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Yellow Book n stuff

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posted on Mar, 1 2005 @ 02:12 AM
The Yellow Book is supposed to be in the hands of a shadowy Government Organisation called The Aviary.

The Aviary is supposedly comprised of Army and NSA personelll and the book list things like the "existing alien" loves strawberry ice cream and other such nonsense.

If anybody wants to buy into such garbage then search the internet, I cant be bothered retracing my steps.

ILM is The Industrial Light and Magic Co Ltd owned by George Lucas who could easily replicate the video of the massive UFO flying behind apartment buildings in Mexico City.

Despite what people have said on here NOT ONE prson actually saw this event, a reason why initial scepticism was cst on it....further eyebrows were raised when it was discovered that an "ILM" type of company was situated in the opposite building to the sighting.

Photographic studies of the "wobble" of the "craft" convinced most that it was a fake.

Mexico is notorious for fakes !!

Now the Phoenix Lights were sadly totally debunked in a Discovery TV show which is still occasionally shown on TV. I say sadly because initially it looked very very plausible.

Unfortunately even the Air Force admitted that the flares on that day were put up by them.

You know what .....a little bit of internet research by some of you guys would answer a lot of your questions.

The Trent Oregon photos are 2 Pics taken in 1950 by a hick family ( my apologies for that term) with a lil ole box camera.

Professional and scientific analysis has never debunked these pics, no sticky out tell tale wires etc like you get from well known pics from one armed fraudsters in scandanavia etc etc.

Come on you guys, use the internet........thats what its there for.

posted on Mar, 1 2005 @ 02:34 AM
To say that the phoenix lights were "de-bunked" because the air force said "oh yeah those were, uh...flares" is totally irrational. People were not freaking out in phoenix because they saw some vague lights in the sky, people reported seeing something right out of star wars. Come on, do we really think people are worked into such a frenzy because one or two folks think they might've thought they saw a little light in the sky???
People are stupid, this is true, but nowhere near THAT level of stupidity.

posted on Mar, 1 2005 @ 02:57 AM
Asi t's been stated, just because the air force say it was one thing, doesn't make it so.

What about all the reports of the huge V shaped air craft flying over people's houses?

From what I understand, there were two events that happened that night
One, was the V shaped object which flew slowly and quietly over the town and was witnessed by quite a few people.
Two, was the two orbs seen nearby

The orbs might've been the flares, but I seriously doubt the V shaped ship seem by many, was flares.

posted on Mar, 1 2005 @ 03:05 AM
Ok, use the internet for a sure source of information? Hang on... isn't 99% of information on the internet total hogwash to begin with?

- Nazgarn

posted on Mar, 1 2005 @ 03:14 AM
The video I saw of the Phoenix lights was obviously flares, but that doesn't mean that there wasn't also a V shaped craft flying around. Maybe they went up & dropped flares soon after the UFO went over to make a cover story. From what I understand though the V-shaped craft is a stealth blimp & it's ours.

[edit on 1-3-2005 by outsider]

posted on Mar, 1 2005 @ 07:28 AM
I used to believe Phoenix was bunk also...however, it seems there were TWO different events that night, at around 8pm and then 10pm. The 8pm sighting is where we have witnesses attesting to a solid craft, whereas the 10pm sighting seems to be the flares (possibly a move to serve as a debunking force, who knows). All I DO know, is that for me, I have to dive into this for myself and re-examine this case again in depth, before I make up my own mind....

As for the Yellow's basically a loose compilation of info from Cooper, Lear, etc. Yes, the tv special UFO CoverUp Live! did get a lot of flak for the "strawberry ice cream" comment, preference for Tibetan music, etc. But, setting ridicule aside for a moment, one should consider the alien biology information stated in the special. For instance, they said that the EBEs did not have teeth, but hard gum-like structures on the top and bottom of it's mouth where our rows of teeth are. Likewise, they mentioned a simplified digestive system. Given that information, strawberry ice cream does seem a logical choice...
Not saying to believe it, but to dismiss it out of hand, without putting all of it into perspective, probably isn't a fair assessment....(BTW, I don't have to use the internet for this, I've SEEN both of the specials, when they aired. I also had it pre-empted about 3/4 of the way through (in my market, Tampa FL) and cut to infomercials, and then watched in awe as the news made NO mention of it, or the reaction to the show, EVEN when they hyped up such segments during the commercials, etc.
) Whether or not it was "strawberry ice cream", SOMEONE wanted SOMETHING in that show buried....

