posted on Feb, 14 2019 @ 10:17 PM
originally posted by: DpatC
But Li-Fi it would temporarily stop hacking would it not?
It depends on what you mean by "stop hacking", but LiFi is based on visible light
that is stopped by walls, whereas Wifi is based on radio waves that go through many walls such as the type found in most homes.
So the person sitting in his van outside my house trying to use my Wifi might be able to do it, but the wall should be able to block him from
receiving visible light signals unless I have a window with a sight line to a LiFi visible light source.
However the walls would block people from using their own devices in their own homes too with a single LiFi source, which doesn't happen with Wifi, so
even if LiFi might prevent some types of bandwidth stealing, it seems like it would not only keep the hacker outside from getting visible light
signals, but it would stop me from getting visible light signals in other rooms in my house like I can do with radio signals from WiFi.
So it's just a different frequency of the electromagnetic spectrum but one can go through walls and the other can't.
This site doesn't suggest home use but it does suggest a meeting room environment where you can prevent visible light signals from getting outside
that room quite easily, which is a security advantage:
The overall net benefit to each user is up to 1000 times greater speeds. In addition, and in contrast to radio waves, the light does not pass
through the walls. Therefore, with minimal precautions to avoid leakage from windows, etc., security is fundamentally enhanced as compared with
A good application of LiFi might be aircraft cabins. Airlines always tell you to turn off all electronic devices at takeoff and landing to be sure
they don't interfere wirelessly with technology in the cockpit, which they might because radio waves can go through walls and get into the cockpit.
But theoretically, there should be no way for visible light from Li-Fi devices in the passenger area to interfere with the cockpit technology since
visible light can't go through the walls. So maybe you could leave Li-Fi devices on even during takeoff and landing if they had low enough emissions
in the non-visible light spectra.
edit on 2019214 by Arbitrageur because: clarification