiest way to do it.

posted on Mar, 2 2019 @ 06:38 AM
a reply to: Malak777

No thanks, you should move to China... would love it.

posted on Mar, 2 2019 @ 06:40 AM
a reply to: gortex


But i have a feeling the government are very happy to be the mothers to the next generation of kids, all these stupid parents are not an accident.

posted on Mar, 2 2019 @ 07:09 AM
a reply to: gortex

Yep, and protecting children is more like code for population control.

posted on Mar, 2 2019 @ 07:41 AM
FB etc are always censoring people who go against their own politics.
Just getting a taste of their own medicine, don't like it? Use something else. That's what people say when FB gets rid of Alex Jones etc.

posted on Mar, 2 2019 @ 07:51 AM
I live in the U.K and think fining people for using facebook would even be a better idea !

posted on Mar, 2 2019 @ 08:42 AM

originally posted by: Justoneman
It seems the UK has decided that Facebook and Google will be fined for not removing toxic content posts fast enough. Bad enough how those two entities were running free speech in the ground, but now it also appears they are making them develop faster ways to remove "harmful content". Who should decide is morphing into "how dare you question authority"?

Hate speech is in the eye of the beholder. Words can do no harm. Well many would say that inciting a riot would probably still qualify.

Free up our speech and leave us alone!

Now you can think about actually looking into the details, or you can when you calm down a little - if you like free speech you won't mind me saying that you are actually too stupid to look into things before posting knee jerk comments will you?

A lot of the harmful content that the government is (quite rightly) concerned about relates to images of self harm and plans for someone to take their own life and encouraging others to do the same. Now, you may consider yourself waaaay to clever and self important to be affected by such images and content, but here's the thing - some people are vulnerable and in more than one case of a young person taking their own life it is known that they viewed such pages within hours of their death.

You might want to consider that and anyone else you may know who is similarly vulnerable and ask yourself if it helps or hurts to have such content so readily available. I know there will be more than one idiot who may comment about me being 'liberal' on the matter, that's fine, I can't help you being stupid.

posted on Mar, 2 2019 @ 08:45 AM

originally posted by: Justoneman
a reply to: OtherSideOfTheCoin

They always start out saying the right things OSTC.


Then it is you or I can't tell off the lovers of Sharia approved rape and torture laws. Next they will kill 1 day old baby's and arrest anyone who complains. MARK my words and remind yourself you heard it here 1st.

Ah, right, I thought you were trying in a very bad way to express your concerns about freedom of speech, but it turns out you are a pathetic person who is spreading your own layer of BS and wonders why you can't do it freely?

posted on Mar, 2 2019 @ 09:36 AM
a reply to: gortex

Yes, you are so right.

posted on Mar, 2 2019 @ 09:39 AM

originally posted by: uncommitted

originally posted by: Justoneman
It seems the UK has decided that Facebook and Google will be fined for not removing toxic content posts fast enough. Bad enough how those two entities were running free speech in the ground, but now it also appears they are making them develop faster ways to remove "harmful content". Who should decide is morphing into "how dare you question authority"?

Hate speech is in the eye of the beholder. Words can do no harm. Well many would say that inciting a riot would probably still qualify.

Free up our speech and leave us alone!

Now you can think about actually looking into the details, or you can when you calm down a little - if you like free speech you won't mind me saying that you are actually too stupid to look into things before posting knee jerk comments will you?

A lot of the harmful content that the government is (quite rightly) concerned about relates to images of self harm and plans for someone to take their own life and encouraging others to do the same. Now, you may consider yourself waaaay to clever and self important to be affected by such images and content, but here's the thing - some people are vulnerable and in more than one case of a young person taking their own life it is known that they viewed such pages within hours of their death.

You might want to consider that and anyone else you may know who is similarly vulnerable and ask yourself if it helps or hurts to have such content so readily available. I know there will be more than one idiot who may comment about me being 'liberal' on the matter, that's fine, I can't help you being stupid.


"Those who seek protection by giving away their freedom's deserve NEITHER!"

and YOU know it we all do.

Can you handle being Free?

It might not fit your wishes to be Free.

posted on Mar, 2 2019 @ 09:40 AM

originally posted by: uncommitted

originally posted by: Justoneman
a reply to: OtherSideOfTheCoin

They always start out saying the right things OSTC.


Then it is you or I can't tell off the lovers of Sharia approved rape and torture laws. Next they will kill 1 day old baby's and arrest anyone who complains. MARK my words and remind yourself you heard it here 1st.

Ah, right, I thought you were trying in a very bad way to express your concerns about freedom of speech, but it turns out you are a pathetic person who is spreading your own layer of BS and wonders why you can't do it freely?

I guess your abdicating your lack of a real argument to me then since you are resorting to BS attacks. You can't handle the truth or freedom it does appear.
edit on 2-3-2019 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 4 2019 @ 09:49 AM

originally posted by: Justoneman

originally posted by: uncommitted

originally posted by: Justoneman
a reply to: OtherSideOfTheCoin

They always start out saying the right things OSTC.


Then it is you or I can't tell off the lovers of Sharia approved rape and torture laws. Next they will kill 1 day old baby's and arrest anyone who complains. MARK my words and remind yourself you heard it here 1st.

Ah, right, I thought you were trying in a very bad way to express your concerns about freedom of speech, but it turns out you are a pathetic person who is spreading your own layer of BS and wonders why you can't do it freely?

I guess your abdicating your lack of a real argument to me then since you are resorting to BS attacks. You can't handle the truth or freedom it does appear.

You see that's the shame of it isn't it? You aren't talking about truth, it now seems clear that you are frustrated that people don't want to give you a platform to spew your hate on a section of society based on sad and pathetic hateful views that have no truth in them. No BS attack from me, I'm not the man child in this.

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