As for the Mexico City UFO, there are numerous issues with it, so no, I don't hold that to be good evidence. I believe as you seem to, that older photos (harder to fake back then) hold more promise as convincing evidence. Likewise, as most here know, I'm a big fan of documentation, and there is plenty to sift through that reveals an awful lot going on...

posted on Mar, 1 2005 @ 10:31 AM
I think gazrok hit the nail on the head about the Phoenix lights. There were two instances if you read reports carefully.

The second one is marked with reports of helicopter spotlights and military flares.

While someone could have wanted something covered up on UFO Coverup Live!, In my mind, that show did more to hinder serious UFO investigation than all the sordid stories of false documents William Cooper ever stated he saw...combined.
[EDIT- Poor Stanton Friedman, to this day has a form of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder revolvling from that damn show

Mexico, anything with some form of military radar verification makes it into my "cool, maybe" list. Any of the unverified crap, is just speculation really.

But I think the original poster's ability to just discount the solid Phoenix Lights case so easily is an error. The government says many things that are not true, all the time, and not just related to UFOs....


[edit on 1-3-2005 by Xatnys]

posted on Mar, 1 2005 @ 10:51 AM

I think gazrok hit the nail on the head about the Phoenix lights. There were two instances if you read reports carefully.

It was actually another member and Phoenix Lights buff that made me aware of this (I just verified it for myself), as before, I was pretty solidly on the "flare" side from the little bit I'd seen of it. I'll definitely be doing some digging on this case though now....

While someone could have wanted something covered up on UFO Coverup Live!, In my mind, that show did more to hinder serious UFO investigation than all the sordid stories of false documents William Cooper ever stated he saw...combined.
[EDIT- Poor Stanton Friedman, to this day has a form of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder revolvling from that damn show

No doubt about that, hehe.... Still, I think there were a few tiny gems of truth in the special as well. But most of it was pretty out there... Remember too, there was a SECOND one also, hehe...

posted on Mar, 1 2005 @ 11:11 AM

Remember too, there was a SECOND one also, hehe...

Good point indeed. I'm sure there were some true things stated in that show. I remember hearing reports of it being pulled off the air from many people's local affiliates and all sorts of controversy. Anything with a big stink behind it normally holds at least one or two "gems" worth taking notice of.

What's that saying? "Where there's smoke, there's fire."

Speaking of smoke, more aptly smoke and mirrors(
), I still can't get over the Peter Jennings violent murder of Roswell facts. Sad stuff really.


posted on Mar, 1 2005 @ 11:24 AM

Good point indeed. I'm sure there were some true things stated in that show. I remember hearing reports of it being pulled off the air from many people's local affiliates and all sorts of controversy. Anything with a big stink behind it normally holds at least one or two "gems" worth taking notice of.

I can attest to this personally. In Tampa Bay, FL, when these aired, the first one was cut off 3/4 of the way thru, the 2nd was cut off halfway thru. BOTH times, the local station airing it said they'd have reactions after the show (even had some reporters out at local sports bars, etc. to get reactions). No such reaction stories, and not a peep during the news.

Now, there are some markets who DID see the whole thing when it aired, I'm told. (and some of our members have supported this), but this wasn't the case in my area. I was even on the phone with a good friend of mine both times (he's also a UFO nut), and our reactions were equally WTF!!!???
when they yanked it....

posted on Mar, 1 2005 @ 11:41 AM
Ok see that IS interesting. So that's a personal account from the FL area. See I've followed up on a similar situation that occured in the TN area and it goes along with the 2nd one being cut off almost halfway through presentation.

No "breaking news" story or any really apparent reason for the cut off either. Why a "selective ban" I wonder?

I'd be interested to learn if the same thing happened anywhere in the NM area as my mind keeps trying to put some pattern together of the motive in relation to UFO sensitive areas... but nothing so far so who knows.

It's interesting to note that around the same time period the same or similar affiliates were aring those god-awful "ELVIS IS ALIVE" telethons which seemed to air without incident from what I've seen. Only the UFO Coverup series...

My gut says there's something to that.

Of course, to be fair I'm not sure if you're familiar with the C2C AM mysterious phone call where a supposed A51 worker calls in and states some rather odd things, and then the C2C AM satellite loses "earth lock", my gut wants to put those pieces together as something too, even though it apparently turned out to be a hoax.

