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The Western Version of Hikikomori

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posted on Feb, 14 2019 @ 07:08 PM
a reply to: Malak777

It is an interesting thought process. I would imagine that as technology advances enough to perform most mundane human labor, a new movement will take place. A movement to completely get away from technology and return to the land. Sturdy self constructed houses on plots of land that will allow enough food prep and growing to sustain a family for a full year. A community of those homesteads that will work together. If the emptiness continues, people will eventually turn away from technology. Some of them anyways.

I think I would take that type of living over having everything provided and being a slave to a minimum monthly wage provided by the government.

As for Hikikomori, I follow that closely. The only problem is Japanese doesn't appear to discuss their rationality in very much detail. The studies that come from the government are always suspect. Hikikomori I think is being adopted in a lot of other places now. I have been in monk mode coming up on 9 years now. When the detriments vastly outweigh the benefits, the best bet is to simply not play the game. When those detriments can ruin your life forever, I think those that don't find the risk to reward scenario very good odds and check out of the game to be the smart ones out there.

posted on Feb, 15 2019 @ 12:33 PM
a reply to: Malak777

OP I can't say that I agree with everything you said, but it's good you keep Jesus close to your heart. I seclude myself the same way. My home is a isolated fortress of comfort, and while I'm not wealthy or have a lot of nice things, I would rather keep to myself than bother with the corrupt, evil place that this world has become. I also seem to have a habit of offending everyone I meet, both in person and online.

I want to share this from the book of Revelation:

1 Then I looked, and lo, a Lamb stood on mount Zion, and with him an hundred forty and four thousand, having his Father’s Name written in their foreheads. 2 And I heard a voice from heaven as the sound of many waters, and as the sound of a great thunder: and I heard the voice of harpers, harping with their harps. 3 And they sung as it were a new song before the throne, and before the four beasts, and the Elders: and no man could learn that song, but the hundred, forty and four thousand, which were bought from the earth. 4 These are they which are not defiled with women: for they are virgins: these follow the Lamb whithersoever he goeth: these are bought from men, being the firstfruits unto God, and unto the Lamb. 5 And in their mouths was found no guile: for they are without spot before the throne of God.

"And in their mouths was found no guile"

That 144,000 will not be charismatic leaders who can sway people with their words. They speak the ugly truth of reality, what they speak will not be politically correct. What they speak will be scorned by the sheeple who speak the newspeak.

They are virgin firstborn sons. Something very unusual in traditional families, in every culture.

Everyone is a sinner, but you can be made without spot if you truly believe in Jesus. The blood of the lamb.

It's a strangely specific excerpt that would have made no sense to anyone even 50 years ago. But now with a world full of hikkikomori, I think there is an increasing number of people who would qualify to be part of that 144,000.

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