As a on topic/off topic to the current dialogue discussion I was thinking sometimes we should remember to go old school conspiracy theory.
This is a LONG, EPIC story starting in the 1940s, Nazi's, Commies, Illuminati, Bankers, Roswell and all that juicy stuff. It doesn't start in 2017 The
Luis, the TDL etc are really minor players and are white noise.
In conspiracies we usually:
follow the money
look for control systems
Zoom upwards and look down, who is the person that sticks out in this group when you do that?
Defense ass secretary during Bush and Clinton. He seems to have been "grandfathered in" like a royal title because of his family name. He was staff
director for intelligence for senator Rockefeller.
His family are extremely wealthy and considered to be up in the echelons of the Morgans and Rockerfellas etc, our old Illuminati crowd.
Who were his relatives?
Andrew Mellon (head of Alcoa, banker, and Secretary of Treasury), after they handed over the fed reserve to private bankers,
Mellon was in charge
of the 'golden age' of the Fed reserve AND the 1929 stock market crash that led to the Great Depression. The deliberate crashing of the
stockmarket by the bankers cabal is one of the greatest cornerstone conspiracy topics we have!
Time to go Hail Hydra. These families are all guilty in one way or another of providing finalcial support to the Nazi's or were in business dealings
with the Nazi's. I mean if you told me a Rothschild was in charge of UFO disclosure how serious would you take their agenda then?
The Nazi's are believed to have infiltrated the alphabets, it was not just the shackled boys at Project Paperclip. General Gallen Nazi' network
advising the US president is worth looking into if anyone wants to learn more.
The exotic tech search and the battle for control of the UFO file can be traced to these same old
Occultists, Nazi's or Commies , maybe he is
just carrying on the family tradition of control systems.
Professor Farrell is great fun to read, not for everyone to agree with but to understand the current state of the UFO file it's good guide on how
1. Follow the money
2. Learn your history for motive.
edit on 20-6-2019 by zazzafrazz because: (no reason given)