Always trying to put those odd little pieces of the puzzle together.


posted on Mar, 1 2005 @ 11:42 AM
The Yellow Book as in the phone book or some top secret government crap?

posted on Mar, 1 2005 @ 12:07 PM
The "Yellow Book" is in regards to a collection of information regarding the aliens (or more specifically, the alleged three EBEs said to have been in US custody). The info is supposedly garnered from interviews with these EBEs. It's fairly out there, but of course something like this is pretty much impossible to substantiate one way or the other....

This is where we get things like they like to eat strawberry ice cream, listen to Tibetan chant music, etc. We also apparently see that the aliens were in attendance at the crucifixion, etc. etc. but of course, this could all be disinfo (on the part of the grays) even if the information ever did prove to be genuine...

EDIT: I should add that both specials were two hours long (as scheduled if not as aired).....

[edit on 1-3-2005 by Gazrok]

posted on Mar, 1 2005 @ 12:36 PM
Also in regards to the "Yellow Book" I believe that John Lear (before he fell off the face of the earth recently) had stated on several occasions that the notorious Bob Lazar had spoken to him on the contents of the so-called "Yellow Book". Furthermore, that Lazar had claimed to see this book first hand and how it showed Jesus' death and that the aliens were observing it.

Notice I did not say that I have ever heard Lazar speak of the "Yellow Book", although he may have, I've not ever researched that far into it. I simply state that John Lear attributes some yellow book info to Lazar's recounting of experience. Nothing too concrete really.

Take it as you want to.


posted on Mar, 1 2005 @ 01:15 PM
Some nice interesting viewpoints have been expressed here

For the sake of clarity on the Phoenix Lights, it wasnt just Air Force statements that lead to the eventual identification as flares, it was supported by plenty of other tangible physical explanations.

If there were other "visitations" well that Im not aware of but most on here tend to favour that the "biggie" was in fact a series of flares.

I think the difficulty is that most people have a "need" to view all evidence as true and definitive of extra terrestrial contact.

In fact almost all "evidence" actually breaks down when investigated to the "n`th" degree.

When it doesnt break down we are still left with supposition and NO evidence that could possibly favour an "out of this world" explanation.

I know of no scenario that gives definitive PROOF of alien "authorship"

Yes, its a shame but its also a fact.

I think if I was the commander of an ET spaceship then I would be pretty pi**ed off if I flew billions of miles and then crashed.

Its nice to believe but sometimes its better to border more on the sceptical.

Maybe people should believe less and question more.

Just my 5 cents worth

posted on Mar, 1 2005 @ 01:27 PM

Its nice to believe but sometimes its better to border more on the sceptical.

Maybe people should believe less and question more.

Just my 5 cents worth

A respectable approach that I try to adhere to myself. Sometimes though, after a long time of such a viewpoint we can become "hardened" against even the most clear examples of possible visistation.

Not saying that's true in your case, just saying it in general.

A good example of what you've said is the Phoenix Lights incident(s). As alluded to above there were two. One that is still today unexplained and another that many persons actually saw helicopter search lights and flares drifting downward.

Now that doesn't mean that the first incident is a clear case of alien visitation however. It could have been a large-scale military op that was seen by many residents.

Always good to keep a semi-skeptical view of these things, as opposed to just blind faith.


[edit on 1-3-2005 by Xatnys]

posted on Mar, 1 2005 @ 03:25 PM
I honestly question everything before coming to a conclusion, it took me several years of looking at different websites (including this one) with photos, videos and witness statements to form an opinion on Aliens.

I don't believe the phoenix lights (The ones which were broadcast live on cnn) were flares.

posted on Mar, 1 2005 @ 03:27 PM
well sadly Deimos, it appears on this occasion that you did not question very hard.

posted on Mar, 1 2005 @ 07:39 PM

well sadly Deimos, it appears on this occasion that you did not question very hard.

Perhaps a bit harsh... By this reasoning I suppose AZ congressmen also didn't question very hard when asking for a congressional investigation of this? (they didn't get it btw).

Also, there are hundreds of witnesses whose accounts (of the 8pm sighting, not the later 10pm sighting) do not seem to match the appearance or behavior of flares.

I used to be solidly in the flare camp, but after seeing just a little more on this, I'm back to undecided before I truly delve into this case as I have some cases in the past. Once I do this, THEN I'll make up my mind, but the fact that one questions, is nice first step....

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